Thanks Karen - was beginning to think *I* was wrong - I can see what
he tried to do - tell it to place tun.exe on a different drive - but I
thought most programmes would check in memory.
I don't think there is a right and wrong here, it depends how you look
at things. You might think TUN is smart enough to check running
processes, I might think it stupid enough not to check the path as
I think an analogy might be - :
Jim tells me I tell the truth
How can I check that is true
I know - I will ask Jim - he always tells the truth
To me, that is illogical. A closer analogy might be:
TUN tells me it tells the truth.
How can I check that is true?
I know - I'll ask it some questions. Then ask it the same question a
few times and see if I get the same answer.
For instance:
I used TUN to install uability.exe. Then I used TUN to uninstall it.
I checked the drive, it had been uninstalled, but stayed in TUN's
list. I used TUN to uninstall it again, a few more times. It stays in
the list. Each time I did this it updated the last used column to the
current time. It also increased the uses column by 1, it's up to 7
now, but I only ran it once before it was deleted. It also tells me
"Uninstall complete without errors" every time. Not even a file not
found error. By my reckoning it's either lying or stupid. Is that
supposed to inspire confidence?
This could be due to the fact that it's not installed correctly, but I
think it should know if something missing.
There is something slightly illogical in what the OP was trying to do
In these days of spy/fill_in_the_blank/mal/crap ware I like to give
things a poke before I use them.
Especially when they use geocities for a home page and yahoo for an
email addy. LOL. Is that supposed to inspire confidence?
He/she could try various other programmes to check it - InControl v 4
or 5 perhaps ?
I'll do that if I find a link (hint)

I'm not saying it's a bad program and should not be used, I'm saying I
don't like what little I've seen of it. An uninstaller that requires
installing is starting off on the wrong foot as far as I can see.