[PL] PL2005 CD

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan Bugher
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Mark said:
Adrian Carter wrote alt.comp.freeware on Sat, 23 Oct 2004 13:54:53 GMT,
the following
I think the person who makes the CD should send one to you. I guess
that would be me. (Susan will get one also.) Sometime before the CD is
complete please send to me your postal address via email. I'll keep it

ISTM that this would be a better way to make the initial distribution
this year: when the ISO is online volunteers download it then burn and
mail copies to the volunteer burners in nearby countries.

IIRC I mailed about 20 CDs to volunteer burners last year. If a *group*
of volunteers download the ISO and each sends several copies we could
achieve a wide-spread distribution much more quickly.

No. :( Please resend: sebugher (AT) kvi (DOT) net or the PWH links button.




- Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools talk because
they have to say something.
I can burn a few ISOs for Canadians and may be the odd foreign
country :-)

harsha said:
Susan Bugher wrote:
I can burn a few ISOs for Canadians and may be the odd foreign
country :-)

Thanks hg, I've added your name to the list of volunteers on the wiki
page. All the Canadian CDs I sent last year were slow in arriving. IIRC
one of the very last was POKO's - he lives all of 300-350 miles away
from me - but over the border. Your help should speed things up. :)

Susan said:
country :-)

Thanks hg, I've added your name to the list of volunteers on the wiki
page. All the Canadian CDs I sent last year were slow in arriving. IIRC
one of the very last was POKO's - he lives all of 300-350 miles away
from me - but over the border. Your help should speed things up. :)


The border crossing has just gotten worse. Not much we can do
about it :-(

POKO is a few hundred miles east of me and he sent me the 2004cd (Thanks

BTW I can download the 2005.iso if I know the URL. I have a lousy connection
but still it is cable...

harsha said:
Susan Bugher wrote:
The border crossing has just gotten worse. Not much we can do
about it :-(

true :(
BTW I can download the 2005.iso if I know the URL. I have a lousy connection
but still it is cable...

That makes it better than my connection. :) It's early days yet - ATM
I'm just suggesting some possibilities - Mark (and others) may have
better ideas on the best way to do the initial distribution.

Mark said:
I agree with you Roger! When I downloaded programs to snail mail them
to Susan for the first CD, the majority of my time was spent finding the
actual direct download links rather than the downloading itself. The
biggest help would be voluunteers sending to me the direct links when we
know the final results of the voting.

re accessing the program files that are included on the CD. There have
been suggestions for improvement.

The directory structure I used last year is shown on a text tile that is
included with the CD. The PL2004 readme file includes infomation about
the text file - users have to open an explorer window to see the
directories. I've uploaded a copy of the text file here:


a small sample:

1\2Flyer Screensaver Builder\
1\40tude Dialog\


The PL2004 CD's index page is here:


If we use the same kind of directory structure this year I could link to
each program's *subfolder* on that page. The "PW_CD" column notes either
included or omitted - I could change "included" to a *link* to the
subdirectory for that program. That link could also be shown in the
program descriptions.

ISTM that linking to subfolders should be fairly simple.

An alternative is linking to individual *files*. That would be a much
more difficult task. IMO linking to subfolders is preferable.

Comments? Suggestions?

Susan Bugher wrote alt.comp.freeware on Sun, 24 Oct 2004 11:03:21 -0400,
the following
re accessing the program files that are included on the CD. There have
been suggestions for improvement.
Susan, I like the way that the pricelesswarehome website is setup and I
would like to keep the CD looking and acting like the website as much as
possible. If a program is NOT on the CD then I would suggest that the
description not be included on the CD also. But if a program is
included on the CD then I would like to see as you suggested an explorer
window open up showing that file when the link is clicked on. (The only
other alternative would be to have a direct link to the file, but then
it would be copied to the hard drive and you'd still have to open the
download folder to access it.)
The directory structure I used last year is shown on a text tile that is
included with the CD. The PL2004 readme file includes infomation about
the text file - users have to open an explorer window to see the
directories. I've uploaded a copy of the text file here:
If we use the same kind of directory structure this year I could link to
each program's *subfolder* on that page. The "PW_CD" column notes either
included or omitted - I could change "included" to a *link* to the
subdirectory for that program. That link could also be shown in the
program descriptions.

ISTM that linking to subfolders should be fairly simple.
It's also the most practical from the user's point of view.

Autorun? When the CD is inserted do we want the readme file to open or
a webpage from the CD to open or something else to happen?

Mark S.
Mark said:
Susan Bugher wrote alt.comp.freeware on Sun, 24 Oct 2004 11:03:21 -0400,
the following

Susan, I like the way that the pricelesswarehome website is setup and I
would like to keep the CD looking and acting like the website as much as
possible. If a program is NOT on the CD then I would suggest that the
description not be included on the CD also.

I could do that easily enough *but* ISTM we should show the entire
Pricelessware List on the CD. The program descriptions have links to the
author's site - those programs can be downloaded directly.

But if a program is
included on the CD then I would like to see as you suggested an explorer
window open up showing that file when the link is clicked on. (The only
other alternative would be to have a direct link to the file, but then
it would be copied to the hard drive and you'd still have to open the
download folder to access it.)

Hmmm. . . links will have to be relative - the CD may not be in the D
drive. . . .
It's also the most practical from the user's point of view.

I think so too. FWIW - TreeCopy can copy a directory structure.
Perhaps copy last year's directory as a start for this year:


Suggestion: after you create the PL2005 file directories you could
upload a zip file to PWH and downloaders could use that for the files
they download. ISTM that would make it easier for you to combine the
files you receive - if you do it that way rather than downloading all
the files yourself. . .
Autorun? When the CD is inserted do we want the readme file to open or
a webpage from the CD to open or something else to happen?

IMO the autorun should open an HTML page. That page could link to the
readme and HTML pages on the CD - say something similar to:


I'll plan on making a trial set: web pages, autorun file etc. - sometime
well before you're ready to finalize the CD - to give us a chance to
test (and revise if needed).

copied from another thread:

Roger said:
Just a thought.
Would it be possible to create the PL CD as a script, or a bat file?

That would solve several problems.

The iso creator only has to run the script, which downloads the programs,
puts them in the right folder structure. The script downloads the PL site
and other stuff which are to be included, and creates the iso file.

The web pages on the CD will be created *once* expecially for the CD.
They will not be the same as the online pages.
This idea would also make updates easier. We can just change the script.
And the version number.
With the script method we could maybe create more than one version per
year of the PL CD.

PL2005 will have 200-300 programs, say 400-600 files. I gather you are
suggesting a script with direct DL links (difficult or unwelcome in many
instances). An update would require checking *all* the URLs. IMO at
least 70-80 percent of the URLs would have to be revised for a mid-year
Or, the PL group takes responsibility only for the iso's and CD produced
by the appointed persons...?

ACF participants will be asking the authors for permission to do certain
things. The CD goals and procedures spell out what we intend to do and
how we intend to do it. The authors will be asked to consent to that.

Anything relating to goals and procedures should be discussed now - and
agreed upon before requests for permission are sent.

Some author's are more concerned about details than others. IMO all of
them deserve a clear explanation of our intentions and a committment
from ACF participants: we ask permission to do this and *only* this.

Susan Bugher said:
The web pages on the CD will be created *once* expecially for the CD.
They will not be the same as the online pages.

PL2005 will have 200-300 programs, say 400-600 files. I gather you are
suggesting a script with direct DL links (difficult or unwelcome in
many instances).

The list of direct download links does not have to be in the same file as
the script. The script could use an external list to download the program
files and put them in a suitable folder structure.

You are right that direct download links can be difficult to find in many
cases. I wonder how many percents of them?
Maybe 5 % ?

We could predict that the script would not be used by so many, so there
is no need for spreading the load. So we can bypass mirror systems and
give the script a direct link when the problem is mirror arrangements.

So I don't agree about the "unwelcome" idea.
I don't think the script will be used by enough people to make it

An update would require checking *all* the URLs. IMO

Let me just point out that links can be checked by running the script.
So a script would simplify link checking.
at least 70-80 percent of the URLs would have to be revised for a
mid-year update.
ACF participants will be asking the authors for permission to do
certain things. The CD goals and procedures spell out what we intend to
do and how we intend to do it. The authors will be asked to consent to

A script for downloading needs no consent, as far as I can understand.

If we as a group are involved in organising volunteers creating physical
CD's and distribution of them we should of course ask for permission in
the cases where the license does not allow it to begin with.

I just meant that there is a possibility, in the future maybe, if needed,
to change the level of responsibility by only creating the script and let
others use it.
I could do that easily enough *but* ISTM we should show the entire
Pricelessware List on the CD. The program descriptions have links to the
author's site - those programs can be downloaded directly.

That makes sense. Clicking on the link will either give an extraction
option or a browser will open to the link for downloading.

The majority of authors did allow programs on the CD, didn't they?
IMO the autorun should open an HTML page. That page could link to the
readme and HTML pages on the CD - say something similar to:

That looks good. Maybe add a prominent README-CD link to the
That makes sense. Clicking on the link will either give an extraction
option or a browser will open to the link for downloading.

Not exactly - I'm thinking of a link at the end of the description that
says "files" - if that link isn't shown the user could click on the
links to the author's site/download page. (There may be a newer version
than the one shown on the CD.)
The majority of authors did allow programs on the CD, didn't they?

Yes. :) 189 apps were included (and we received permission from several
more authors after the CD was created), 73 were omitted.
That looks good. Maybe add a prominent README-CD link to the


Roger said:
Susan Bugher <[email protected]> wrote:
The list of direct download links does not have to be in the same file as
the script. The script could use an external list to download the program
files and put them in a suitable folder structure.

That would be *very* nice. :)
Let me just point out that links can be checked by running the script.
So a script would simplify link checking.

A link that's still good may give you a *different* version of the file.
ISTM that checking would still be needed.

First of all just one comment about the 'script' that was mentioned...
It is beyond my capabilities to write.

The way I see things Susan, You are going to provide the Master CD
burner (That would be me.)with the smaller files which will go on the
CD. These would be all the HTML files, the picture files (bmp and gif
etc.) for these HTML files and the autorun file/s. And of course the
directory structure including the empty folders. These will probably be
zipped and you will give me a location of where to download these. When
I get this I will then add the programs (zip/exe) to their respective
empty directories. Check that the version on the author's website
matches the version on the CD. Checxk for broken links. The last thing
to do then is to calculate the MD5sum and burn it.

I am still evaluating just how to get all the files.

Initial Distribution????
My download speed is much greater than my upload speed. I can D/L about
700MB in one hour but to upload that amount would take me about 7 or 8
hours. Is it likely that I could upload the ISO VIA ftp to the site/s
that is currently hosting it? As I've stated, I will be snail mailing a
CD to Susan and one to Adrian in Australia.

Mark S.
Mark said:
Initial Distribution????
My download speed is much greater than my upload speed. I can D/L
about 700MB in one hour but to upload that amount would take me about
7 or 8 hours. Is it likely that I could upload the ISO VIA ftp to
the site/s that is currently hosting it? As I've stated, I will be
snail mailing a CD to Susan and one to Adrian in Australia.

Just in case RedLeg doesn't respond to this directly...

I'm sure the current host (RedLeg) can arrange for you to upload the ISO
directly via FTP -- that's how I got the PL2004CD.iso to him originally.
(I'm fortunate to be among the F&F that have access to the server.) I'll
leave it to the two of you to make those arrangements when the time
comes. If I can facilitate in any way, let me know.
Mark said:
The way I see things Susan, You are going to provide the Master CD
burner (That would be me.)with the smaller files which will go on the
CD. These would be all the HTML files, the picture files (bmp and gif
etc.) for these HTML files and the autorun file/s. And of course the
directory structure including the empty folders.

You're right. It makes sense for me to do the directory structure too.

These will probably be
zipped and you will give me a location of where to download these. When
I get this I will then add the programs (zip/exe) to their respective
empty directories. Check that the version on the author's website
matches the version on the CD. Checxk for broken links.
The last thing
to do then is to calculate the MD5sum and burn it.

I am still evaluating just how to get all the files.

Checking 200-300 sites takes a lot of time. I think you need help.

ISTM other volunteers could verify the versions, find the download links
that are closest to you and send you a list of the URLs. If they *post*
the version changes I can update the web pages to match.

If you can handle all the downloading that should *minimize* last minute
updates. ISTM that some last minute revisions are inevitable - both in
the files and the HTML pages (version changes, last minute permission
from an author etc.)
Initial Distribution????
My download speed is much greater than my upload speed. I can D/L about
700MB in one hour but to upload that amount would take me about 7 or 8
hours. Is it likely that I could upload the ISO VIA ftp to the site/s
that is currently hosting it? As I've stated, I will be snail mailing a
CD to Susan and one to Adrian in Australia.

All volunteer burners need copies ASAP so they can begin the general
distribution. Last year I mailed those CDs. I think you should mail them
this year *if* an ISO isn't available online.

Perhaps you could mail the ISO to Army RedLeg or Mark W. to ensure it's
available online as quickly as possible (in case you have problems with
the upload)?

Army RedLeg's site has limited capacity. ISTM first priority for
downloading should be given to burners, to people who will mail copies
to burners who don't have a high speed connection and to people who will
create a bit torrent.
