donutbandit typed:
From the people running older OS'es and when they go to windowsupdate, they
get page not found...
Stay patched? You GOTTA be kidding! Yesterday i installed all available
patches for XP I thought i'llgive them a try after appr. 6 months. Luckily i
made my image before i did so stupid thing... One of things was OE was in
English instead in my local language...
Open to attacks? Naaaa...i run Norton NIS, the best security system
available, remember?
Oh, and i used to be connected via router, it's just right now it hangs evey
few days, so i must take it back to service...
I play my music the way i want to (that is in my CD player mostly) and when
Longhorn comes out, sure, i'll get it (if it will be better than XP) and
along with it also any crack which will break it's permissions...
Remember---what a man can make, a man can break... See what happened with
their famous activation? all you need is a simple DOS based proggy, which
every day resets installation day counter...etc...
Why you don't run Linux, anyway? (just curious...)
Just WHERE do you get your information from?
From the people running older OS'es and when they go to windowsupdate, they
get page not found...
Win ME is supported for the foreseeable future, at least until 2006,
like 98 is. All the bugs and exploits are worked out of them, unlike
the ongoing cavalcade of XP issues. I was immune to all the worms
that wreaked havoc last year. XP systems were going down by the
millions. And the worst ain't even happened yet.
There is no need for me to patch my system, or even worry about it
being exploited.
Run XP if you want. Make sure you stay patched. I see you are using
Outlook Express - I guess you enjoy opening up your system to every
worm and virus that comes along. I guess you don't care that you
can't change your software or hardware, or play music without getting
Uncle Billy's permission. You'll probably be first in line to buy
Longhorn when (or if) it ever comes out, so that you can tie yourself
even more tightly to Uncle Bill's coattails.
Stay patched? You GOTTA be kidding! Yesterday i installed all available
patches for XP I thought i'llgive them a try after appr. 6 months. Luckily i
made my image before i did so stupid thing... One of things was OE was in
English instead in my local language...
Open to attacks? Naaaa...i run Norton NIS, the best security system
available, remember?

Oh, and i used to be connected via router, it's just right now it hangs evey
few days, so i must take it back to service...
I play my music the way i want to (that is in my CD player mostly) and when
Longhorn comes out, sure, i'll get it (if it will be better than XP) and
along with it also any crack which will break it's permissions...
Remember---what a man can make, a man can break... See what happened with
their famous activation? all you need is a simple DOS based proggy, which
every day resets installation day counter...etc...
Why you don't run Linux, anyway? (just curious...)