OT -- objections to .NET

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark Warner
  • Start date Start date
omega said:
Not too proud about it, but to confess: I only took up use of a firewall
a bit over a year ago.

I'm not running one on this machine. Nor do I run an AV scanner :-)
jo said:
I'm not running one on this machine. Nor do I run an AV scanner :-)

I don't run AV resident ever, but I do manual scans. To date, I've not had
any AV scan turn me out a virus detection. Only the chitterchatter of false
positives, esp when I enable the free-for-all heuristic detect mode. I'm
beginning to conclude that my computer enjoys a special immunity. Sort of
like those folks who get to walk all the way through their lives without
once getting inflicted by serious illness or injury. Of course, then again
I don't let my computer go skiing, fly in private airplanes w\ rock stars,
visit Pr0n sites, or download wareZ, so maybe that helps the odds.
omega said:
I don't run AV resident ever, but I do manual scans. To date, I've not had
any AV scan turn me out a virus detection.

I only manually scan files that I think might be dodgy; I casually run
virtually anything that interests me that I see linked here.
Only the chitterchatter of false
positives, esp when I enable the free-for-all heuristic detect mode. I'm
beginning to conclude that my computer enjoys a special immunity. Sort of
like those folks who get to walk all the way through their lives without
once getting inflicted by serious illness or injury. Of course, then again
I don't let my computer go skiing, fly in private airplanes w\ rock stars,
visit Pr0n sites, or download wareZ, so maybe that helps the odds.

I up basic security levels if I let this puter go skiing. But I reckon
real security is down to, er, safe hexing. I prefer to feel responsible
for my own security rather than pass responsibiliity to a bit of
software. I don't think I have 'special immunity'; I think I'm a fairly
sensible percentage player who hasn't lost yet. :-)