Thanks for the link. After putting "Inctrl5" into google and visiting[snip]I'll do that if I find a link (hint)![]()
Hint taken - got this link from the first of many pages found thru
google. http://www.devhood.com/tools/tool_details.aspx?tool_id=432
Some people including John Corliss prefer version 4 I think - can't
remember why, and I don't use it myself - too disorganised. I prefer
to install and unistall at will, then fix problems using regseeker, or
about a dozen pages that said subscribe here or file no longer
available for download I thought I'd ask here and save some grief.
(56k modem)
BTW I put Inctrl5 through the same illogical procedure and it has no
objection to monitoring it's own installation.