(PLW) POLL: QUICK VOTE NOW -Important changes!

  • Thread starter Thread starter stan
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This Concerns all visitors to the Pricelessware site, not google site!
so your wrong again Bjorn Simonsen, let me try explain again,
I will let you change your vote if you made a mistake.

Sorry stan but not all visitors to the PW site(s) are concerned. I for
one am not. I'm happy with how it has been done up to now.
if 2 firewalls get the same vote count! nobody can see this currently!.
Which one deserves to be ontop? whatever you decide the visitor
would still be mislead into believing the one listed ontop was
the winner, but that is not the case, is it!, really it was a draw!

I have never been under the impression that one would be a "winner" over
the other. Both were chosen and either one would be a good recommendation
to anyone.
the only way to fix this is to include the vote count so people
are aware they got the same amount of votes. and it would be nice
to know if a program won by 1 vote or 50 votes also.

I am not opposed to showing the count in the desc., it's just not a
necessary thing for me. As such, I do not feel compelled to vote for
choice No.1.

The No.2 vote choice is not a reasonable choice. Nobody wants to hide
anything from anybody re: PW voting.
burnr said:
I have never been under the impression that one would be a "winner" over
the other. Both were chosen and either one would be a good recommendation
to anyone.

Unless one happened to be ZA. :-)
: I don't care which program won, I care which program works well on MY
: computer and with MY skill level. You simply have to try more than one
: program. The PWL is a good starting place, but winning the vote
: mean it's best for me or you...
: GoodTime Barnie
I have to agree with you on this. The PWL is a starting point, and
cannot possibly list ALL freeware that is available. What works for
some can and will crash other computers. Use the "Buyer Beware" method
of selecting and installing all software onto your computer, whether you
paid for it, or got it for free, as freeware.
: stan wrote:
: > 1)=I want to know what programs WON the acf freeware vote "AND"
: > how MUCH they won by. Please include this in the programs details.
: In years gone by. . . at least one program received *NO* votes and
: selected as Pricelessware. . . 2 vote "winners" are more common. . .
: The programs selected for the *2004* Pricelessware List received 6 to
: votes in the PL balloting.
: Apps were nominated and "lost" (were not selected) even though they
: received as many as 11 votes. Apps were nominated and "won" (were
: selected) even though they received only 6 or 7 votes.
: IOW - you can't tell the PL2004 "winners" by the vote count. . .
: thought you might want to know. . .
: Susan
: --
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Susan, I think that the intent was, for
example, if three items were nominated in a spcific category. Let's say
security, just for example, and Kerio, Zone Alarm, and SusanSherry's
Hacker Killer were all nominated. Now, it is time to vote. Kerio got
27 votes, ZA got 26, and SusanSherry's got 300. This would be for
comparison (curiosity) purposes only, not for the purpose of convincing
that S&S is the best because it got the most votes. At least, that's
how I would interpret it. I have tried Kerio and ZA, but I have not yet
tried S&S (because you and I have not written it yet!), but I would vote
for neither of the two popular ones, because both caused problems for
ME, but not for everyone else who has tried either or both. Anyhow,
just my interpretation of the reason for the results numbers.
This gets my vote as the worst call for votes ever in this group,
despite some stiff competition from the past.

Pretty much agree with that comment. :-)

#2 is not even possible. The vote totals must be posted to the group
each year, and they are.

Yes, but Stan appears too stupid and/or lazy to have worked that out.
Added to that he seems incapable of doing newsgroup searches in

Just when we get an increase in posts with the "voting" Stan wants to
make things worse by starting a pointless thread. Hopefully Susan's
post will put a stop to this nonsense.

Regards, John.
stan said:
1)=I want to know what programs WON the acf freeware vote "AND"
how MUCH they won by. Please include this in the programs details.

I vote for Number 1.
stan said:
This Concerns all visitors to the Pricelessware site, not google site!
so your wrong again Bjorn Simonsen, let me try explain again,
I will let you change your vote if you made a mistake.

ok, here is another EXAMPLE! for the thinkers in this group.

(example 3)

if 2 firewalls get the same vote count! nobody can see this currently!.
Which one deserves to be ontop? whatever you decide the visitor
would still be mislead into believing the one listed ontop was
the winner, but that is not the case, is it!, really it was a draw!

the only way to fix this is to include the vote count so people
are aware they got the same amount of votes. and it would be nice
to know if a program won by 1 vote or 50 votes also.


So the people voting have good luck with program number 1, but there are
lots more that don't vote or do not know about PLW that would have better
luck with program number 2,3,4 etc.. Your method will allow people to
believe program number 1 is the best when in the real world it is either not
the best or is not the right program for the person hunting it. IMO.. I
would think this could turn people away from the PLW site when the program
touted as the best makes a mess of their computer.

I vote for 2)=I want that information kept hidden from the public! and
myself!, but with these changes... 2)=I do not want that information
included in the programs details.

stan said:
Concerning the Pricelessware Site!
Vote for Number 1 or Number 2.

1)=I want to know what programs WON the acf freeware vote "AND"
how MUCH they won by. Please include this in the programs details.


2)=I want that information kept hidden from the public! and myself!

yes we are really voting for this!
This Concerns all visitors to the Pricelessware site.

Please Vote for Number 1 or Number 2


Number 2. All this is making me want to go Number 2.
FadedGlory said:
So the people voting have good luck with program number 1, but there are
lots more that don't vote or do not know about PLW that would have better
luck with program number 2,3,4 etc.. Your method will allow people to
believe program number 1 is the best when in the real world it is either not
the best or is not the right program for the person hunting it. IMO.. I
would think this could turn people away from the PLW site when the program
touted as the best makes a mess of their computer.

I vote for 2)=I want that information kept hidden from the public! and
myself!, but with these changes... 2)=I do not want that information
included in the programs details.

I vote for 2)= because you voted for it, and it and therefore it must be
the best choice.

Seriously, this whole voting thing is kind of a joke and assumes that
everything is on an even par. That is, all programs have been tested by
all and all have equal computers and environments. I think it's a great
idea to have the PW site, but to be fair to all, would be a big mountain
to climb.

BUT, let me add that because of news groups like this, there is a lot of
good feedback about the various programs and it is usually reflected
quite correctly on the PW site.
Seriously, this whole voting thing is kind of a joke and assumes that
everything is on an even par. That is, all programs have been tested by
all and all have equal computers and environments. I think it's a great
idea to have the PW site, but to be fair to all, would be a big mountain
to climb.

A count would show the level of participation and give a rough view of
how many people have used and would recommend each program.
BUT, let me add that because of news groups like this, there is a lot of
good feedback about the various programs and it is usually reflected
quite correctly on the PW site.

Discussions do give the better information.
stan said:
Concerning the Pricelessware Site!
Vote for Number 1 or Number 2.

1)=I want to know what programs WON the acf freeware vote "AND"
how MUCH they won by. Please include this in the programs details.


2)=I want that information kept hidden from the public! and myself!

yes we are really voting for this!
This Concerns all visitors to the Pricelessware site.

Please Vote for Number 1 or Number 2


Concerning the Pricelessware Site!
Vote for Number 1 or Number 2.

1)=I want to know what programs WON the acf freeware vote "AND"
how MUCH they won by. Please include this in the programs details.


2)=I want that information kept hidden from the public! and myself!

Question badly framed, and seems to be worded so as to bias the

Might just as validly be rephrased as:

1) I want the program details to be cluttered up with a lot of
irrelevant material that won't help us judge the value of a program.
As part of this, I want it to be possible for the voting system to be
flooded with people hustling their pet products, so that the listed
programs will seem more useful than they really are. Please load up
the listings, while I think of more junk that can be shoehorned in


2) I want to allow the relevance of the material in the program
details to be left to the discretion of the hard-working people who
put it together.

(Same question, just a little adjustment to the wording).

Please vote (1) or (2) now.

_Jim Butterfield_, lunedì 04/ott/2004:
Question badly framed, and seems to be worded so as to bias the

Might just as validly be rephrased as:

1) I want the program details to be cluttered up with a lot of
irrelevant material that won't help us judge the value of a program.
As part of this, I want it to be possible for the voting system to be
flooded with people hustling their pet products, so that the listed
programs will seem more useful than they really are. Please load up
the listings, while I think of more junk that can be shoehorned in


2) I want to allow the relevance of the material in the program
details to be left to the discretion of the hard-working people who
put it together.

(Same question, just a little adjustment to the wording).

Please vote (1) or (2) now.


Bravo! I was thinking the same things, but I'm lacking the English language
skills to put it down. :-)

Ah..., I vote 2!
PuppyKatt said:
: stan wrote:
: > 1)=I want to know what programs WON the acf freeware vote "AND"
: > how MUCH they won by. Please include this in the programs details.
: IOW - you can't tell the PL2004 "winners" by the vote count. . .
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Susan, I think that the intent was, for
example, if three items were nominated in a spcific category. Let's say
security, just for example, and Kerio, Zone Alarm, and SusanSherry's
Hacker Killer were all nominated. Now, it is time to vote. Kerio got
27 votes, ZA got 26, and SusanSherry's got 300. This would be for
comparison (curiosity) purposes only, not for the purpose of convincing
that S&S is the best because it got the most votes.

The Nominations page *will* show will show the votes for all nominated
apps. Last year the votes were removed when the Pricelessware selection
process was complete because we select PW winners by vote *and*
subcategory - something that casual visitors don't know. The votes could
remain on the Nominations page.

The PL shows the final selections - most subcategories only have *one*
selection. . . showing the votes there would not be very helpful IMO.

hi Susan,

As we have seen "MOST" people want this NEW feature we just voted for,
its obviously beneficial to these people.

there is a way to make EVERYONE happy!

by including the vote details "ONLY" on "ONE" pricelessware site,
so people who dont want to see the vote count while reading the
products details, can just use the other Pricelessware site.
for people who dont know, yes there already are 2 sites.

this is the "you really can make Everyone happy idea!"

I see no reasons? why this should not just go ahead.
forget about 2004 list, just focus on 2005 list.

_stan_, lunedì 04/ott/2004:
there is a way to make EVERYONE happy!

by including the vote details "ONLY" on "ONE" pricelessware site,
so people who dont want to see the vote count while reading the
products details, can just use the other Pricelessware site.
for people who dont know, yes there already are 2 sites.

Who really are you, stan? What are you trying to do? Another war?
stan said:
hi Susan,

As we have seen "MOST" people want this NEW feature we just voted for,
its obviously beneficial to these people.

Isn't this vote was about showing vote counts. If you have *ended* the
vote please post the results.

If the vote hasn't ended I suggest you post the vote count to date. That
information would be helpful.
