Ben really isn't rude. He speaks in a very straightforward
way. It took me awhile to catch on that it is very easy to
read far more into his posts than was ever intended.
I meant his attitude. We all have people we like and we don't
like. Yet, you can still be straightforward but yet still
sound more positive than being full of attitude, attacks and
being accusative. For example, your post to me and my post to
you right now are both very straightforward, but you don't
need to catch on anything in my post.
And I very much remember Ben's first post to Garrett before
this thread was really not a good one, very negative, unfair,
and mean, and in the mean time making a request (Garrett
didn't even know him at that point). Up to now I still think
that wasn't right (you could actually check that post out
yourself). Although, I have to say that I am not really
cheering for Garrett's posting style in this thread at all.
The point is that sometimes we all got caught into this usenet
trap. When we look at our own angry or negative posts, we
might as well ask, would we really speak that way, so
"straight forward", if we were speaking to someone that we
might possible encounter and see in his face in real life? In
real life, would Ben really make request this way to someone
he talk to the first time or the second time? If everyone
posts this way and think that there is nothing wrong with it,
we should all be ashamed of ourselves (at least I would).
If Garrett really wanted to killfile him he could have done
so very easily and quietly. As it happened, he made a very
childish remark to Ben and then plonked with emphasis.
I think he was really upset, as was Ben almost were. I just
think that when people are angry, upset, or frustrated, they
should never allow themselves to post until they feel calm
down. In addition, if the post is negative, think and reread
the post seriously before hitting the send button is at least
a resposible thing to do. I think Ben has been acting quite
implusively when he posted to Garrett, as did Garrett's
replying to him.
A person doesn't even need to use a killfile, it is so very
easy to skip posts that you do not want to read and you
always have the option of reading in whenever you choose to
see what's up with the individual.
Yes, but as you do know, everyone has different personality,
not everyone could do that. That is what the function
killfile is for. If a person, whenever he post a reply to my
post has nothing postive but scolding at me, repeatedly, I
won't even want the posts to cluster my newsclient. We
already have so much to look through everyday.
The real concern to me is that Garrett has acceped the
administrator position to report and hypertext the ACF
group thoughts. How can he do this if he is already
plonking people here??????
He should try not to, for now, he hasn't made any public
announment yet, he could stay away from Ben, and always take
him off the kill later.
In addition, if someone stalk Susan and try to be rude to her,
she has all the rights to kill file that person. You
volunteer to help but it doesn't mean that you have to put up
with the unreasonables. If you ask for help from that
volunteer you should always be nice, it is this simple. Just
like in real life we would and we should.
While it might be a fairly hot debate, it is only a debate
about removing Ben, et. al. from the list he is now in
charge of.
I agree with you, but Ben's post didn't make this very clear.
He was yelling how bad other sites were, in which Garrett's
was once involved. And his first post when he made the
request were so not a nice one either.
He simply had no rational basis to back his
position of not removing them
The problem is, I think he never say he won't. There is no
debate here.
and resorted to an unlikely
act for a PL administrator.
If you ask Susan to do something, nicely, of course she would
do it as soon as possible. However, if she was slow on a day
or even a few weeks because of some of her personal reasons,
this is also understandable. Is it right to get all over her?
Anyone who'd get all over her is taking her service for
granted. If anyone did that to Susan, I would say she has
every right to ignore the request. It is the same for Garrett
and for everyone who volunteer to help, no matter we like them
or not (Ben seem to have an issue with Garrett, from the
beginning, but it doesn't mean this disliking should make a
different on that).
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