[PL] PL2005 CD

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan Bugher
  • Start date Start date
Susan said:
Mark S. wrote:

Hi Mark,
It makes sense for me to do the directory structure too.

These will probably be

I did a trial run. I ran into a snag when I tried to zip the empty
directories with UZ. It seems I would have to a file to each programs's
subdirectory in order to have the subdirectory included in the zip. :(

There is an better way. :)

You wave your magic wand (aka run a .bat file) and create them yourself
- instructions follow.

I created the directory structure with this app:

Program: Path Creator
Author: Granite Mountain Software
Install: n.i. (no install)
Ware: (Freeware)

PathCreator201.zip (289 KB)

OS: Windows 9x/2k/XP (per an acf post)

I used a .bat file - uploaded here (with a .txt extension):

http://www.pricelesswarehome.org/temp/batch.txt (16 KB) (has dir. info
for all apps on the nominations page)

If you:
1. download PathCreator201.zip and unzip it
2. copy the batch.txt file into the directory
3. rename it batch.bat
4. run PathCreator.exe

The directory structure will be created for you (paths are shown in the
batch file. That worked *very* nicely here. :) Let me know if you have
any problem doing it this way. I can do a revised batch file later -
this is a trial run. I renamed µBook - to ubook - that was the only
problem with the app names. . .

If anyone else wants to play, feel free to download the batch file.

Susan Bugher wrote alt.comp.freeware on Wed, 27 Oct 2004 01:15:23 -0400,
the following
I did a trial run. I ran into a snag when I tried to zip the empty
directories with UZ. It seems I would have to a file to each programs's
subdirectory in order to have the subdirectory included in the zip. :(

There is an better way. :)

You wave your magic wand (aka run a .bat file) and create them yourself
- instructions follow.

Another fine job Susan. Path Creator and the batch file work great!

Mark S.
Mark said:
Susan Bugher wrote alt.comp.freeware on Wed, 27 Oct 2004 01:15:23 -0400,
the following

Another fine job Susan. Path Creator and the batch file work great!

Glad to hear that. :) The subdirectory names have to be an *exact* match
this year since I'm going to create links to them.

Path Creator is definitely a keeper. Small, no install, easy to use. . .

Susan said:
There are 260+ programs on this year's PL. If 27 volunteers each took
*one* section of the alphanumeric list they would only have to watchdog
about 10 programs. . . Lots of people doing a *little* work. . .

I had a look at this for a few hours yesterday, having said I would do
'C', and I don't think alphanumeric is the way to go.
There are 12 categories on the PL and watching them looks to be the
better way.
The simple task of collating 'C' into a workable database is boring and
tiresome, especially with the knowledge that the job will have to be
done again soon with PL2005.

Dealing with a category, however, is simple. This morning, armed with
the knowledge and experience I picked up yesterday, I checked 'Security'
from scratch in under ten minutes. :-)
One dead link. This one:


I did this by copy/pasting the Security page into a text editor,
importing the text file into VisitURL, exporting as a csv and then
importing the csv into AM-Deadlink to verify the URL's. Easy. Add
something like C4U into the equation a bit later for back up; a bit of
manual checking of the download links to be sure they are going to the
correct build... job done, minimum of fuss.

So. I don't want to do alphanumeric but will happily take a category or
two. It would be nice to have feedback from REM, who also put his name
forward for watchdogging, and then perhaps change the Wiki page and come
back to the group looking for other volunteers, armed with the tools
that make the job a cakewalk. :-)
I had a look at this for a few hours yesterday, having said I would do
'C', and I don't think alphanumeric is the way to go.
There are 12 categories on the PL and watching them looks to be the
better way.
The simple task of collating 'C' into a workable database is boring and
tiresome, especially with the knowledge that the job will have to be
done again soon with PL2005.

Dealing with a category, however, is simple. This morning, armed with
the knowledge and experience I picked up yesterday, I checked 'Security'
from scratch in under ten minutes. :-)
One dead link. This one:

Do you need http://download9.avast.com//iavs4pro/setupeng.exe
OR http://www.avast.com/eng/down_home.html
jo said:
I had a look at this for a few hours yesterday, having said I would do
'C', and I don't think alphanumeric is the way to go.
There are 12 categories on the PL and watching them looks to be the
better way.

So. I don't want to do alphanumeric but will happily take a category or
two. It would be nice to have feedback from REM, who also put his name
forward for watchdogging, and then perhaps change the Wiki page and come
back to the group looking for other volunteers, armed with the tools
that make the job a cakewalk. :-)

Thank you. :) Split the work anyway you like. Makes no nevermind to me
how you do it but. . . I didn't explain my request very well. I check
the links with Zenu (that's a piece of cake).

Visiting web pages to check for program updates (and other program
related changes: changes in the description, ware type, available
languages etc. etc. etc.) is the time consuming task. Most of the time I
rely on posts to the newsgroup for update information. Some updates
don't get spotted in a timely manner. Any "watchdog" help you can offer
will be most gratefully received. :)

I assumed you would be working from a PL web page and didn't think to
mention that I should be able to furnish files (.txt or .csv etc.) with
any info you want, arranged and sorted as you would like it (one of the
advantages of using a spreadsheet).

Susan said:
Thank you. :) Split the work anyway you like. Makes no nevermind to me
how you do it but. . . I didn't explain my request very well. I check
the links with Zenu (that's a piece of cake).

Visiting web pages to check for program updates (and other program
related changes: changes in the description, ware type, available
languages etc. etc. etc.) is the time consuming task.

Nope. C4U is my friend. :-)
Most of the time I
rely on posts to the newsgroup for update information. Some updates
don't get spotted in a timely manner. Any "watchdog" help you can offer
will be most gratefully received. :)

OK, I'll take a category or two. You wanting this started now or wait
for the PL 2005 pages to be in place? When will the PL2005 pages be up?
I assumed you would be working from a PL web page

Good god, no; the very thought of all that manual work :-)
and didn't think to
mention that I should be able to furnish files (.txt or .csv etc.) with
any info you want, arranged and sorted as you would like it (one of the
advantages of using a spreadsheet).

For C4U I will need an HTML page of links; I can generate that easy
enough with VisitURL when the pages are up, thx.
jo said:
Nope. C4U is my friend. :-)

I've done a *tiny* bit with Webmon.
I'll try to take a look at C4U too - in my spare time ;)
OK, I'll take a category or two. You wanting this started now or wait
for the PL 2005 pages to be in place? When will the PL2005 pages be up?

Wait. It will be easier for you. Our primary concern is having the
latest updates when the PL2005 CD is finalized.

I've been working on the updates I know about (many) for the last couple
of days. After I finish those and upload revised PL2004 and PL2005 web
pages I'll create individual files with the descriptions of the apps
that *weren't* selected for PL2005.

Those files will be linked to the PL2005 Nomination page and the ACF
program pages. When that's done I'll remove the also-ran apps from the
other PL2005 web pages. I'm not sure when Burnr plans to do the new
color scheme, logo etc. etc. - in terms of checking for updates the
pages should be done shortly after we wrap up the final selection
discussion on Nov. 20.

I'm not sure when Burnr plans to do the new
color scheme, logo etc. etc. - in terms of checking for updates the
pages should be done shortly after we wrap up the final selection
discussion on Nov. 20.

I'll be off work next week for a couple days plus the weekend. I was
hoping to have most/all of it ready for your review then. woohoo ;)
burnr said:
I'll be off work next week for a couple days plus the weekend. I was
hoping to have most/all of it ready for your review then. woohoo ;)

Super. :) :) :)

stray thoughts. . .

ISTM it would be nice to include a "cover" image with the new colors on
the PL2005 CD. (I'll do the black and white cover image "real soon now"
and upload it for review.)

Susan Bugher wrote:

A start on the PL2005-CD. . .


The autorun start page (very rough)


I think the files *can* be linked on a web page. :) I'll need a copy of
the directory list showing the directories and files after the files
have been downloaded. When Mark sends that I'll create the final web page.

The Program Index page links to the "programs" page:


If a program falls off the PL after the CD is created it will still be
shown on the on-line "programs" page. The links on the on-line page will
all be "dead" but the page will show the file names. . .

Creating the CD program files directories revisited:
You wave your magic wand (aka run a .bat file) and create them yourself
- instructions follow.

I created the directory structure with this app:

Program: Path Creator
Author: Granite Mountain Software
Install: n.i. (no install)
Ware: (Freeware)

PathCreator201.zip (289 KB)

OS: Windows 9x/2k/XP (per an acf post)

I used a .bat file - uploaded here

This is the final list of programs:

If you:
1. download PathCreator201.zip and unzip it
2. copy the batch.txt file into the directory
3. rename it batch.bat
4. run PathCreator.exe

The directory structure will be created for you (paths are shown in the
batch file.

Comments please.

Susan said:
Susan Bugher wrote:

A start on the PL2005-CD. . .


The autorun start page (very rough)


I think the files *can* be linked on a web page. :) I'll need a copy of
the directory list showing the directories and files after the files
have been downloaded. When Mark sends that I'll create the final web page.

The Program Index page links to the "programs" page:


If a program falls off the PL after the CD is created it will still be
shown on the on-line "programs" page. The links on the on-line page will
all be "dead" but the page will show the file names. . .

Creating the CD program files directories revisited:

This is the final list of programs:


Comments please.

Pricelessware & ACF: http://www.pricelesswarehome.org
Pricelessware: http://www.pricelessware.org
ACF FAQ: http://clients.net2000.com.au/~johnf/faq.html
ACF wiki: http://www.markcarter.me.uk/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?AcfWiki

Works for me.