Dont ever feel stupid for asking a question, we all had to figure it out somehow. Who made your card, (what brand). Also, If you got a decent brand, you should have no problem clocking the core higher. and as far as where to place the fan. Assuming you have minimal other fans, I would suggest one on your gfx card. Then maybe another to grab that hot air out. I am 16 beers in so if any of this is confusing, I'm sorry and please delete this. But as far as running with artifacts, they're usually only white specs. and i wouldnt suggest running oc'ed all the time unless you have very good cooling. and why burn it up if you dont have to. Just remeber the settings it handles with ease. then, you know where to throw it when your playing a game. Other then that, just play the game as you can, its always better to buy a new card then burn up an old. if nuthing else. sell it to a friend, then buy a new card. your out of games untill this happens, but its the cheapest way to go. Besides, you can always relax on playing and re-think your strategies untill you get a new card. (yes, it does help.) Other then blowing a pay check, theres not much else I can offer. Just OC untill you feel safe, after that, your risking it. Good luck and have fun. BEst wishes. cheers.