Susan Bugher
omega said:Yes, totally the winner: P_CategoryIndex.php
My pref would be close to the above, but with URL at the end. CAT PROG &
AUTH are all what I'd sort by; where URL would be an action I'd take.
Good points. I use the PL2004 Program Index page as a quick way to go to
the program description. I'm working on the assumption that *this* page
will be used mainly to:
1) find a URL for the program
2) sort programs by author
3) see if a program is listed (or should be added)
Agree/ disagree? The page sorts initially on the first column. ISTM that
most people would want to see the page in alphabetical order to start
Changing the order of the columns is simple. I'll try PROG - CAT -
AUTHOR - URL next . . . see what the feedback is . . .
I'm not sure what upper limit on size is desireable. I hate slow loading
pages - perhaps others are more tolerant. Any thoughts on that?
ATM I don't envision adding direct links to the program pages - that
would increase the page size significantly. ATM - the alphabetical page
is 131 KB. The .PHP page is 390 KB when saved as a HTML file.
The sort mode is ASCII - program names are all upper case so they will
sort in alphabetical order. I could do that "invisibly" but it would
increase the page size dramatically. I also used "link" instead of
showing the URL to keep the page size down. The links do sort in
alphabetical order - not much help if you can't see it . . . could be
changed or a company column could be added . . .
Bjorn - I will change the Author sort so that blanks go to the bottom (I
can do that with little or no increase in page size). Thanks for the
Please keep the comments coming.
