Sick of this election already?

Voting won't change anything!

All the partys and there politicians are rotten to the core, they are all only after one thing and that is to line there own pockets and to garner as many material things as is possible while they are serving there short terms in office..

The recent expenses and property scams involving hundreds of mp's bear me out on this one, and its been going on for years..Anyone who thinks any different is either very naive or very inexperienced!

I will not be voting another corrupt government into power, last time there was a change from Conservative to labour, Labour said how they would change the face of politics and bring the country back to Greatness again, nothing changed from when the Conservatives were in before that, like has already been said in this thread its all just a smokescreen to make it look like things are gonna be better than the previous government, when in reality nothing will change!
floppybootstomp said:
Likely result of his speech is that every voter who has concerns over immigration - which is probably about 75% of the electorate - now believes Mr Brown considers them bigots.

Labour have always said that anyone who talks about immigration is a racist. It has simply been a way of deflecting all the concern about their non-existent policy on the subject. I don't think we'll ever know how many immigrants, legal and illegal, there are in this country.
My great great grandfather came to Liverpool from County Wicklow around 1863 and joined the British navy cos there was no spuds where he lived. He subsequently settled on Merseyside and started a family which led to me.

Does that make me an immigrant? ;)

Tricky subject, immigration, oppose it and the far left will brand you racist, accept it and as far as they are concerned to the far right you're a commie and anti-British.

Myself, I'm happy and comfortable with waves of immigration that have settled here, such as the migration for lots of West Indians in the fifties, but I'm aware of the situation and think it's time we put a limit to immigration. I often wonder why illegal immigrants travel through about five countries to make their way here when they could have settled in any of the ones they travelled through. It's because we're an easy touch, we're soft.

And then there's the Extreme Islam threat to consider.

Good grief, I sound like a Daily Mail editorial, which is not me at all.

My political stance, if pushed, is left of centre, I care about people but I want the right to earn pots of money if the mood takes me.

Which is why I think if asked for a choice of who to vote for, at the moment I will tick the box marked 'none of the above'.

Politics, religion, immigration - all are sensitive subjects but I believe we can discuss some issues without resorting to crass streams of hateful bile, but we best tread careful ;)
You're right. The vast majority of the population descend from immigrants - the Angles, The Saxons, the Vikings, lots of French after 1066 and lots of Irish too.

My great grandmother came over from Ireland and here I am. :)

In general it has been a good thing, giving great diversity to this country. But I do think that there should be strict limits for a while because the country just can't carry on supporting such a growing population at present.

There, I've said it. So I must be a racist. :D
Makes me a racist to then Niv!

Copper stopped me one day on me motorbike, said are you a racist sonny, I said no officer I just like goin fast! :D
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crazylegs said:
Makes me a racist to then Niv!

Copper stopped me one day on me motorbike, said are you a racist sonny, I said no officer I just like goin fast! :D

A little off topic but I used to work with this guy named Jimmy who DJ'ed at Fulham Football club every halftime when they were playing at home.

He had this flash American motor.

One night, coming across Clapham Common at around 3am in the morning, he hit speeds of up to 70mph.

Unknown and unnoticed to him, a motorcycle speed cop was in hot pursuit of him and pulled him over.

The cop asked Jimmy 'Can you give me a good reason, Sir, why you were doing over 70mph in a 30mph limit area?'

Jimmy replied: 'Mostly, officer, cos I didn't spot you in my rear view mirror'

The cop, oddly, found this hilarious, laughed his head off and told Jimmy to 'P**s Off and slow down'

So there you go, the human side of our boys in blue ;)
nivrip said:
. But I do think that there should be strict limits for a while because the country just can't carry on supporting such a growing population at present.

A lot of people do have this view and I don’t think they are racist. However the argument that stopping immigration because the country is becoming too populated does not hold. This is because there are three things that cause population to rise. 1) Improved medical stuff (so we live longer), 2) Increasing child births, 3) Migration/Immigration.

People seem to be fixed on the 70 million mark and we will reach these even if we stop all migration right now. Obviously living longer is good and I certainly don't think laws should be brought it to control child births, which does only leave migration but my personal view is that this is a good thing as it benefits our economy and it works both ways so if I choose to go and work abroad I can.

So how do we sole the increasing population problem?

I don’t know is the honest answer but it is an interesting debate.

Just a couple of days to go thank goodness and I could start a recycled paper mill with the amount of election related garbage that's been shoved through my mailbox.

Supposing we voted for the party whose leader had the most similar tastes to our own?

Here's a link which details what makes the main three party leaders go gooey-eyed and dribble What's your favourite ***** then?

Looking at that, for me Cameron is a clear winner apart from confessing to liking watching Darts, Brown comes second for me and Clegg sounds like the most boring human being on the planet.

Just as well we don't vote that way then eh? ;)
I just can't really believe that Gordon Brown is a Motown fan. :o

No, I really can't.

'Sugar Pie Honey bunch...'

'Rellections of, the way we used to be...'

'It takes two bayaybaby, it takes two...'

Far out and goovy says Gordon :)
Well, here we are at 10PM on the night before the election. And, for all of you who are sick of all the campaigning, it's just about over. Just the actual election tomorrow and then all the results tomorrow night and the early hours of Friday.

And then shortly afterwards we are all likely to find out what's in store for us. Because which ever party is in control they are going to do lots of things that we will not like. This really is a poisoned chalice. All that campaigning was just the phoney war and the real thing will begin in the next few weeks.

Let's hope the rioting will not be too severe (not that it will do any good) :D
nivrip said:
Let's hope the rioting will not be too severe (not that it will do any good) :D

Rioting can make a difference it's generally acknowledged that the 1990 poll tax riots led to Thatcher's downfall Link

And then, just over 600 years previously, there was this fella named Wat Tyler who undertook a similar path... Link

Of course there are those such as myself who believe the 1990 riots in Trafalgar Square were orchestrated by the CIA as the USA was fed up with Thatcher and wanted her out. Puppet strings are pulled in Washington DC and the gullible British Public believe what they read and do.

Despite all that, I voted today, three votes for local goverment councillors and one vote for the local MP.

For the first time in my life, I voted Liberal Democrat although as I mentioned previously, this area is a Labour stronghold.

President Obama, or at least his spooks, already know who the next UK Prime Minister will be, but we don't.

I look forward with some luke warm enthusiasm to reading tomorrow's headlines :)
nivrip said:
I thought you were determined NOT to vote !!

Not exactly determined, more so suffering from apathy.

But it's all quite good fun I suppose so I made a contribution to the pantomine :)
It'a Disgrace!

Only 5 parties to choose from & sadly no OMRLP standing in my area.
It's a sad day when you cant have a vote for a real party!;)

Oh hum...........anyone waiting up for the results..............?
Told ya Greenwich & Woolwich was a Labour stronghold. It's in the blood you see :D

My vote? As I predicted, waste of time. Oh well.


Four Lib Dem seats in Kingston Richmond area I notice. It's posh round there, how odd.


  • election.webp
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It's all over!!!
Or is it?

Have been looking at the results a little.

Pretty much the death knell for the BNP which I personally will rejoice over.

In a civilised society imo there's no place for hate.

And Nick Griffith, imo, personfies pure hatred, a thoroughly despicable person.

Having said that, I'm not blind to reality and some things the BNP use to stir hatred do actually matter a little bit. A little bit. Look at the bigger picture.

There again, all parties thrive on identifying, confirming and targetting the average lamehead's fears.

So we may have a coalition. Churchill done ok on it, lol

What colour do we get if we mix orange and blue?

And on a totally irrelevant note, if I had to have a date with any of the three main party's leaders other halves, Samantha would be the one.

Odd, that, Cameron has best taste in music and the bestest wifey person.

Just a shame he's a Tory, lol ;)