The next Unreal engine...

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
  • Start date Start date
I dare say they have good reason to believe there is a bigger
potential market than you do, I can't imagine they went to all the
pain of writing a software renderer just to satisfy a couple of users.

So why are they planning to dump them (and a large percentage of
desktop users) in the next version?
And? Are you saying that you saw an increase in picture quality due to
hardware T&L? I'll make it even easier: are you saying you saw an increase
in picture quality? Because it's almost universally accepted that UT looks
better in Glide, for which it was optimized (you can ask in if you want to take a poll). Throwing in better
GPUs might have given you a higher framerate and/or resolution, but I said
_picture quality_, which is neither of the two.

Its not accepted by anyone who has seen UT running in OpenGL with the
hi-res textures in 32bit colour. Glide is dead.
And? Are you saying that you saw an increase in picture quality due to
hardware T&L? I'll make it even easier: are you saying you saw an increase
in picture quality? Because it's almost universally accepted that UT looks
better in Glide, for which it was optimized (you can ask in

UT looks just as good on my GF3~4 and ATI9800 card(s) as on my
original Voodoo3. There used to be a good site with some screen shots
and how to do this. if you want to take a poll). Throwing in better
GPUs might have given you a higher framerate and/or resolution, but I said
_picture quality_, which is neither of the two.

1 - optionally, use OpenGL instead of DX (but I prefer to use DX)

2 - On some map designs (like face) the WORLD was broken up into
slices. On my first TNT2 card, that error went away.... but so did
the nice SURFACE textures when you got up close and personal.

3 - With a GF3 or ATI8500 or better, you need to change the DX
settings to match the Glide settings to turn on features... even some
not supported by Voodoo.

This DOES WORK! For years, UT didnt look as good on my TNT-Gf2 cards
(like I said, some things were better, but I wanted the FPS) - then I
tinkered with the INI file... and since then, my UT Classics LOOKS
EXACTLY like the Voodoo GLIDE.

4 - Ive retired UT, I play UT2004.

5 - Lets see... stick with a voodoo card, play 1 old game... upgrade
to a modern card, play all kinds of new games.... like UT2004... which
UT-Classic WILL NEVER EVER come close to! (I have over 800 UT maps).

Feel free to post my thoughts on that on the UT newsgroup :) I may
do so if I hace time. Is that thread active?

Heres the INI changes:

Step One:
Open Windows Explorer and locate your UT directory (I never install
games on a C: partition, when reinstalling Windows, if you games are
on D, they will survive - well, most of them - nothing from M$ of
course, cause they have retarded programmers)


Locate the INI file called:

UNREALTOURNAMENT.ini (you may NOT see the .ini) but it will be called

It is easier to locate if you VIEW by DETAILS (I always do) and click
on MODIFIED TAB at the top of the right window. CLick it till the
NEWEST dates are at the top. The UNREALTOURNAMENT.INI file will be the
top 5 files.

Step Two:
Click on it (or double click) - it will open in NOTEPAD.

You can visually LOOK for the settings we're interested in, or do a
FIND on the key commands. The examples below, if they are in yellow,
use that part to SEARCH for the command. The BOLD text is the changed

Step Three: (changes)
Locate the D3D settings, the section is titled:

PurgeCacheDays=30 (change to 90/ 120 whatver) so you can decided to
save the maps with UT Cache Cleaner.

DetailTextures=False (Change to TRUE)
VolumetricLighting=False (Change to TRUE)
Use32BitZBuffer=False (Change to TRUE)
UseVertexFog=False (Change to TRUE)

The 32bit is optional for those with fast cards (GF4/9600)

Those 4 simple things will make all the differnce in the world!

The very cool map, SKYDAMAGE is a good example, man it looked like
CRAP on my TNT and GF2 card... the shock to get it to LOOK the way it
was MEANT TO BE PLAYED again ;)
Its not accepted by anyone who has seen UT running in OpenGL with the
hi-res textures in 32bit colour. Glide is dead.

YEP... GLIDE rocks... but its dead.... AMIGA is dead... same
thing... very sweet when they were around.
And nobody said otherwise! But at the same time, that doesn't mean that Epic
and Mr. Sweeney are gunning for the average system, if you care to get back
to that point.

Gotta push the envelope...

Ricardo Delazy
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Bottom line: If the game is going to run like crap on a low end system,
why support that system?

How many sales are you going to make to people with low end systems when
the game runs badly?
How much did it cost in extra development time?
How much is it costing for tech support?
How much "bad advertising" are you suffering from people who are having
a horrible game experience on their low end system and are telling their
friends and posting on your web forums?

Are you ever going to make enough sales to the low end to make back your

Why would it be crap exactly?
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