bambam <
[email protected]> wrote in message
Garrett's poll (vote) was well intentioned but procedurally flawed.
This thread has only been up for a few days. I suspect many don't
visit several times a week. The vote also did not have a clear
duration. In addition, further discussion produced better choices.
Finally, some of us feel any vote was premature.
Garrett's poll also elicited widespread consideration of the slogan
and produced useful information. Let's make use of what we have
learned from that broad participation to confirm the concensus that
appears to have emerged.
I voted to keep the current slogan (with minor correction).
Nevertheless there appears to be a large enough majority to say there
is probably a concensus preference to change the slogan and perhaps on
what it should become.
The easiest way I can think of to determine a concensus (other than
having another standard vote) is to create three new related threads
that propose that concensus has been reached on a specific slogan.
The threads required to confirm the concensus are:
1. Negative votes on proposed slogan - for those who
a) have not yet voted and are opposed or
b) want to change their prior aye to nay.
2. Negative votes on proposed concensus - for those who feel that
a) the proposed slogan is _not_ the concensus of the group or
b) the duration of the poll is too short
c) the vote is so premature it should not be held,
d) etc.
3. Discussion - for those who want
a) to raise other issues such as new flaws or a better slogan or
b) to discuss the reasons for their current or prior vote.
If threads 1 .and 2. don't have many responses and 3. doesn't elicit a
major flaw, we can conclude that there is sufficient concensus to
adopt the proposed new slogan.
This approach will salvage much of the information from the prior vote
The number of additional posts will be minimized without everyone
voting again if concensus has been reached.
If concensus has not been reached, that will be clear as well. (I can
hope for lots of nays, can't I?)
Which slogan is being evaluated will be clear.
The vote thread will be separate from the discussion thread.
A specific time frame will be stated.
Note, the "concensus vote" threads should have a specific duration and
clearly stated purpose in the OP. (Also a plea to snip!)
This proposal relies on this group being reasonably civil and
responsible as well as accepting this approach. (All three of these
are somewhat independent.)
Please keep personal attacks out of this thread and stay on topic.