I also have a Intel CPU and a good chipset.
I have a pretty simple startup list, 7 added items while on line writing
this. ClipTrak, Registry Prot, 2XExplorer, Whiz Launcher, Newsfixer,
etc.- nothing unusual. And I don't have MS office-type programs on my
I just ran Memload:
Physical memory max: 95.5M (I have 96 MB RAM)
free: 47.1
Swap file max: 1952
free: 1920
Total used: 80.8
To me, this seems like light usage. How does this swap file usage seem?
I have a similar system, Intel 166 with 96 megs. I gave it to my
daughter. It's one that started life as a 386. I'll give a few of the
editors that you mentioned a run on them later and see how they do.
Your swap file size and usage both look fine to me. It's fairly
important to defrag regularily, as the swap file fills in empty space
as it grows. If your disk is fragmented you're going to be slow
reading from disk to memory and from memory to swap file and from swap
file back to memory, because the program files and the swap file will
be fragmented.
That I've not yet done and plan to.
I did that and I ran RamIdle. Ramidle did not really give me the
improvement I reaped with the 256 meg Pavilion though. There were just
too many demands on the 96 megs with Windows ME installed. With 98SE
you "might" see improvement with RamIdle.
I don't even run a firewall (DUN) or full time virus scanner.
You should be in pretty good shape.
I agree. I have a custom machine, and W98SE is quick on it for a P166,
and it is reliable, but reformat is a bear, Windows can't find anything.
A factory machine will reformat easier, I understand.
I don't get you on the reformat part.
It should be the same formatting and reinstalling on a custom or a
factory machine. A total reinstall might fix things up if your
registry is in bad shape, but I'd try RegSeeker first. Now if you are
considering a reformat and clean install I have a Win 95 CD I'll mail
you if you want to give it a try. I'm pretty sure the system demands
will be far less with 95, although the security implications are
pretty bad. I'd suggest removing IE and OE completely and running AVG
and Kerio with this setup.
That's a part of the problem. As hardware advances in leaps and bounds
software developers quickly fill the excess resources with software
demands. The requirements for 95 are pretty light in comparison to ME,
which is pretty light in comparison to XP... etc. from here on out.
Anyway, it's the overall performance of factory built machines that
greatly outshine my machines, which consisted of mismatched ram and
older used components in many cases that someone gave me. I don't need
1 gig of ram, but I shelled out for it so I won't have to add
mismatched ram in the future. I have no doubts that the future (or my
wishes) will at some point require it.
Remove the caps and email me if you'd like the CD.
I'd give uninstalling unused programs, defragging, and an aggressive
clean with RegSeeker a shot first though. 98SE is a pretty darned good
MS release in my experience and if your problem is a bloated registry
and fragmentation you'll probably be better off keeping it.
BTW, my all time favorite is Editpad Classic.
It's pretty darned good. I enjot the syntax highlighting Crypt Edit
provides though and for some reason it runs smoothly here, where some
people have had bad performance from it.