Both, it is trivial to implement, and it would mess up automatic color

correction then it's not a solution.
Both, it is trivial to implement, and it would mess up automatic color
Seems to be on the underexposed side, but NS does strange things to raw data
so it's a guess based on the histograms alone.
I understand your frustration, but don't let it get in the way of the
solution, Ed is really trying to help.
I guess his real problem is that he hasn't paid for VueScan yet
so he cannot produce a raw scan file (or can he?).
Don said:Well, that may explain the vociferous insistence on raw files, then,
knowing quite well they can't be supplied - after I supplied
everything else demanded of me.
Don said:On Thu, 29 Apr 2004 00:23:36 +0200, "Bart van der Wolf"
No, he's not. He's been very evasive and contradictory.
He keeps moving the goal posts and I keep submitting everything
asked of me. And every time he's cornered he just goes silent.
Individual Analog Gain is an essential tool. To make a blanket
statement it's not needed is just patently and self-evidently wrong,
and it's impossible to defend such a statement. That's the quagmire.
I guess his real problem is that he hasn't paid for VueScan yet, so he
cannot produce a raw scan file (or can he?).
This is what I don't like about most scanner software. I want to have
scanner software with a mode that just controls the scanner and doesn't
do any (additional) processing except when explicitly enabled.
When trying to figure out why something doesn't work, or when trying to
get the most out of a scan, all that automatic stuff just gets in the way.
If the hardware supports different analog gain settings for each channel,
then I want to be the judge of the effects.
1) Delete vuescan.ini (this is important)
2) Run VueScan
3) Set "Output|Output raw file"
4) Press Preview button
5) Adjust cropping
6) Press Scan button
7) Put scan0001.tif somewhere I can download it from
Set "Input|Scan resolution" to a value that makes the raw scan
file less than 1 MByte.
Ah - I hadn't thought of that. If he e-mails me, I'll give him
a free license -
I would like to get to the bottom of this.
Ed Hamrick said:No, I don't have any "vested interest" - it would be trivial for
me to add a separate analog gain for each color, it just isn't
the problem. I'm certainly interested in solving technical
problems, and a raw scan file would contribute to this.
I've also personally used most Nikon scanners.
Ed Hamrick
You can't have it both ways. If it would mess up automatic color
correction then it's not a solution.
Don said:He just did.
Although, there are gotchas. For example (at least in my setup)
restarting NikonScan after turning off Nikon Color Management is not
enough. One needs to power down the scanner as well as there seem to
be "leftovers" in the scanner's internal RAM which are not
Precisely. The need for this most elementary and essential requirement
is how all this got started.
I just instinctively distrust software which "knows better" and forces
me into a straightjacket.
Dan said:Ed,
Would you like me to post a raw scan of the troublesome Kodachrome on
my website for dl?
I did have limited success, but only with Nikon scan and only with ROC
enabled. Without ROC, I get an absolutely flat, dark (blocked up) scan
from this very dark original. Even with ROC enabled, I can't get a
"good" scan from this dark image (I have about 15 or 20 that were
underexposed). I had no luck at all using Vuescan on these slides --
only Nikon scan was able to give me something marginal. It's still
frustrating that I can get the preview to look so good, but still
can't get a good scan. I had pretty much given up and started looking
for a lensboard for my Illumatron so I can simply make internegatives
of these particular images.
One thing I've wondered about -- there used to be a product available
(a chemical bath) that could lighten underexposed Kodachromes, but it
only worked on certain types of Kodachrome. Seems there was a
fundamental change in Kodachrome's emulsion around the late 70's.
Could that be why some people are having no problem with old, dark
Kodachromes, while others can't get a decent scan.
Also, normally exposed slides from the same batch aren't a problem --
only those that were heavily (1+ stop) underexposed.
Mike Engles said:Hello
Try just outputting 8 bits from the scanner in Nikonscan.
Does the scan then match the preview?
Mike Engles
Sorry Don, that's not true, but I do understand how frustration can cloud
one's judgement.
There must
be some reason that your Red channel is so far underexposed, and it seems
unlikely (TBD) that a dye/sensor mismatch is the only cause.
That's not fair
What Ed has been trying, sofar unsuccessfully it seems, to explain is that
colorbalancing is not the same as optimizing the signal-to-noise ratio of a
I do agree that for some specialized uses (and 99.8% of the people would
create more issues than solve them if used wrong) an individal channel
exposure control is beneficial (to improve S/N ratio).
I haven't gotten the e-mail yet. Could you remind me in the
e-mail that this is a free license for diagnosing the LS-30
CCD exposure problem? I don't know your real e-mail address
to keep an eye out for.
Don, see my other post about it but, the channel exposure is for controlling
Signal to Noise, not colorbalancing. Different exposure levels lead to
different saturation limits.
I think that automatic exposure information is kept around. Pressing the
auto-exposure button at a frame that covers a large density range may have
the same effect.
Except that I don't know how a scan of a slide is supposed to benefit if
there is any white in the slide.
Different analog gain settings may help for layers in a slide that don't
reach Dmin. However, white snow sounds like a situation where the
minimum density is equal for all channels.
Dan said:No. Doesn't match under any circumstance for the dark slides. For
other slides, no problem, either with Vuescan or Nikon scan. Tried as
many combinations as I could.