|I don't think this is wise if you intend to distribute copies with the
|changes that you have made.
I didn't decide that yet. I have no problem showing friends the
two different CD's and letting them decide which they want.
|The dvdsig is _invaluable_ in maintaining the intergrity of the CD.
|It is also very easy to use. Rather than check the .md5 file for each
|program, the receiver of the image should run the dvdsig program to
|determine the checksums of what is on the CD at that point in time.
|THEN, the receiver downloads the official .md5 file and runs dvdsig
|again VERIFYING that the newly created .md5 file matches the official
|.md5 file. It is very easy to do and requires 1 minute or less to do.
|Frankly, it is impossible to change 1 bit and have two files that
Yes it is very easy to use. Unless it is the first thing to load
then most people are not going to run dvdsig. People look and
see that the CD comes from Pricelessware. They know the site,
they know the people. They trust Pricelessware. They won't
bother running the test.
Maybe I am taking it wrong. There just seems to be a lot of
paranoia that there will be(or is) some group of evil doers that
want to bring Pricelessware down as all costs. I think if you
get a couple of wingnuts that actually alter the CD in a bad way
that they will be the exception not the rule.
From what I have read people are acting like the dvdsig will
stop a "counterfeit" CD from being made and distributed. It only
works if people run the test. Otherwise it's just a bunch of
files on a CD.
|I saw the warez crowd got wind of the CD. It would be pretty bad if
|copies start circulating that contain warez, cracks, serials, worms,
|etc. in what "appears" to be a PL CD.
Yes I agree that would be a bad thing. About the only thing that
could be done to put information on the Pricelessware site to
the effect of
"These are the offical download links for the ISO (insert links.
Priclessware cannot and will not guarantee an ISO downloaded
from anything but offical download sites. If you download from
another site you do so at your own risk"
Geuss you could do one for the burners as well. However this
kind of kills the whole idea of
I download the ISO and make a copy fro a friend who makes a copy
for someone else who makes a copy for someone else and so on.
|The verification is extremely
|important. Removing the program and info can spoil a very great
|volunteer effort that you spearheaded.
|I disagree. I think it worked out fantastically.
I can live with that. You're still on the xmas list

I think
some of it worked out great. I just think that there should have
been more effort in the presintation and the basic stuff.