So I spoke to Zen again this morning....
Simple answer is it looks like I'm stuck with it. If there is a fault on the line its intermittent and will be a **** to find never mind prove to OR it needs fixing. That and the fact that I'm still within the acceptable range (above 59Mb) means I'm out of luck basically.
The 14 days cooling off period starts on the day I order the service which means the same 14 days it takes to activate are the same 14 days you get to change your mind. Ergo once the service is live its too late. That seems like a retarded way to do it to me....
So obviously I'll stay with Zen now. Would I have gone back to PN? I'm honestly not sure. They have their own issues as it is and it would be yet more faff - of which I've about had enough of tbh.. At least with Zen I can get through to them in about half the time as it took with PN, whether that's worth £12 a month more is another matter though..
On that subject I've spoken to three different people at Zen now, the first one was useless, the second one was better and this one today wasn't bad. To be honest they don't seem any better or worse than the guys at PN as I've not had any issues with them either, Zen are just easier to get thought to.
So there we have it. Much fun eh?
Oh and I've gone back to my HG612 and Asus N66U as the TP-Link VR600 seems to be dropping the connection more than it should be which I doubt is helping. I'll miss being able to see the line stats, but the Asus is so much better in every other way, more so with the Merlin FW. So that will be going back too.
Might look into unlocking the Huawei modem again.
Pretty sure Amazon is going to ban me soon, the amount of stuff I've ordered and returned recently is bordering on ridiculous!