Mister said:
[snip]My impression was the group was given a chance to comment or decide
on a number of things, and they did...but there were things ignored
due to lack of interest and those things Susan did her job as in
fulfilling the best she can. Just as you unilaterally 'fixed' the
pricelessware page, you did what you felt was right.
I don't see an issue here, really.
Then she was wrong. She's not allowed to make changes without the
group's permission. If she was not able to get permission, then
whatever it was, should have been left as-is. This is what all of her
followers have boldly stated to me several times. This is what all the
bickering was about. I made some changes, I was told I needed
permission do this, but then I find that Susan makes changes without
even consulting this group. And made changes when consulting the
group, but not getting permission do them. Doesn't matter how anyone
looks at it, either way, it's wrong.
My point is this. If she can make changes without permission, then she
is no longer abiding by the wishes of this group, and, she should
return the site and list to it's original content prior to those
changes that she has made that were not approved by this group. If she
would like to try and get the group's permission again, then she should
bring up these issues again.
Whether they said no, or just were not interested in the subject, does
not make any difference or give her any right to assume the roll of
this group on her own indiviual opinions.
There can't be any vague lines on this... Either we abide by the
group's wishes, or we don't.
I really despise hipocricy, and there's a bit of it going on here.
My post may be a bit strong here, and I'm sorry if it is. I'm trying
not to get upset and make my reply sound like it's an attack or
anything, so please do not take this reply as anything other than reply
to you on this subject. I'm not mad at you, I'm just mad at the
ignorance of some of the excuses I've heard regarding this subject.