|These ones said YES.
Push The Freakin' Button
Agent Ransack
Push The Freakin' Button
Agent Ransack
SINNER said:While strolling through alt.comp.freeware, Susan Bugher was
overheard plotting:In the MAME group we have at least 20 burners that do this for FREE and
MAME roms are take up 20 GIGS (thats 5 DVD's) Linux users also provide
Bootable Distros and FULL distros via the same methods. All it takes is
a couple of voulenteers to get it started, Once you have a standard set
coming up with an 'update' cd would take even less effort.
In short is is a great idea and TOTALLY doable.
Thanks SINNER. I just did a little looking around. These pages have
details on how the distribution process works in the MAME group:
All an ACF volunteer would have to do is burn a copy of the CD and drop
it in the mail (once the initial CD was created).
OO also has some CD distribution info:
I haven't gotten around to burn them yet but won't the downloads at
Pricelessware.org take more than one disk?
Susan Bugher said:All an ACF volunteer would have to do is burn a copy of the CD and drop
it in the mail (once the initial CD was created).![]()
Anonymous said:OpenOffice...Yes
Anonymous <[email protected]> schreef:
OOo is available for sale on a CD-ROM (or will be in the near future).
(e.g.: I know some people who are preparing to release OOo 1.1.1 NL on a
CD-ROM when it's available.)
Also: it would be impossible to include OOo in several languages, and I
think most people prefer a localised office suite...
Susan Bugher <[email protected]> schreef:
One remark: what if someone distributes a troyaned version of the CD?
Completely FREE Software
http://www.completelyfreesoftware.com/cd_rom.html has CD's for
$14.95 The amount on each CD varies.
SINNER said:A trusted person could set up the CD and and provide MD5 checksums if
necessary which could be downloaded from the pricelessware site if the
CD was not trustworthy for some reason.
In fact there is a utility we use for MAME that could create the dat
file and the sha/md5 hashes rather easily. I havent tried it yet but the
utility is flexible enough so I believe it would work, and the utlity is
SINNER said:* JanC Wrote in alt.comp.freeware, on 2004-01-24:
The CD wont aim to be a solution for all people, it will just be a way
to get the bulk of the software with a minimum of effort. If you need a
different version of the software the Pricelessware site will still be
available as a resource.