john p.
Thanks John. I've always been puzzled why people ask for messages to be
reposted. I figure...why don't they just re-download the missing thread?
While I knew OE didn't have that capability, I had assumed major news
readers like Agent would. So this clears things up. We'll just have to
repost for people who aren't using Xnews. Though I'd like to think some of
the other news readers - like Super Gravity or Dialog - have this feature.
Maybe somebody reading this will respond...
Assuming your news server has decent retention, you can ask Agent to
"Sample Headers From Selected Groups". You then specify the number of
headers to retrieve, or the number of past days for which you want the
headers. Agent will then get the headers, even if it has previously
marked them as read. The problem is that you get *all* headers, not
just the thread you are interested in. In a busy group, even if you
only ask for the past three or four days, you can get thousands of
headers to wade through, most of which you have already seen. On the
other hand, if you limit the number to, say, 500 headers, you take the
chance that you will miss some that you want. Not a great workaround,