Henk said:My vote is for this one too.
With kind regards,
I like this one too!

Henk said:My vote is for this one too.
With kind regards,
POKO said:I wish the other people who sit back and do not vote would do so, so we
won't get 'The majority voted this' quote when that is not true.
I've decided not to partake in any or all voting or discussion of this
now "dual newsgroup". I feel strongly that breaking acf in two like has
been done was the beginning of the end for me. I still visit as often as
is possible (because the amount of information one gets here is amazing)
but I wont participate as I did. I'll only post sparingly on things that
really interest me. That's how I feel and I wish all well,
Henk said:I'm with Henk and Jim (and others) in preferring this one.
Henk said:My vote is for this one too.
H.M.A. (Dick) Hazeleger said:Henk wrote:
I am with Henk and all the others too. Drop whatever OS and take the
slogan mentioned above.
Regards to the group.
"The best of the best in Freeware
as determined by the readers of alt.comp.freeware." My vote is for this
I like 'The best of the best of Freeware as determined by the
readers of alt.comp.freeware'.
So I vote for it.
IF only windows freeware is mentioned. Otherwise...
So, either remove all non windows titles OR use the second option.
Regards, John.
I preferIt has been suggested in a topic that was not titled properly, that the
slogan of Pricelessware be changed from:
"The best of the best in Windows© Freeware as
determined by the readers of alt.comp.freeware."
"The best of the best in Freeware for Windows©
(and other OS) as determined by the readers of alt.comp.freeware."
Let's not bury this important thing like the site move, let us allow
all the users here have the opportunity to voice their opinion on this.
After all, it should be determined by the readers of alt.comp.freeware,
and not just a small handful of people who have a problem with being
open with voting on things like this
Place your votes here people, keep the slogan the way it is, or change
it to the suggested one?
I vote "Yes" to a change,
and prefer this =
"The best of the Freeware as determined by the readers of
OhnO the Clown
Garrett said:It has been suggested in a topic that was not titled properly, that the
slogan of Pricelessware be changed from:
"The best of the best in Windows© Freeware as
determined by the readers of alt.comp.freeware."
"The best of the best in Freeware for Windows©
(and other OS) as determined by the readers of alt.comp.freeware."
Let's not bury this important thing like the site move, let us allow
all the users here have the opportunity to voice their opinion on this.
After all, it should be determined by the readers of alt.comp.freeware,
and not just a small handful of people who have a problem with being
open with voting on things like this
Place your votes here people, keep the slogan the way it is, or change
it to the suggested one?
"The best of the best of freeware (without regard to OS & everyone
elses opinion) as determined by the Red Queen aka Empress of Freeware
and her minions and if you don't like it we will move the newsgroup so
ubaB said:IMHO the slogan shopuld be:
"The best of the best of freeware (without regard to OS & everyone
elses opinion) as determined by the Red Queen aka Empress of Freeware
and her minions and if you don't like it we will move the newsgroup so
I agree.
I vote for a change to "The best of the best in Freeware as determined
by the readers of alt.comp.freeware."
Colin said:As a matter of interest, is anyone keeping score?
It has been suggested in a topic that was not titled properly,
Let's not bury this important thing like the site move, let us
allow all the users here have the opportunity to voice their
opinion on this. After all, it should be determined by the readers
of alt.comp.freeware, and not just a small handful of people who
have a problem with being open with voting on things like this
that the slogan of Pricelessware be changed from:
"The best of the best in Windows© Freeware as
determined by the readers of alt.comp.freeware."
"The best of the best in Freeware for Windows©
(and other OS) as determined by the readers of alt.comp.freeware."
Place your votes here people, keep the slogan the way it is, or
change it to the suggested one?
Garrett said:It has been suggested in a topic that was not titled properly, that the
slogan of Pricelessware be changed from:
"The best of the best in Windows© Freeware as
determined by the readers of alt.comp.freeware."
"The best of the best in Freeware for Windows©
(and other OS) as determined by the readers of alt.comp.freeware."
Place your votes here people, keep the slogan the way it is, or change
it to the suggested one?
I, for one, do NOT agree - is is simply another method (intentional or not
- I will not speculate) of driving a wedge between the two "factions" when
we should all be here for a common purpose, working for unification
and not division.