OK, just posted this in the staf room at BBF, pretty much sums everything up.
I just hope the PCR censor thingie works....
If it doesn't, I'll edit
Phil, guys, thank you
Tomorrow, it starts, sort of.
I wasn't due to go into ward until 6pm but they couldn't schedule this nuclear medicine blood test thingie until tomorrow so I go in at 11am.
Then they inject me with radioactive ****, I wait four hours and they blood test me. Then, depending on results, they blood test me again after another hour or so.
I think the idea is to see how I react to radiation before they commence radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Then on Tuesday evening they make sure I have nil by mouth ready for op on Wednesday.
Local anasthetic to tum, deep sedative, feeding tube inserted into tum via mouth, drill hole in stomach wall, pull tube out.
This is so depressing, so demeaning, so moral busting, it's ****.
But I guess it makes sense. I am way way scared.
Then, hopefully, if all is ok, I go home Thursday afternoon.
Worked today, started a job, had to pay a friend to do my work for next 3 days then hopefully, I'll finish job on Friday, taking care of the finer points. I cannot believe this, I've never had so much work for ages, we be busy, and I'm ****ed up.
There's a new sports complex, another job, supposed to be opening in two weeks, I'm putting in PA system, part of which involves a 250 metre cable run, we haven't even started it yet.
I just hope my work partner and young Baz can sort it out. Maybe I'll be ok to work, I don't know.
Monday, into chemotherapy dept., 9am, they'll hook me up to a bag of radioactive crap, Cysplatin, and we'll see how I react. If I lose my hearing I swear I'l top my ****ing self. Losing my taste I can just about to come to terms with but no music I could not handle. I'm ****ing close to thinking that way anyway, seriously.
Chemo finishes 3pm, I wait, radiotherapy prep at 5.15pm, get zapped with radiation at 5.45pm, then get train home, it'll be rush hour time. I may just go for a walk around the West End to waste a couple of hours, trains less full then.
During Chemo, they'll be observing me to see if I **** up in any way. They'll pump me full of painkillers if need be, stuff to combat nausea and fill me with lots of saline drips, liquids, and diuretics to flush the water through. This cleans the radioactive **** and dead cancer cells through my kidneys.
Oh, fun fun fun.
And then after two weeks of being beamed at, the real bad **** will start to kick in, sore throat, scabby gums and all.
Roll on February 1st.
Anyway guys, in short, I won't be here for a few days.
Thanks for letting me rant
PS: I do have my iPod to while the time away. I have 8 new movies on it, untold music and three games, plus a mains adaptor. I also got a couple of books