Trey Hunner
Steven Burn said the following on 4/10/2004 3:17 PM:
I have a great idea that would allow people with slow connections to get
the ISO and it would not overwhelm one server with traffic at once. If
a torrent file was made people could use Bittorrent to download the ISO
and share it with others at the same time.
For those of you unfamiliar with Bittorrent, it is a peer to peer client
used soley for downloading files (especially large files just like this
ISO). A small .torrent file is created and a free torrent tracker is
used online to keep track of all the downloaders. The file is
downloaded in pieces. Any pieces that you may have will be sent to
other people that need those pieces. At the same time your computer is
downloading more pieces so everyone will eventually get the whole file.
People who already have the ISO can "seed" the torrent which means
that they are acting as one of the main uploaders (usually there are
many others also). Anyone (with any connection) can be a seeder or a
normal downloader (aka "leecher").
I have created a few torrent files before and I also have a free
PHP-based tracker I can use to easily track how many people are seeding
and leeching at any one time. Once I have the ISO downloaded I will
make the torrent and try to get it going. It would be *great* if we
could get this torrent on the Pricelessware site.
Original Bittorrent download: http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/
Modified Bittorrent version (what I use):
http://bittornado.com/download.html (Shad0w's Expiremental)
Thanks to Ben Cooper, the PW ISO file is now available for download.......
There may be a webpage coming for it depending on whether or not Susan
wishes to create one.... but until then, just right click the link above and
select "Sace target as ...")
The file is over 500MB, so may take a while to download.... (especially for
those on dial-up)
I have a great idea that would allow people with slow connections to get
the ISO and it would not overwhelm one server with traffic at once. If
a torrent file was made people could use Bittorrent to download the ISO
and share it with others at the same time.
For those of you unfamiliar with Bittorrent, it is a peer to peer client
used soley for downloading files (especially large files just like this
ISO). A small .torrent file is created and a free torrent tracker is
used online to keep track of all the downloaders. The file is
downloaded in pieces. Any pieces that you may have will be sent to
other people that need those pieces. At the same time your computer is
downloading more pieces so everyone will eventually get the whole file.
People who already have the ISO can "seed" the torrent which means
that they are acting as one of the main uploaders (usually there are
many others also). Anyone (with any connection) can be a seeder or a
normal downloader (aka "leecher").
I have created a few torrent files before and I also have a free
PHP-based tracker I can use to easily track how many people are seeding
and leeching at any one time. Once I have the ISO downloaded I will
make the torrent and try to get it going. It would be *great* if we
could get this torrent on the Pricelessware site.
Original Bittorrent download: http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/
Modified Bittorrent version (what I use):
http://bittornado.com/download.html (Shad0w's Expiremental)