Sick of this election already?

I think that this sums up how most people feel that we are treated by politicians. :nod:


Yes, my feelings too. :D


  • Loo.webp
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Hahaha, brilliant pic :D

Manchester is buzzing with activity today because of the leader debates, there are police everywhere near Granada studios and lots of journalists wondering around.

It's on at 8:30 on ITV, IIRC. I'll probably be watching it, mainly out of interest to see if someone says something really stupid :lol:. If one of them says something daft it could have a huge effect, as it will be replayed over and over again until the election.

Still not sure who I'm voting for, although I'll definitely be doing so via postal voting :)
I hope someone in the audience pipes up :D

Politicians wonder why there is a disconnect... it's not with politics (we all care about how services etc... are run), but with "party politics". Having a debate that contains around 10 scripted questions with no talking between leaders is more like a press conference. It's a shame, as they had a good chance to involve people a lot more here - as I'm sure some MP's and leaders would actually like to do.
Didn't see the debate but this probably sums it up.




  • PoliticalPromises.webp
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feckit said:
Did i miss anything by not watching it, i think not!

As you said, you didn't watch it so you don't know what was said so how can you have an opinion?

Don't listen to the media, don't listen to me, just listen to what they say then make up your own mind. That’s democracy.
Why is it an illusion?

You have choices, which is more than the citizens of many countries have.
Many will disagree with me but I think our so called democracy is a placebo which we take to kid ourselves we're free.

This is a police state and spooks from the USA and the UK are looking at all of us 24/7.

Subversives disappear or are interned and a zillion CCTV cameras track your every move.

That big green and grey building on the south side of Vauxhall Bridge houses servers and backup servers with every known UK citizen's interests, activities and hat size.

The general election is just another divide and rule tactic used by the real people who govern to confuse us.

As I said, not many will agree with me, but that's my belief ;)
[font=Arial, Geneva] "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." W. Churchill 1947
[font=Arial, Geneva][/font]
[font=Arial, Geneva][/font]
[font=Arial, Geneva]What's the alternative? Not having any choices at all?[/font]
[font=Arial, Geneva][/font]
[font=Arial, Geneva]No thanks.[/font]
nivrip said:
[font=Arial, Geneva] "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." W. Churchill 1947
[font=Arial, Geneva][/font]
[font=Arial, Geneva][/font]
[font=Arial, Geneva]What's the alternative? Not having any choices at all?[/font]
[font=Arial, Geneva][/font]
[font=Arial, Geneva]No thanks.[/font]

I don't think you really understand where I'm coming from.

IF all they told us was true, and there really was democracy, then yes, it is preferable to living in Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq et al.

IF you think that by casting a vote it will make a difference then fair play.

Trouble is with me I think that whatever happens as a result of an election, this country will take the course the spooks decide, it's predetermined and the orders are from Washington DC.

You probably think I'm off my trolley but I have heard and seen things in my lifetime that make me believe what I do.

Politics, debate, democracy, all a clever smoke smoke screen to hide us gullible public from seeing the harsh truth.

Oh, I ain't stupid, I know that providing I keep my nose clean and don't get caught on camera on a G20 summit protest or start getting blatantly communist letters published in suspect publications, I will be left alone, unlike in some other countries.

I guess that's as good as it gets but I sincerely believe democracy died along with McCarthyism.

Feel good when you cast your vote but think, just for a moment, that it really won't make a blind bit of difference for what transpires in the next four years.
floppybootstomp said:
the spooks decide, it's predetermined and the orders are from Washington DC.

Was going to suggest you watch too much TV but then remembered that you don't have one. (Is that still the case?) ;)
nivrip said:
Was going to suggest you watch too much TV but then remembered that you don't have one. (Is that still the case?) ;)

Haven't watched a TV since '97 or '98 when I reached the conclusion 99% of televised content is diluted lukewarm dishwater.

Since Friday 16th April I own a television but it's primarily for console games playing and watching films on DVD.

I've had a TV card in my media computer for some time so could always watch TV if I wanted to, I just didn't.

I'd rather play CoD online or watch a film or even listen to music or read a book.

My suspicion all is not as it seems comes from conversation with others and facts transpiring that correspond to information received. I was taught to look outside the box.

There again, I could be a complete raving loony right off me trolley :)
Not watching the TV debate was not agreat loss.

Got the low down on the news & in the newspapers the next day!
Put them all in a boxing ring & see who comes out the winner.

Anything allowed including pulling hair, that should sought the men from the boys.

It seems to me that in less than half a minute's unguarded speech Gordon Brown has achieved what the entire Conservative Party election publicity machine could ever achieve in several months.

He's not only shot himself in the foot but hit the other foot with a sledgehammer for good measure.

Likely result of his speech is that every voter who has concerns over immigration - which is probably about 75% of the electorate - now believes Mr Brown considers them bigots. So will they vote for our Gordon?

Heehee - you gotta laugh :D