Karl E. Peterson said:It happens all the time here, yes, so it is a source of irritation to many.
That's life, eh? It doesn't take much for some to get irritated I guess.
Had you not cross-posted inappropriately, that's very true.
Not sure what you mean by that.
That, however, is not true. All the .NET groups actually contain the word
".dotnet." in their names.
True -- the .NET groups are clearly marked. It's the non-.NET groups that
are not clearly marked. I was happy that Ken's response spelled it out for
me -- now that was a reasonable response.
No problem. As I said, the response wasn't solely to you. Hopefully, others may
take it into consideration before making similarly uninformed guesses in the future.
The only reason that other VB.NET users may gain any knowledge about the
Classic VB forums from this exchange would be that I cross-posted. Angry
responses to simple mistakes will normally only be seen by the individual
Face it, there will be .NET users wandering into your space forever. You
can either get angry or just let it go.
Bite me.
I sort of expected this level of conversation ...
Poor indeed. But characterizing the quotes found there as "complaints" as opposed
to "statements of reality" definitely positions _you_ as the one with a bias.
To the contrary -- I agree with virtually everything on your list. I,
however, reserve my anger for Microsoft. And I consider constructions like
"Visual Basic.not" to be childish.
Putting that Psych101 class to its highest use, are ya? Impressive.
(.NOT! <g>)
It seems you avoided a direct response here. Let's put it to you directly
-- aren't you just plain bugged that .NET users wander into the VB forums,
and that it's because you can't stand .NET? Come on, Karl, open up! Tell me
what you really think!
Perhaps you misspelled "ironic" there? The general sense is that only Microsoft
sees this situation as humorous.
My point was that you were attacking not only a .NET user, but a VB6 user.
I thought that was funny, given how it seems you have divided the world into
Classic vs .NET, like one of those fake wrestling matches.
If you're not evangelizing, you're just attempting to get by, like the rest of us.
Your obvious defensiveness aside.
True, I see any particular programming language as a mere tool to provide a
solution -- that would qualify as "getting by", I suppose.
I'm not sure why I would be evangelizing or defensive, given that I use both
VB6 and .NET. Perhaps this particular response of yours was just filler --
it doesn't make much sense.
What on earth led you to believe that's what you'd find on usenet? <LOL>
I appreciate your being truthful, at least here!!