Apparently, your view is so myopic that you can't see the forrest for
the trees.
The point is that MS's move to VB.NET is change for change's sake and
nothing more. The part you somehow seem to be missing is that every
line of code that you re-write/re-test/re-deploy is costing *someone*
(your employer, the end user, whomever) money that they should not
have had to spend. Unless you're working for free, your attitude of
"I'm getting paid so who cares." is *indeed* selling out, given the
statements you've made in this thread. You're (the collective you)
willingness to grease up and bend over will just make it worse the
next time around.
Get some backbone and tell MS to, "Go pound sand." There are plenty
of alternatives to VB.NET so pick one and move on.
Bryan Stafford "Don't need no more lies"
New Vision Software - Neil Young - Living With War : The Restless Consumer
alpineDon'(e-mail address removed)