Garrett said:
Ben said:
Garrett said:
BillR wrote:
Personally, I have no problem with discussing possible changes like [snip]
speak for the site that I am currently maintaining and no other
So, you're saying that regardless of any vote, poll, or opinion from
this group, your site will reflect your opinion of
what Pricelessware should be?
You're willing to "correct" a vote if you think (or are later
convinced) it was the wrong vote?
Please read the post again as you seem to have not read it at all.
I did read the post, Garrett. Don't be condescending.
A program such as MultiRes can't be in the "wrong" location if it's in
the location that everyone voted it in.
In summary, I propose clarifying the subcategory name, moving [snip]
I appreciate your intent and effort, and I also wish to avoid any
pointless bickering over such a minor thing. But I'm pretty sure
that neither of these sites will ever coincide with each other
Perception is reality. It seems you've already decided how your site
will reflect the "vote".
This comment doesn't seem to even relate to the quoted text above it.
You must be seeing something into this that I do not see.
Maybe it was the part where you said, "But I'm pretty sure that neither
of these sites will ever coincide with each other 100%."
How can they *not* coincide when the list is supposed to represent the
vote that is held here in the group? You seem to be saying that your
list will put programs into any category you feel is more appropriate,
regardless of what the vote results may be.
I disagree on the idea that MultiRes should be in Desktop, as it's [snip]
names are more cryptic than the programs they are suppose to be
Why do you keep snipping parts of your post I was quoting?
The pricelessware list has been a mess for years and needs a major
overhaul and some serious refinement. Just ask Susan how hard it is
to try and maintain this list, and I bet she might even agree that the
whole things needs to be reconsidered and simplified.
Are you sure you want to make that bet?
I will tell you what is rediculous, and that is your opinion that the
pricelessware list should not be cleaned up, things made easier for
the visitors to the list. I have to assume that you would rather see
things in disarray.
See, this is the part you don't understand.
Things weren't in disarray and it was working quite well.
That might very well be. But are you going to tell me that you don't
find some of the descriptions completely lacking, and some having far
too much of a description? Be honest here Ben, and try to be unbias
about this. This isn't about me, it's about the list. You tell me
that you honestly believe the list is not in bad shape and needs to be
cleaned up, refined and organized better than it is now.
Garrett, your sense of self regarding this seems to be egregiously
This has *always* been about the Pricelessware list and how it is
presented on the web.
I hate to break this to you, but I don't know you well enough to hate
you or even dislike you.
I can say, though, that your actions thus far show that will be reflecting your opinions and not those of this
The guidelines if any are failing and not doing the pricelessware list
justice at all.
This is a patently false and misleading statement. The site was working
quite well until you and your ilk stepped in to change it.
Several people have said that times change and people need to change
with them. Well times have changed and the pricelessware list needs
to catch up to the times. Am I the only one that sees this?
What do you mean when you say "catch up to the times"?
Ben, you dislike me, fine, but don't let that get in the way of your
judgement of the list. Don't let that cloud your mind. Even if you
dislike me, I can tell that you're not a troll, an idiot and so on.
You seem to have quite a good brain there, except that you're letting
your dislike of me get in the way. Let it go when it comes to the
list itself.
Like I said before, this has nothing to do with you and is about how the
list is presented.
I would have nothing to say if you presented the PW list as it was
decided to be presented with the most recent vote.
You've now taken it upon yourself to change program categories and
program descriptions with no whit to any general consensus from those of
us involved with this group.
Read over what I was talking about in the prior post and here without
using me as a tool in part of your reply, stick with the subject and
come back with some real and honest comments, suggestions, but above
all, all I ask is that you be honest with this.
This implies my original comments weren't "real or honest". I assure
they were and are.
I would like to see a plain statement for what your intentions are
regarding the Pricelessware list.
Will it be an accurate presentation of the group's wishes, or will it be
a presentation filtered through *your* sensibilities?
Now if enough level headed and honest people in this group say that
I'm off base with my suggestions and or proposals, then I'll go with
the concensus and do what's needed. I've said all along that I'm
more than willing to make changes and so on, and I'm not talking
about waiting until next year's list comes out. This year's list is
still viable and being used by people like you and me and it would be
nice if we always try to Define and Refine until it's as close to
being Divine as possible.
I'm not looking for divinity, I'm looking for accuracy as to how it
reflects the wishes of this group.
As my kids would say, "Don't hate the player, hate the game". I'm not
here for some personal goal, I'm here because I like the pricelessware
list, I partook in it's creation and I want to make it better with
ever step it takes. I want to help keep it going without any hang
ups. I want it to be the pure and innocent thing that it's suppose
to be.
Personally, I don't hate the players or the game, because I'm not here
to play any game, so I've got no reason to hate or dislike anyone.
Tell me what you want out of this? What do you want do with the list?
It's just as much your list as mine, Susan's, Genna's and even that
Whacky Dszady who's currently out for my skull on a silver platter.
This list is suppose to be for anyone and everyone.
Now if you're serious about this and are passionate about going over
this, let's get down to business here.
OK, this was my last effort to persuade you from making a site that
reflects "you and yours" opinion of what Pricelessware should be.
Obviously, you are not receptive to any suggestions from those who don't
agree with you. is your site and yours alone. I'm sure it will be
quite successful for you.