nivrip said:
[font=Arial, Geneva] "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." W. Churchill 1947
[font=Arial, Geneva][/font]
[font=Arial, Geneva][/font]
[font=Arial, Geneva]What's the alternative? Not having any choices at all?[/font]
[font=Arial, Geneva][/font]
[font=Arial, Geneva]No thanks.[/font]
I don't think you really understand where I'm coming from.
IF all they told us was true, and there really was democracy, then yes, it is preferable to living in Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq et al.
IF you think that by casting a vote it will make a difference then fair play.
Trouble is with me I think that whatever happens as a result of an election, this country will take the course the spooks decide, it's predetermined and the orders are from Washington DC.
You probably think I'm off my trolley but I have heard and seen things in my lifetime that make me believe what I do.
Politics, debate, democracy, all a clever smoke smoke screen to hide us gullible public from seeing the harsh truth.
Oh, I ain't stupid, I know that providing I keep my nose clean and don't get caught on camera on a G20 summit protest or start getting blatantly communist letters published in suspect publications, I will be left alone, unlike in some other countries.
I guess that's as good as it gets but I sincerely believe democracy died along with McCarthyism.
Feel good when you cast your vote but think, just for a moment, that it really won't make a blind bit of difference for what transpires in the next four years.