Stand Alone EXE

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Pendrey
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Jon Skeet said:
Absolutely. So where exactly does the following paragraph written by
you come into the equation?

Financial constraints are eliminated (from the software's end-user
standpoint) because they don't need to upgrade their OS to use your
Thinstall applications.

I didn;t mean upgrade to another OS. I meant the costs associated with
upgrading the OS with the .Net framework. For most business users, they
have to get sys admins involved and there can be a legitimate expense in
upgrading and testing all systems to use a new application framework or

No - but then I wasn't the one posting an article about how loads of
companies still use Windows 95. Was there a point to posting that

To show that you can't depend on users to be on the latest OS with .Net
built in. It just won't happen.

Jim Hubbard
Jon Skeet said:
You've most definitely mis-read my posts if you think I'm not
interested in trying it. Unfortunately, without using my work email
address, I *can't* try it.

Your phone works, right? Call them. They are nice people, they'll work
with you.

BTW, why can't you use your work email?
You recommend it for invalid reasons, such as meaning that people won't
need to upgrade their OS to use an application.

Please wait for clarification of something I said when you don't understand
it. "Upgrading" your operating system doesn't changing to the next higher
OS. Upgrading an operating system can simply be the addition of code to
allow new functionality like adding the.Net framework (1 or all 3 of them).
You later admitted that
if an application is going to work under Thinstall on a particular OS,
it would have to be able to work on that OS without Thinstall too.

This was always the case. I never said otherwise. I was not clear in one
of my posts to you concerning win95 and the .Net framework - however, I have
replied to that post in the correct portion of this thread.
You not only recommend Thinstall though - you spread FUD about .NET,
with posts like the one about the KB list. It's not like .NET is the
only product to have a list of problems/fixes.

Pointing out obvious flaws is not spreading FUD. It's called pointing out
obvious flaws to make a point.

FUD (and terms like it) are typically used by language evangelicals to
attack anyone that points out flaws in their chosen langiage or platform.
Let's try and not get into a jihad over it, OK?

Since I am recommending Thinstall, people want to know why. The 1,596 (and
growing) errors in the .Net frameworks are a big reason why I use and
recomend Thinstall.

..Net is certainly not the only product to have a list of problems and fixes.
And, Thinstall is not a .Net only application. It works just as well with
C++, Delphi and a list of other languages - all of which have their own good
and bad points.

As this is the microsoft.public.dotnet.general newsgroup, I felt it
necessary to restrict my comments to the languages and potential helpful
applications (like Thinstall) pertinent to this newsgroup. Hope that 's OK
with you.
Do you think the
knowledge bases for the various versions of Windows themselves are

Do you know every single issue raised about every version of
Windows your apps support?

Most of them. We support a limited set of OSs just for that reason. For
instance, my company does not write applications for specific use on NT,
2000 or Win98. We do test Thinstall wrapped apps on those OSs if we haven't
used OS-specific calls that would invalidate our software on them. If those
tests work out - we mark our app as tested for use with those OSs.
As I've said before, I'd like to test the product. I'm interested in it
as a technology, even though I don't currently have a commercial reason
to use it. Jitit don't want me to test it though. Shame, really. It
doesn't exactly give me a warm, fuzzy feeling about them.

JIT doesn't normally get involved with people that aren't serious about
purchasing the application. I can't say that I blame them.

Jim Hubbard has happened.

Typically a thread runs for a while with people actually interested in the
topic and a lot of good questions and answer posts are made....then the
discussion will degrade into a jihad of ideologies that in no way represent
the original intent of the thread.

IMHO this is now happening in this thread - so I am out.

In leaving, let me suggest that you get in touch with JIT at if you are really interested in trying out Thinstall.
Although it ain't much, Jonathan will give you at least a 5% discount if you
tell them I sent you.

I tried Thinstall. I loved it. I bought it and will continue to use it in
my distribution of .Net, Visual Basic 6 and C++ applications. I recommend
that you look into it if you distribute software to the masses in your job.

Thinstall is not for everybody. It is more appropriate for professional
developers and those that make a living selling software or supporting a
large company infrastructure.

Thanks for the honest questions and opinions of Thinstall. I'll pass them
along to Jonathan and the JIT team.

I wish you all smooth installs and stable systems - no matter what
distribution method you choose.

Jim Hubbard - Hubbard Software

Why are your messages forever completely fulfilled with this kind of
sentences in it.
Thinstall is not for everybody. It is more appropriate for professional
developers and those that make a living selling software or supporting a
large company infrastructure.

What do you mean with that. What persons are excluded in your message and
what can we do with Thininstall when we are in the category "and those that
make a living selling software or supporting large company infrastructures".

In addition please not a kind of message in return, "When you don't see that
you are an amateur", however arguments.

I see in your message a kind of denying that it is good for shareware and
those professionals are in my opinion the only ones who are on your side.

Cor Ligthert said:

Why are your messages forever completely fulfilled with this kind of
sentences in it.

What do you mean with that. What persons are excluded in your message and
what can we do with Thininstall when we are in the category "and those
that make a living selling software or supporting large company

I mean that Thinstall, because of the price, is probably not worth it if you
develop freeware or if your software is of limited distribution. Only you
can tell if your current software sales will justify the purchase.

Almost any Windows application distribution can benefit from Thinstall.
Whether it is financiall beneficial is a call for each developer.

Jim Hubbard
I mean that Thinstall, because of the price, is probably not worth it if
you develop freeware or if your software is of limited distribution. Only
you can tell if your current software sales will justify the purchase.

Almost any Windows application distribution can benefit from Thinstall.
Whether it is financiall beneficial is a call for each developer.

We disagree with the last sentence (with what nothing is wrong, future will
learn), however now it is clear for me what you mean.

Jim Hubbard said:
Is Delphi planning on continuing as is or is it going to be sucked into
the .Net vacuum as well?

Delphi still supports creating Win32 applications. .NET is "optional"...
Jim Hubbard said:
You, an MVP, are honestly asking me to explain Microsoft's actions?

I'm suggesting that if MS haven't given their blessing to it, it's not
such a legally clear-cut case as you seem to think it is.
To me, this is further proof that you are not really interested in
Thinstall. It seem to me that you are interested only in asking rhetorical
or argumentative questions.

Please stick to asking questions that a USER of Thinstall (that's me) would
be able to answer.

It was indeed a rhetorical question, but one to make what I still think
is a valid point.
Have you called them? Try that. Then get back to me.

I'm not going to make a call to a US company from the UK - and I
shouldn't have to. Pretty much every product I want to evaluate for
free, I can do so. Why is Thinstall stopping me?
Then don't use it. Gamble on their not having "fixes" in that will break
your code or that tthey will not install them in the future or that they
have admin rights to install and run your app or that another app won't
overwrite the DLLs you may want to register and use in your .Net

While you gamble with Thinstall not having any bugs which may bite you
later, and that Jitit will continue to exist. Thinstall isn't magically
removing all problems - just changing them.
You seem happy with what you have. I say stick with it.

And I will - but I'd still like to investigate Thinstall, as I've said
Maybe you should not use Thinstall.

Indeed. Shame I can't even evaluate it though...
I'd like to see that. Please post the link.


See the "Disadvantages" section.
Nothing I can do. Talk to JIT.

I'm not suggesting there's anything you can do other than accepting
that it *is* a problem for
Have you called them?

I don't need to - they've already been discouraging on their web site.
I'm sure if I pester them I could evaluate it, but the attitude they're
displaying on my website doesn't help them at all.
Not neccesrily. Thinstall includes the ability to check for and use the
local .Net framework (if you trust it), to assist the user in downloading
the framework if it isn't there or to include it all in your Thinstall EXE.

So either you have to support both the normally installed framework
version *and* the "link in" version (doubling testing) or you get rid
of a lot of the point of using Thinstall in the first place (for many
Call them.

I'm not going to waste money on international phone calls just because
their website deems me to be a timewaster. I *might* register with my
work email address, but it's all a hassle that puts them in a bad
light, frankly.
Let us know.

Will do. (I'll let Jitit know as well - they may be able to make it
Yes. It does seem that if you start a virtual machine before running an app
there may be added time to the process.

Yup - and it's good to see that's acknowledged.
Not really. Call them and get a demo.

Well, I was going by posts on the forums, partly. The page about
debugging under Visual Studio also sounded a bit of a pain. Nothing to
write home about, but harder than if you're not using Thinstall to
start with.
And if Microsoft decides to trash .Net for .Whatever you're toast.

Yes, but that failure point *still* exists if you're using Thinstall to
run a .NET program.
With Avalon, it will ONLY run on Longhorn. have fun with that.

Maybe you missed Microsoft's recent announcement about backporting
Avalon to XP.
Jim Hubbard said:
I didn;t mean upgrade to another OS. I meant the costs associated with
upgrading the OS with the .Net framework.

Ah. In that case there's no straight financial implication, because the
framework is free.
For most business users, they
have to get sys admins involved and there can be a legitimate expense in
upgrading and testing all systems to use a new application framework or

That's the administrative side of things, yes - but you also referred
to a separate financial side.

I suspect I wasn't the only one to think that you meant upgrading to a
new OS...
To show that you can't depend on users to be on the latest OS with .Net
built in. It just won't happen.

And that's why you can easily get the .NET framework installed for
Jim Hubbard said:
Your phone works, right? Call them. They are nice people, they'll work
with you.

I've never had to pay costs, even a phone call, to evaluate other
products - why should Thinstall be any different? Why do they have to
turn away people who just want to try it?

(I've just seen on their website that they have a UK office, so I take
back the previous comment about the phone call being international.
Whether the UK office would be able or willing to sort me out with an
eval copy, I don't know.)
BTW, why can't you use your work email?

a) It's the weekend. I have some free time today, I'd like to download
it today. I don't have access to my work email from home.

b) It's not strictly to do with work, which is what my work email is
meant to be for.

c) I really don't see why I should have to. There's a point of
principle here. If Jitit don't think that as a developer who is not
only a professional, but is interested in technology outside his work,
I'm worth even giving an evaluation copy to, I'm less than impressed. I
could quite understand them giving the evaluation with no support to
those who are just evaluating it from an interested perspective, but
flatly discouraging people like myself leaves a nasty taste in the
Please wait for clarification of something I said when you don't understand
it. "Upgrading" your operating system doesn't changing to the next higher
OS. Upgrading an operating system can simply be the addition of code to
allow new functionality like adding the.Net framework (1 or all 3 of them).

Given that you talked about financial costs (separate to administrative
costs), and that it was a post in relation to Longhorn, I'm sure I'm
not the only one to interpret your post as talking about upgrading to a
new operating system.
This was always the case. I never said otherwise. I was not clear in one
of my posts to you concerning win95 and the .Net framework - however, I have
replied to that post in the correct portion of this thread.

Pointing out obvious flaws is not spreading FUD. It's called pointing out
obvious flaws to make a point.

And when you start a new thread on a .NET newsgroup *just* to point out
that there are problems in the framework (like that's not going to
happen with every framework available - I notice you omitted the fact
that kbalertz shows about as many problems for VB6, by the way), it
counts as FUD to me. Statements like:

Looking at all of the errors and quirks sometimes makes me wonder if
this thing is really ready for prime time.

without reference to the fact that there are the same kind of problems
in other environments doesn't make you look like you're trying to give
a balanced viewpoint. Instead, you're coming over as someone who is
griping about .NET really because of the way that the VB->VB.NET
migration has been handled, rather than because of problems inherent to
..NET. Now, that may well not be an accurate appraisal of how you
actually feel, but it's the way you're coming across to me.

People who start threads in newsgroups just to try to put people off
the topic of those newsgroups are rarely seen to come from an unbiased

Imagine someone had made a post like yours in the VB newsgroup - how do
you think people would have reacted?
FUD (and terms like it) are typically used by language evangelicals to
attack anyone that points out flaws in their chosen langiage or platform.
Let's try and not get into a jihad over it, OK?

I'm not the one who's been evangelising on this thread - and I'm quite
happy to accept flaws in the framework and languages. Indeed, I've been
very ready to point them out.
Since I am recommending Thinstall, people want to know why. The 1,596 (and
growing) errors in the .Net frameworks are a big reason why I use and
recomend Thinstall.

Out of interest, how many of those errors do you think affect more than
a handful of people? (Not that they're all errors, of course - some are
just announcing the availability of other hotfixes which are already

I accept it's a reasonable reason to use Thinstall in certain
situations. I don't accept it as a reasonable reason not to use .NET in
the first place.
.Net is certainly not the only product to have a list of problems and fixes.
And, Thinstall is not a .Net only application. It works just as well with
C++, Delphi and a list of other languages - all of which have their own good
and bad points.

As this is the microsoft.public.dotnet.general newsgroup, I felt it
necessary to restrict my comments to the languages and potential helpful
applications (like Thinstall) pertinent to this newsgroup. Hope that 's OK
with you.

When you say that developing in .NET is basically a bad idea, you
should provide the comparitive context, however.

Not sure what your question means here.
Most of them. We support a limited set of OSs just for that reason. For
instance, my company does not write applications for specific use on NT,
2000 or Win98. We do test Thinstall wrapped apps on those OSs if we haven't
used OS-specific calls that would invalidate our software on them. If those
tests work out - we mark our app as tested for use with those OSs.

You've really read most of the KB articles available about Windows? I'm
impressed - I've always got the impression that there are far too many
to keep up with. Most of
JIT doesn't normally get involved with people that aren't serious about
purchasing the application. I can't say that I blame them.

There are plenty of people who can influence purchasing decisions
without being direct purchasers, however. If I were able to evaluate
Thinstall, I would have a better idea of its technical abilities and
could potentially recommend it to other people. If the need ever *did*
arise where Thinstall could be useful, I'd have a much better
impression of the company than I do now, so would be more likely to
look closely at it.
Hi Jim,
I found the thread to be very informative and thought provoking.
Thanks all who did participate.

One last thought...wouldn't it be valuable for Jonathan to come on
this NG and discuss his product and answer questions? I, for one,
would not consider that unwanted promotion but rather providing an
insider view of this type of new they really intended it to
be used/what market they were addressing/answers to many of the
unanswered questions of "why" and "how". If it were my company and I
saw so much interest, I would definetly jump into the fray with my

Just a thought....


Your always talking about how great their support is. I emailed them
through their website asking about pricing info. That was on Friday
morning. Haven't heard anything. Problems?

J L said:
Hi Jim,
I found the thread to be very informative and thought provoking.
Thanks all who did participate.

One last thought...wouldn't it be valuable for Jonathan to come on
this NG and discuss his product and answer questions? I, for one,
would not consider that unwanted promotion but rather providing an
insider view of this type of new they really intended it to
be used/what market they were addressing/answers to many of the
unanswered questions of "why" and "how". If it were my company and I
saw so much interest, I would definetly jump into the fray with my

Just a thought....


I'll definitely pass it along. Although, as a business, he may not want to
risk incurring the wrath of those self-appointed newsgroup police that may
consider it a breach of Usenet protocol to discuss your product in a
non-commercial newsgroup.

I think it'd be a great idea myself. He could definitely give you more
definitive answers about some of the questions raised here than I can.

I am still learning about all that is possible with Thinstall. Hopefully, I
can answer some of those questions better myself in the near future.

Thanks for your post and thanks for participating in the thread.

Jim Hubbard - Hubbard Software
Jim Hubbard said:
I'll definitely pass it along. Although, as a business, he may not want to
risk incurring the wrath of those self-appointed newsgroup police that may
consider it a breach of Usenet protocol to discuss your product in a
non-commercial newsgroup.

I think it would be reasonable given that there's already been
discussion here. It's not like he'd be coming to advertise out of the
blue, is it? I see the risk though.
I think it'd be a great idea myself. He could definitely give you
more definitive answers about some of the questions raised here than
I can.

I am still learning about all that is possible with Thinstall.
Hopefully, I can answer some of those questions better myself in the
near future.

I still haven't been able to get an eval copy, and it looks like I
really won't be able to without specifying my real company information,
which I'm loathe to do.

In the interests of following up the security angle, is there any
chance you could mail me (or make available on a website) a "hello
world" Thinstall-ed .NET application, preferably including a class
which isn't referenced (to see if I can "find" it)?
Your always talking about how great their support is. I emailed them
through their website asking about pricing info. That was on Friday
morning. Haven't heard anything. Problems?

I signed up for an eval version and did get a reply back over the weekend.
But to be honest, I'd be laughed at if I suggested we spend $4k on a single
software package that doesn't actually do anything that we can't already do
albeit not as easily.

Ok Rob. Sure thing. What do I need an adapter, a different antenna for
my cell phone? Can I pick those up at Radio Shack or Target?

Dunno but mobile phones is at least one area where ROTW got it right, well
maybe not right, but better :-) It was a jibe!

Cheers, Rob.
It does run on Win95A+. It does so by basically creating a virtual
machine that your original exe and dependencies run in. Since your
application is running in a virtual machine (with a virtual registry) you
actually don't alter the core OS at all.

Ahh, I'm beginning to understand what thinstall is now if it's all about
virtual machines. How does it handle the hardware?
Like I said, Thinstall is not for everyone. But, professional developers
will see the value of Thinstall very quickly.

I doubt it I'm afraid. Good developers should never believe in the silver

But if they can sell for that price, then go for it. It's a free market.

Jim Hubbard wrote:

you really should try Thinstall (or any
application) before you pass judgement.

I (and I'm sure many others) would very much like to try it.

But not fs that needs an upfront payment of US $4000 !!!

Rob Nicholson said:
I thought it was a virtual machine?

I don't think it really is, from what I've read - at least, not to the
extent that a JVM or CLR is. It looks to me like it's really the
virtual file system and virtual registry which forms the basis of it -
it's as if it takes over certain Win32 functions and redirects them to
the appropriate bit of the original exe (decrypting as it goes) or
going to the in-memory registry. Presumably it also lets you go to the
real registry or file system as well (otherwise you couldn't use it for
anything which would have to save or load real files!).

That's just my current understanding though.