Team Stat Signature Banners

muckshifter said:
We'll just have to get Ian working ... and see if we cant do our own ... you already have the picture all we need is the data feed from WCG :)

Thats what I was thinking Mucks - maybe Ian can be persuaded.....:)
muckshifter said:
We'll just have to get Ian working ... and see if we cant do our own ... you already have the picture all we need is the data feed from WCG :)


I haven't seen whats happened yet? (guess I'll see when I see my sig after posting this!) I'm not sure on how to generate an image, however I think I can get the number of points for a user into the profile on the left of every post... I will try and finish what I'm working on this weekend, as I'm sure it is possible :D
Ah, yes - that means that the host has stopped people from linking directly to images from the server without accessing it from a webpage. Many sites leech bandwith by posting images all over the place, so it might have been to stop that.

How were the images created?

Not good, The site works but not the banners......


I'm going back to the pub....
Yeah they've put leech protection on i guess, how bloody stupid though, their generating Statistic Banners... how else are you meant to display them?!?

It's obvious that your going to need to externally link to them for it to display, sometimes i wonder if these guys have a working brain ;)
ChrisIMRIE said:
Yeah they've put leech protection on i guess, how bloody stupid though, their generating Statistic Banners... how else are you meant to display them?!?

It's obvious that your going to need to externally link to them for it to display, sometimes i wonder if these guys have a working brain ;)
From what I've read over at WCG, is just a webhosting site, the actual stat generator was created by someone called 'borni' - maybe he hasn't paid his bill!! :rolleyes:
No it wont be billing, it'll just be the webmaster or server admin has enabled Leech Protection.

I have the same button on my server, stops anyone linking to content on my site, however it's pretty restrictive, so i never use it myself.
I've added a new field to the user profile page:

It allows you to add in your WCG username, and hopefully this weekend it will mean I can enable some stats software on this server to get round the image leeching problem :) I will make a proper thread once it is working, but if anyone wants to enter it now they can do (although it won't work till I've coded it properly).
Nice one mucks, was just gonna try and sort this. :thumb:
V_R said:
Nice one mucks, was just gonna sort this. :thumb:
Been sneaking a peak every five mins, seen they were working again and re-did all the links ... sad ain't I.

Not at all, i was kinda doing the same..... :o

I have to do a bit of reading on how banners are put up in sigs :(
Quadophile said:
I have to do a bit of reading on how banners are put up in sigs :(
ah, that's V_R's job ('cos I have no idea how he gets the #s on the pic) ... he'll get you a url and you just stick it in your sig. :thumb:

Ah, sorry Quad, i'll do it in a bit and put it in this thread. :thumb:

I'll let you know when i've done it. :)
Ok, we got a problem. :(

I got Quads banner set up all good picked the background, and nothing. I tried all the others and it seems i can use any except the PCR ones! :mad:

Worse still, i cant upload it again or upload a new one. :mad:

Any ideas? :(

EDIT: I posted on te WCG Forums, maybe they'll be able to help.
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V_R said:
Ok, we got a problem. :(

I got Quads banner set up all good picked the background, and nothing. I tried all the others and it seems i can use any except the PCR ones! :mad:

Worse still, i cant upload it again or upload a new one. :mad:

Any ideas? :(

EDIT: I posted on te WCG Forums, maybe they'll be able to help.
ah now then, bugger ... I don't think WCG will help either, it is nothing to do with them, it be that Borg bloke (whatever his name is) ... he did say he had to change things to work with the new host, maybe that was one. :(

Push comes to shove, Quad will have to endure one of the old banners. :eek:

Did Ian or Chris get any further with our own renditions? :)