Susan Bugher
Susan said:Mark S. wrote:
Hi Mark,
It makes sense for me to do the directory structure too.
These will probably be
I did a trial run. I ran into a snag when I tried to zip the empty
directories with UZ. It seems I would have to a file to each programs's
subdirectory in order to have the subdirectory included in the zip.

There is an better way.

You wave your magic wand (aka run a .bat file) and create them yourself
- instructions follow.
I created the directory structure with this app:
Program: Path Creator
Author: Granite Mountain Software
Install: n.i. (no install)
Ware: (Freeware)
PathCreator201.zip (289 KB)
OS: Windows 9x/2k/XP (per an acf post)
I used a .bat file - uploaded here (with a .txt extension):
http://www.pricelesswarehome.org/temp/batch.txt (16 KB) (has dir. info
for all apps on the nominations page)
If you:
1. download PathCreator201.zip and unzip it
2. copy the batch.txt file into the directory
3. rename it batch.bat
4. run PathCreator.exe
The directory structure will be created for you (paths are shown in the
batch file. That worked *very* nicely here.

any problem doing it this way. I can do a revised batch file later -
this is a trial run. I renamed µBook - to ubook - that was the only
problem with the app names. . .
If anyone else wants to play, feel free to download the batch file.