Team Stat Signature Banners

V_R I notice that the sigs seem quite slow to upload, probably due to the re-direct - would it be a good idea to do them directly from the new site?
Must admit, i aint been online much this weekend so i'll take your word for it.

If you think it'll make the difference then i can no worries. :thumb:
Is anyone else having problems with the banners being displayed?

Sometimes i see them and sometimes i dont......

Yep - me too, and they're often very slow to load - not sure his new hosting site is that great to be honest :(
Yeah they do seem to load a lot quicker dont they, Good stuff! :thumb:
:thumb: V_R
I just joined this team and it would be greatly appreciated if you could code me a blue banner for my post? Whenever you have the time and thanks again in advance.:thumb:
Hey Marty! :)

Here you go mate.


Please see the 1st post in this thread for details on how to add the banner to your sig if you are unsure.

If you get stuck i can add it to you sig for you, just let me know. :thumb:
Hey Chris Imrie,

My appologies, I just noticed that i never did you a banner for your new user name. So if you wish to use it here you go.:)


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Thanks, never really used them but most likely will add it at some point this week when i update my machine specs in the sig.
Tis up to you mate, i dont mind either way. Its just i noticed i forgot to do it before, sorry again. :)
Hellooo V_R,:wave: could I apply for one of your nice blue banners please? Only when you get time, of course, no hurry:nod: Thank you in advance.

Taffycat :D
TC, I'm sure V_R will oblige, but they ain't working for the moment, we have had 'problems' in the past also. This is not the fault of V_R but the Host used by the stats.

You may want to have a look Here for an alternative ... not as 'pretty' as V_R's creations, but at least they work. :thumb:

Gosh I wasn't expecting such a quick reply, thank you Mucks:thumb: I really don't mind waiting until things are sorted though:nod: and the Maestro (aka V_R) is able to work his magic:)

It's more of a desire to "advertise" really ;) since I began crunching I find that I want to try and spread the word a wee bit :nod:(even to complete strangers in the dentist's waiting room!) It just seems to be such a good and practical way of helping, doesn't it? :D
Yep, just had a quick look and it seems the sites down..... :(

Will look into it later when i get a chance.

As mucks posted, check out they do the top banner in my sig. If you get stuck start a new thread and someone will help you out. :thumb:
V_R, sorry to hear about the problems, but thank you for replying:) I'll take a look at the dcstat link that you and Mucks have mentioned and see what havoc I can wreak :lol: Just kidding:D