Well, long story short something is slowing me down and I've pretty much ruled out everything bar their network itself.
Its like something is capping my download to 'only' 68Mb. I know it doesn't sound like much of an issue/first world problems etc, but I've always had max sync, I'm only 150m from the cab and my IP Profile has always been >75Mb.
They said there is an issue with my line, then there isn't, then there is again. OR says the line is fine... Etc. :/
Then everytime I need/want to talk to them I have to sit in a queue for at least 15 mins, you can double that in the evening.
The connections still rock solid, Huawei cab, low pings, no internleaving, no disconnects etc. If I reboot everything I get put on a new PN gateway and my speeds will be slightly better/worse but still not as fast as it should be seems to be anywhere around the 66-69Mb mark. Still with an IP profile of ~75Mb and PN telling me I'm synced at 75Mb.
I think I've run out of options now.... One thing left to try is I've just got a new
TP-LINK TD-W9980 VDSL2 Modem Router from Amazon so I can 100% rule out my Huawei HG612 + Asus RT-N66U.
Thing is you only have to go on TBB, PN's forums etc to see I'm not the only one having these issues.... I think the Plusnet boat has sailed......
If you can think of anything I might have missed let me know!
Also, couple of questions for you, or any other Zen users...
1. What router are you using now, the
ZyXel one they send you or your own?
2. Whats the control panel like? Can you see details of your connection etc?