Alastair Smeaton
Concerning the Pricelessware Site!
Vote for Number 1 or Number 2.
my vote is for 1
Rationale - if I want to know which is a good firewall, I find it very
helpful to see the pricelessware top 3 (or however many).
I may end up with the one which received fewest votes, because I try
one and find it does not do what I want, or I see posts in the NG
about benefits of one over another -however, I want some help to know
which one to look at first - therefore the votes help me.
For most categories, there are a few contenders - others there is one
standout item. e.g. Irfanview is very popular.
PS - I have fallen into the trap of debating when a simple vote was
asked for - couldn't resist it - should have taken my lead from John C
- in this case, the soul of brevity