I hate spam, but if it's made illegal that would be *yet another* limiting on our free speech. For example, part of the EU definition of terrorism is any written criticism against it! Outrageous as that may be, what I actually mean by that example is one mans spam may be another mans freedom of speech. My trend micro spam filter means compared to what I used to get, I get very, very little spam now - maybe 1 item every 2 or 3 days, and even then, it's moved to my spam inbox without me ever seeing it unless I check in there for false positives which I do now and then - of which I've only had a couple, and once you tell the system with one click that they are not spam, they get through to your normal in boxafter that. So it's nothing like the issue it was for me (overnight I'd gone from 10-20 items to 90+ a day and over 100 some days - obviously someone had put me on a list! It brought my email to a halt basically). So even though I hate it, I don't think it should be illegal - except for obsecene/porn spam as there is no control over who will see that, and by deliberately using pictures etc to avoid filters, they are almost ensuring children will see it - and thats plain wrong.