Sick of this election already?


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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The election campaign is only one week old and I'm absolutely brassed off with it already. :mad:

None of the parties will give us any idea of what they will do if elected. All we get is comments on what the other parties are, or maybe, offering.

I think the only way to survive the next three weeks is to switch off the TV and radio and to read the papers from the back and to stop when I get to the political bits.

Oh well, it will eventually pass. :nod:
I know what you mean about the campaign, I suspect most people are looking at which are the parties is the lesser evil. I'm looking forward to the election day itself - although I doubt many of the things in each manifesto will happen.

I know a few people that say "I'm not going to bother voting as it won't change anything", which seems mad, as if you don't vote then things can't change. The number of votes between parties in some marginal seats is surprisingly small.
put them up against the wall ... all of them

oh, is there an election pending ??

I don't "see" nothing on the internet ... and I ain't gonna go looking either. :D

I'd be a lot happier if we could cast votes for the actual party leaders, rather than the way things are currently done. Our local MP and MP-wannabees are pretty uninspiring :(

But I'm feeling particularly cheesed-off at the moment, because our Council managed to lose £15 million when the Icelandic bank collapsed.

Guess who is being asked to help pay for that blooper? Yes right, the community is ... via various "cuts" to some services and a hike in charges for others. Previously, (for example) "bulky rubbish" collections (tree branches, etc.,) were free, but from the 1st April, the charge will be £50.
I'm afraid I am one who gets very excited by elections. I am one of those people who will stay up all night on election night. Sad yes I know. However this doesn’t come around to often and there mistakes and gaffes which makes it even more entertaining.

I would just like to say I know its gets a bit exhausting but what would be the alternative? Having no vote? We only get to have our say every 4 years so use it when we have the chance.

Thank You

darkangel said:
I would just like to say I know its gets a bit exhausting but what would be the alternative? Having no vote? We only get to have our say every 4 years so use it when we have the chance.

I'm totally with you on that - I make every effort to vote :thumb:. I can't understand why some people have never voted and yet complain about everything to do with politics :confused:. I can understand disillusionment, but I know a few people that have never voted in their lives.
wot election? :confused:

Here we have six grey featureless persons who are party leaders.

Who will you vote for?

1) I'm grey person one and I abandoned all our party's policies years ago and stole all our biggest rival's ideas. We sold out our principles completely for a cheap ride.

2) I'm grey person two and I always say we care but we don't really, we just want the strongest and our friends in our network to make pots of money and to hell with everybody else.

3) I'm grey person three and I always promise lots of fresh ideas without the first faintest clue whether they'd actually work because ever since our party existed we've never been in power.

4) I'm grey person four and I want to outlaw car ownership, make everybody eat carrots and only allow cooking on open fires burning from compressed animal dung.

5) I'm grey person five and basically we hate anybody who isn't white unless they're from the eastern bloc and then we hate them too. We prey on people's fears and insecurities and use WW2 imagery to portray us as patriotic where the truth is we actually represent what Great Britain was fighting in WW2. Now there's a paradox eh?

6) I'm grey person six and I want everybody to believe in God. A God with my rules and regulations and if you don't then we'll shoot you. Or maybe send you to hell anyway. At the very least. Sometimes I forget the name of our prophets but that's not a problem as I have enough hate in me to make up for all of them.

And that's about it.


Not me, at my age I am absolutely sick and tired of the whole sleazy rotten corrupt lot of them.

Influence, money, power - that's all they're interested in, they will only knock on your door come election time.

I know our forefathers fought for my right to vote and we tell ourselves we have freedom. But compared to what? Do we really have freedom? My belief is that America dictates our world influence.

So, it's unlikely I'll vote.

Colour me disillusioned.
I, like a lot of people on this page,will not be voting because I really don`t believe in any of them. But it`s sad that it has come to this pass don`t you think. We could be sleep walking into a nightmare.
historian said:
I, like a lot of people on this page,will not be voting because I really don`t believe in any of them. But it`s sad that it has come to this pass don`t you think. We could be sleep walking into a nightmare.

Spot on.

All of them are so lacklustre.

Is this telling us something?
I am sorry to say but! if you don`t vote you don`t have a say?

Yes I agree with you that its a load o bullshyte but thats the way it is.:rolleyes:
itsme said:
I am sorry to say but! if you don`t vote you don`t have a say?

Yes I agree with you that its a load o bullshyte but thats the way it is.:rolleyes:

You're right, but I don't want a say.

What's gonna happen is gonna happen anyway and there's bugger-all I can do to influence things, this much have I learnt at this stage in life.

With the possible exception of the Poll Tax riots in Trafalgar Square that time, that was good. We need more like that imo

Where I live has been a Labour stronghold since the Crimean War or thereabouts and will remain that way but I may just vote for one of the rank outsiders, maybe just so's they don't lose their deposit.
Tbh I don't watch that much television so I've not been subjected to there ramblings too much.
There just a bunch of squabbling private school kids with self indulgent attitudes.

Whoever gets in has a job on there hands getting the country back to a decent state.

But I will be voting otherwise I have no right to moan about it.
I haven't watched Television in at least twelve years with the exception of Live 8 and the Only Fools & Horses prequel which I watched on the BBC i-Player. I don't read a newspaper either.

As a result the first time I realised there was going to be a general election was when my voting card came through the letter box.

Everybody says that non-voters have no say in politics or no right to moan about a ruling party's actions.

I disagree, to an extent, because I know that whichever party gains power is going to carry out actions which are unpopular and most people will want to moan at them.

Which also raised another thought - ask the average person to name one good thing a current goverment has done and in most cases people will scratch their head and say 'I dunno'.

And what if - as in my case - not one party can convince me they're worth voting for? What do I do? Cos if I vote for something I don't believe in it seems wrong.

I'll say this much, after 13 years of the Conservative party.... oops, sorry, The New Labour Party, whoever takes the reins is going to make some very unpopular decisions to try and put things back on an even keel.

The current PM (as Blair retired does that make him a proxy PM?) has not ruled out raising VAT, which means anybody else winning the election will probably do the same.

Nick Raynsford, our reigning Labour MP, was actually outside our local Sainsburys canvassing yesterday. His coat looked very expensive and he looked kinda pasty. He was gone when I came out though.

And finally. VAT = Value Added Tax, originally introduced for luxury goods only. VAT applies to tampons, an item the greater majority of the female population would consider an essential item, not a luxury item.

And that is one of the zillion and one reasons I despise politicians :)
floppybootstomp said:
And finally. VAT = Value Added Tax, originally introduced for luxury goods only. VAT applies to tampons, an item the greater majority of the female population would consider an essential item, not a luxury item.

For some reasons I have an intresting fact regarding this. As you know VAT is currently at 17.5%. However VAT on tampons is only at 5%.

How they came to this decison I am not to sure, but you never when this piece of knowledge may come up in a pub quiz :p
darkangel said:
However VAT on tampons is only at 5%.

Same as the VAT on household gas and electricity.

Now, what can we make of that?
nivrip said:
Same as the VAT on household gas and electricity.

Now, what can we make of that?

That some things are less luxurious than others but they still attract a tax.

I suppose :)
Whoever gets in has a tough job. All party's, if elected are going to have to raise taxes. The cost of living is only ever going to go up really. It's not gonna suddenly plummet and were all going to have more money to spend.
The country is in debt. BIG debt and will take years and years if not a whole generation to get back to something of an even keel. Were all going to pay for it. If they reduce the cost in one area they will raise it somewhere else.

But I would still rather live in this country than elsewhere. Well apart from somewhere like Spain/Portugal. lol It's sunny/hot you know. :D