On a sunny day (Tue, 24 Jan 2006 04:10:07 -0500) it happened George Macdonald
[email protected]>:
Hi, I see my post upset you a bit perhaps.
I will address a few points to see if I can 'fix' that
I wish you'd focus on the issue and quit jumping around to make your point:
one minute you're talking of the latest codecs, the next you're talking
about dumb VDRs.
The issue is; I will explain, as you (as Amercian ;-) ) clearly have no idea
what happens here in Free Europe.
What happens here is that a new TV standard has come about.
Some stations are already transmitting in that standard now.
If you click here:
and then on the red HD logo on the right, you will see some of these stations
The NEW standard is called DVB-S2, transmits with FEC 9/10, and PCI cards
(old style PCI) will be available any moment, click here, then on that card
for specs:
The new standard implies ALSO H264 encoding.
All this results in 30% (I think) less bandwidth use per channel, so more
channels, while higher resolution (1920x1080 @50fps interlaced).
Already TODAY some of these stations (TPS) transmit in H264 in HR but still
using the old DVB-S standard.
VDR boxes can record this no problem (K6 Duron, old pentium, what not).
And will be able to record all of this NO PROBLEM (only 15 Mbits / second
per channel), I can record a whole transponder on a Duron 950.
*BUT* such a system cannot display the H264 in real time because of time
needed to decode and update display.
Then one can move to a power hungry (more later) P4 3.2GHz dual core with
high end power guzzling FX1800 video cards, sure.
But that would be a really daft solution.
You'd only need that video card to interface with HDMI HDCP to the TV.
Wrong point (again) this is the WRONG place to cut the system in pieces,
and also the wrong way to do it, as that does NOT stop a 10 year old
from buying a HDCP -> component no loss whatsoever converter box to record
stuff (but even the 10 year old knows enough not to go that way).
In one possible RIGHT way to 'cut up into boxes', the H264 decoder goes into
the TV.
Now you can make a receiver box with RJ45 (15Mbits /s), a recorder box,
crypto is taken care of (smart card in TV), so is TV over Internet.
Then the only question to be answered how does your keyboard with build in
super computer interface to the LAN?
Well, (from your point of view) *put the H264 ENCODER in the PC* (or
in the PS3, or in the keyboard with supercomputer.
So, and maybe by setting parameters in that ENCODER we can have good display
of the PC screen (desktop) on that big TV too (I have tried some, it seems
to work).
So all LAN.
AS to 300W is nothing, old K6 Philips (nothing to do with processors, K6
was Philips early tube color TV chassis) was also 250W or so...
Bad room heating in summer, add some power (the same or double) for
the airco to cool the place to livable temps again.... YES POWER CONSUMPTION
No I am the Netherlands we have our own natural gas so I am not worried
about Russia cutting or blowing up pipes to Europe.
[And] we have windmills too, 2 HUGE ones up the road here, and this is a windy
place on the coast, these windmills (these are actually all over the place
here, many farmers have these here) DO pay themselves back.
And we have some nuclear power.
But STILL you pay $$$$$$$$$$$ for electricity, and you pay $$$$$$$$$ again
in a warm climate for the airco to get rid of the excess heat again.
Maybe one day we have fusion power, but that has been coming for 30 years
and may well be 30 years into the future 30 years from now...
Things will get smaller.
The LAN, well I see it this way:
*(And you can scream and argue all you want against this idea, it WILL happen
regardless of that):
In every house there is a power outlet in every room.
(Even) in America many rooms have water....
In the same way every room in the future will have one or more of those RJ45
connectors in each room.
You just plug in the notebook upstairs, and downstairs you can select it.
The TV sat receiver can be under the attic, and plugged in there, you
control it from any other place in the house.
Man I did not buy those hundreds of meters of screened solid Ethernets cable
cause I do not believe this,, IT WORKS HERE.
Plus in the webcam in the living room, one in the hall to see through the
glass in the front door who is there if the bell rings.... Access to your
central music player from ANY room by ANYONE.... Just an other process running.
Hell people may have objected to electricity outlets, but Ethernets in
every room was what we installed (the company I worked for) in the 80ties in
every self respecting office building *when it was build!!!
No new idea.
And none of this wireless shit source of interference, just the thought I can
walk with a little transmitter into any place and kill all their systems and
RFID tags, no: *SCREENED Ethernet cable*.
(Not even mentioning eavesdroppers, competition downloading your customer
So, for what it is worth.
Capitalism, I have heard many in the US cannot even read and write, do
not have medical insurance, you really must be pissed at Castro.
America collapses and the rest of the world with it?
Probably the other way around, you could not afford a DVD player if it
needed to be manufactured in the US, THAT is why Ford has to cut
30000 jobs.
Where will these people go?
America my foot.
Russia first: Sputnik
Europe first: CD
Germany first: V1 V2
Only way US could win from Germany in WW2 was because US could build ships
Think about China, think about China, be happy they are not so aggressive,
but you ARE exporting capitalism YOUR capitalism to these, so.
I am not worried, I like Chinese food.
French is very nice too.
And Italian, they were FIRST with pizza.