PNY Verto nVidia GeForce FX5700LE 128Mb TVout/DVI - The Lowdown!

hello to everyone, i'm new in this forum. Hope you guys can help me with my problem regarding this video card.

I just bought this video card and after I installed it, I get this Blue Screen of Death error which says "A fatal exception 00 has occurred at 0028:c023DB7F in VXD VDD(09) + 00001803. The current application will be terminated". I specifically encounter this error when I run games like Sacred and BattleRealms or when I try to install Need for Speed: underground. Other games like NBALive05, WarCraft3:Frozen Throne, LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring, JediKnight:outcast, Celtic Kings, Rise of Nations and Diablo2 all work fine. I installed Sims2 yesterday and it worked fine. My old video card was a tnt2 32mb model and all games worked fine, except for nbalive05 and sims2 because I didn't install them due to the graphics requirements.

My OS is Win98SE w/ updates, my mobo is Asus P4S800-MX (sis), proc is Celeron 2ghz, and memory is 256DDR pc333.

Before I installed the video card, I uninstalled the old drivers and followed the instructions on the manual. I used the directx 9.0c which is included in the cd but I didn't use the drivers which is 66.94 because when I run directx diags, and it tested dx9 interface, the spining box was kinda garbled and there was a white window that's visible in the background. Plus with the 66.94 drivers, when I load NBALive05, I could here the sounds but the screen was blank. I now currently am using the 61.76 drivers.

thanks in advance for any tip:) And I'm sorry for such a long post:o , I really want to play NFS:U and I'm cluless why I encountered this problem when I changed my video card.:confused:
I suggest you visit the microsoft knowledge base where you will find an answer to most page faults and exception errors....

But here is an explanation of why you may suffer from these problems.....

When you attempt to shut down your computer, start Windows, or start a program in Windows, you may encounter error messages that are similar to:
A fatal exception XY has occurred at xxxx:xxxxxxxx
Fatal exception errors are codes that are returned by a program in the following cases: •Access to an illegal instruction has been encountered •Invalid data or code has been accessed •The privilege level of an operation is invalid When any of these cases occurs, the processor returns an exception to the operating system, which in turn is handled as a fatal exception error. In many cases the exception is non-recoverable and the system must either be restarted or shut down, depending upon the severity of the error.

In the sample error message that is listed above, XY represents the actual processor exception from 00 to 0F. The xxxx:xxxxxxxx value represents the enhanced instruction pointer to the code segment; the 32-bit address is the actual address where the exception occurred.

Windows does not cause these errors, but has the exception-handling routine for that particular processor exception, which displays the error message.
Hello all I am new to the forum and have just got an Xpert vision 5700VE same as the LE. It seems to have quite a chunky HS/FAN combo on the chip and was just wondering what you guys have O/C your cards to on stock cooling just to give me some idea as to what to expect from it.
Hey! welcome to PCreview!

My 5700LE is set to 400 core 499 memory all the time. Its capable to much higher settings, but I only use them for "competitive" benchmarking, the heat builds up pretty quickly. Those settings are fine for extended gaming periods, and the HSF on my card is pretty poor.

Just read the whole thread, some insane overclocking speeds :o

It's a shame my Nvidea ti4600 is a pathetic overclocker, I only managed to gain 330/720. Not great, really - considering the new cooler on it, and how tricked out my case is cooling wise :(
Hey Redtail.. welcome to PCReview!

Heh heh... theres no point in sensible OC`ing now, is there :-p
Good case cooling helps, so you`ve set urself up pretty well for if/ when u upgrade ur graphics card :)
Heh, well I doubt my parents would be too pleased if I killed a component over clocking XD

As it stands, things are /relativly/ overclocked, I could go higher however I don't want to stress my northbridge and other areas too much.

Cooling I have 2x120mm Ttake thunderblades', 1x80mm aerocool side fan ducted to my twin 12 blade 90mm UFO CPU cooler, on a 68fin copper HS (from a Ttake Volcano 12+ extreme), slot cooler over GFX and sound cards, uprated GFX cooler and sinks, 2x90mm fans at the top of my case, however I want those removed and an 80mm blowhole cut at the top. RAM sinks I didn't bother with, Samsung RAM is build pretty substationally - a few bits of metal aint guna help heat. Then there all the other normal fans you would find.

It's like a wind tunnel inside, the case temperaute is (nearly) always the ambient temperature of my room (any lower and I'd be surpirsed :D)
CPU temp always sits at 34oC idle (overclocked.) Most I have seen it was at 41oC with VCore of 1.850 (pushing it a bit!)

A downside is the noise - but I have a couple of fan controllers, most notably one on my CPU fan, like a hairdrying on it's own.
Sounds pretty good.
I got a TT1225 12cm fan, I think its a thunderblade. I changed the pins so it was running off 7V, not 12 and now its silent :)

The noisiest thing in my case is my graphics fan. I`m looking at ways to change my HSF setup.... I tried a CPU heatsink, no joy :( LOL.... surprised my graphics card still works...
And to update that end comment about my graphics card still working..... Well.... it doesnt now. The HSF fell off while I was playing Halo.
LEARN FROM MY MISTAKE! If you`re messing around with the HSF, make the sure retention pins are still ok.
Had hoped to sell the card to help pay for the new graphics card, whenever that was gonna happen, now I`ve spent £150 on a 6600GT. I`m happy- its a much better card, and quieter, but £150 can do a lot of things...

Hi everyone im new to pc review and overclocking, I have just installed an Xpert Vision FX5700LE 256MB TD and am interested in trying to overclock it. I downloaded coolbits reg key and it says that the card is currently Core 225 and Memory 400. I will start trying to overclock it it small amounts but how will i know when its getting to hot? also if it does go wrong will it damage just the card or the whole P.C? I have a Pentium 4 2.4ghz with 768MB ram, is it worth trying to overclock the CPU aswell? I have standard cooling and cant really afford any more stuff for my PC at the moment.

I know this a lot of questions but i would appreciate any advice you could give me :) Thanks Boomer.

P.s How do i fiond out how many frames per second i am getting in doom 3?
i dunno why but my stock fan on my cpu is running at 8500 rpms might have to switch the jet engine for somehting better and silent :D
Hey Boomer! If the card is overheating, "artifacts" will start to appear on the monitor- they`ll prob only appear during gaming or 3Dmark runs, or anything else that stresses the GPU. IF it gets damaged (tho it prob wont, the system will prob hang WAY before that point) Its unlikely to damage anything else.

Overclocking the CPU a bit will prob do no harm. Remember that overclocking invalidates any warranties. But better keep it sensible. Clever people say not to mess with things they cant afford to replace... But I dont listen to that...

:) welcome to PCReview
Cheers guys, i started playing around with it yesterday i downloaded 3D Mark so i could see what difference my tweaks were making i started off with the standard settings Core 225mhz and Mem 400mhz and got a score of 2044 i am now running it at Core 400mhz and Mem 435mhz and my 3D Mark score is 2315, Thats an increase of 271 not sure what that would mean in real life? Cant do much more with it though as it comes up with the message test unable to run at these settings when i try to increase the speeds more. Also just wondering what software you use to overclcock your CPU?

Cheers Boomer.
I overclock my CPU in the BIOS, but Athlon 64`s have a couple of programs available that let them be tweaked in Windows. The BIOS is the best place to OC. I think the Boot-up is the first real test for an OC. Sometimes my OCs will make the computer hang during startup, but I can equal or better them if I`m starting in Windows. Better doing most of it in the BIOS :)

Your 3DMark score isnt too bad for the card. My 5700LE only ~400 more when I was REALLY pushing it. 3DMark isnt a real game test, its synthetic. It runs a game-type demo using only the GPU to run it, and returning the average number of FPS multiplied by 250 (I think) Its not a bad way of comparing cards using Futuremarks online system, but for "real" overclocking comparisons, its better to run a timedemo of a game you often play.

Kenny :)
Well, how does it operate without a fan? I wondered about this.. and then, I decided to allow my fan to become defective. Oh, well.. maybe I didn't let it become defective as much as it choose to be on it's own.

It made a huge loud noise, I tried everything in my power to fix it. Cleaned it out, put graphite in it.. you name it. No avail. Finally it just died.

So I'm running without it. Now, as we speak. It works.. amazing. However, run Final Fantasy XI at highest settings, have a second monitor attached with Trillian and a few instant messengers, and try typing a text document and your machine will outright reboot. Or, you'll get a lockup, or massive distortions that you can't recover from.

So yeah, this can run without a fan. Just not achieve it's full potiential :)

Also, it tends to overheat when I have the side on my CPU, no matter what I do. I have to have massive cooling to keep it good.
play safe, use protection

Running any hardware with out the fan operating is dangerous, heat builds up very quickly, and when melt down occurs which means the cpu will weld itself to the motherboad. As an ex-clocker i know all about what happens when the cpu gets to hot:eek:
I guess it also depends on your case temp too though

i have a p4 2.6 & a radeon 9600 - not exactly the most astonishingly powerful pieces of hardware known to man - but i only have 1 case fan and barely any ventilation holes so most of my hardware runs pretty hot
Oh, I found this solution to my problem without having to resort to.. ahem.. violence.

You want to fix your own? Here is what you'll need.

1. Spare 3.5" Fan

2. High Temp Glue

3. No sense of athestetics.