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I have just been on the OOo website intending to download version 1.1.3.

I got as far as almost starting the download, and then noticed that the
filename for the Windows version included the word "Intel".

That put an immediate doubt in my mind (or what passes for such) whether
it would work for me, as my processor is an AMD, not an Intel - and I am
NOT about to waste fifty-mumble megabytes of dial-up-speed download time
(four-odd hours) on something that looks like it may be of no use to me.

I've got OO 1.1.2 running on an AMD K2-6/500 system under Win98SE.
Am using oo 1.1.2 no problems

Use Quick Start Option

As some else has said, usually macros and the like used by advanced users
of MS... have had no problem with the average users file.

I say the same thing with MS Office as I have to use it at work...
All depends what you are use to... Most of the things are the same or
similar... Just may be in a different menu or called something else..

I have had no problems...

Err download, extract, double click the setup icon...

Does the above work for upgrading to a new version too, or do you have
to uninstall first?

I installed 1.1.2 for my wife, who uses it for work, and I'm a bit
antsy about "fixing" something that works reasonably well.

One feature that doesn't work in 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 is the Impress
presentation manager. It's unable to run sound in Powerpoint
slideshows, and when creating new slideshows, sound and video are
greyed out, and can't be embedded.

Has this been fixed in 1.1.3?
Onno Tasler scribebat:
On the other hand, OOo's file format was standardised just recently, which
means that it will be easy to write filters.

Sorry, I made a mistake here: The format which will be used by the coming
OOo-versions 1.1.4 and 2.0 will be standardised. The old format used by
1.1.3 and older is not standardised.
Achim Nolcken Lohse said:
Does the above work for upgrading to a new version too, or do you have
to uninstall first?
Do the same and it'll ask you if you want to upgrade.

I installed 1.1.2 for my wife, who uses it for work, and I'm a bit
antsy about "fixing" something that works reasonably well.

One feature that doesn't work in 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 is the Impress
presentation manager. It's unable to run sound in Powerpoint
slideshows, and when creating new slideshows, sound and video are
greyed out, and can't be embedded.

Has this been fixed in 1.1.3?
Dunno, read the release notes.
Nicolaas Hawkins said:
I have just been on the OOo website intending to download version 1.1.3.

I got as far as almost starting the download, and then noticed that the
filename for the Windows version included the word "Intel".

That put an immediate doubt in my mind (or what passes for such) whether
it would work for me, as my processor is an AMD, not an Intel - and I am
NOT about to waste fifty-mumble megabytes of dial-up-speed download time
(four-odd hours) on something that looks like it may be of no use to me.


My casual interpretation is that they are just using old language. Kind
of like back towards those days when "IBM-clone" was standard speech...
Or, recall the days wheren MAC people liked to collectively label our
systems "Wintel."

As to download choices today giving "Intel" as name of category, I do see
that on occasion -- and really believe it nothing to do with the matter
of AMD v Intel. I'd expect to even be able to pull my poor old Cyrix-based
PC from storage and be able to run those file downloads (ok, albeit at its
sloww put'putter'put'putter'put pace).
Thanks in advance.

I service small businesses(2 -30 computers) in my town. My services include
troubleshooting, consulting and fixing their
network,computers,printers...... So often I am asked to purchase computers
for the companies. They always balk about the extra ~$200US/computer for MS
Office. Is Openoffice's products a viable alternative? Is this question
addressed in any pages? Have others with a similar businesses considered
this option? I am especially concerned with the learning curve with their
product. It doesn't take much time to justify 200 bucks.

Only the most avid MS Office power users will find OOo wanting. I wouldn't

-- Bob
I have just been on the OOo website intending to download version 1.1.3.

I got as far as almost starting the download, and then noticed that the
filename for the Windows version included the word "Intel".

That put an immediate doubt in my mind (or what passes for such) whether
it would work for me, as my processor is an AMD, not an Intel - and I am
NOT about to waste fifty-mumble megabytes of dial-up-speed download time
(four-odd hours) on something that looks like it may be of no use to me.


Not a problem with OO. Nothing but AMD's used here.
REM said:
This can be a problem. The only AMD I ever had acted up with strange
errors (quite awhile ago). I'm told that is to be expected, as most
software leans towards the Intel architecture and microcode. AMD might
be closer now to an Intel clone, I don't know. If not, the cpu simply
doesn't know how to react given an unknown instruction.

Uhm, no. AMD gives the same results for any x86 instruction that Intel
does with the exception of MMX and newer x86 extensions, none of which
is used by OOo.
If AMD processors can run other Windows programs without specific error,
and they most certainly can, then it will run OOo. AMD has a very solid
reputation among system builders and will not let you down on a
compatability issue. They use INTEL archictecture to describe the x86
architecture which was in fact invented by INTEL, but is also done by a
number of other processor manufacturers. They also refer to the boxes we
work on as PC's which is an IBM thing, but you don't worry about
compatability when you work on your Dell computer, do you? Please do not
mistake the industry's use of trademarks to describe a platform as a
measure of compatability.
That's not the only reason, and the OOo developers are working on it for
version 2.0.

Does that mean 2.0 will include the option of only opening, say, the word
processor, if that's all you want? That'd be great.

Thanks in advance.

I service small businesses(2 -30 computers) in my town. My services
include troubleshooting, consulting and fixing their
network,computers,printers...... So often I am asked to purchase
computers for the companies. They always balk about the extra
~$200US/computer for MS Office. Is Openoffice's products a viable
alternative? Is this question addressed in any pages? Have others
with a similar businesses considered this option? I am especially
concerned with the learning curve with their product. It doesn't take
much time to justify 200 bucks.

But you only have to do it once. By that I mean, with MS stuff, every time
they change or 'enhance' a product, stuff gets moved around, and you have a
learning curve. Okay, it's fairly short, but it's there.

Starting them on OO involves a different but still fairly short learning
curve, and you save the $200 bucks on every computer, as well as every
replacement computer they ever buy.

I'm a big fan of OO and I was a very savvy user of MSO.

I'm using OO 1.1.3, originally ran it on a 750MHz laptop running WinXP cos I
got p***ed off with M$. After yonks of use it decided it wanted me to put in
the M$Office CD. Think I could find that darn CD?! And I wasn't paying for
another copy of the disc. So I started looking around for alternatives and
found OO. No problems at all, have just installed it on my desktop (800MHz,
* Loads slower than MS Office '97

A little, but IMHO worth it to be away from M$... ;)
* Can't load all MS Office documents properly

Only tried .doc and .xls but they seem fine, and you can set it to save
files as one of a number of formats by default, including .doc, so making it
easier to share files with people still running M$Office.
* Not very intuitive for people switching from MS Office

Have only used the spreadsheet and wordprocessing features so far but found
them very easy to pick up as (as far as I can see) all the MSOffice features
are there, minus a few keyboard shortcuts.
* Stability problems

Not noticed any probs yet.
* Awkward installation

Nope, easy and fairly quick.
I am discouraged because I would love to say "I will save you the $200US and
install Openoffice", and be able to support it. Again, it doesn't take much
time to justify $200.

Go for it.
Nicolaas Hawkins said:
I have just been on the OOo website intending to download version 1.1.3.

I got as far as almost starting the download, and then noticed that the
filename for the Windows version included the word "Intel".

That put an immediate doubt in my mind (or what passes for such) whether
it would work for me, as my processor is an AMD, not an Intel - and I am
NOT about to waste fifty-mumble megabytes of dial-up-speed download time
(four-odd hours) on something that looks like it may be of no use to me.


It should work. 'Intel' is a way to say 'x86 CPU's', and AMD's are x86

This would matter if there was a build of OpenOffice for other CPU's, but since
Windows mainly runs on x86 CPU's [1].

[1] Actually, Win NT 4.0 has a version for the ALPHA processor.
But I don't think any of those are in use anymore.
Chaos Master®, posting from Brazil.
"People told me I can't dress like a fairy.
I say, I'm in a rock band and I can do what the hell I want!"
-- Amy Lee

The Evanescen(t/ce) HP:
Do the same and it'll ask you if you want to upgrade.

Thanks. I went ahead and upgraded, and everything seemed to go
swimmingly. My only complaint is about the flakey activity bar, which
doesn't indicate the progress of the install, and left me wondering
whether the system had hung.
Dunno, read the release notes.

No mention of "impress" or "presentation" in the release notes.

I checked Impress after upgrading, and the options insert/object/audio
and insert/object/video are still greyed out.

I don't have a PPoint presentation with sound handy, so I couldn't
test whether Impress can play an existing slideshow with sound now.

I must say I find this rather strange. Can it be that no one who
migrates from MS Office uses slideshows with audio or video?

Or is it be that these are among the capabilities lost by not having
Java installed?
I have just been on the OOo website intending to download version 1.1.3.

I got as far as almost starting the download, and then noticed that the
filename for the Windows version included the word "Intel".

That put an immediate doubt in my mind (or what passes for such) whether
it would work for me, as my processor is an AMD, not an Intel - and I am
NOT about to waste fifty-mumble megabytes of dial-up-speed download time
(four-odd hours) on something that looks like it may be of no use to me.


Relax. I have been using the "Intel" install since 1.1.0 on several AMD
machines and have been quite happy. No problems, no locks.

John Hood
Web Site
"The best home and business free software, no ads, no time limits, no
"No kidding."
DH said:
Thanks in advance.

I service small businesses(2 -30 computers) in my town. My services include
troubleshooting, consulting and fixing their
network,computers,printers...... So often I am asked to purchase computers
for the companies. They always balk about the extra ~$200US/computer for MS
Office. Is Openoffice's products a viable alternative? Is this question
addressed in any pages? Have others with a similar businesses considered
this option? I am especially concerned with the learning curve with their
product. It doesn't take much time to justify 200 bucks.

Again Thanks,

Dave H.

Dave - I do Helpdesk in a mixed environment of OOo and MS. I have
occasionally seen problems where an MS doc looks a little funny when
opened in OOo. It usually takes about 15 min to fix. I've recorded a
few macros to achieve this where the work is repetitive. I have NEVER
had a situation where an OOo file was saved in MS format, and MS failed
to open it correctly.

There is one known issue that OOo can do nothing about: MS files that
are password protected cannot be opened in OOo. The author must remove
the password before the OOo person can open it. (as such we zip the
files instead and password the zips).

A more detailed report exists on my web site.

Issues not mentioned there:
Weaknesses of OOo compared to MS.
MSWord, Excel, PowerPoint macro language is incompatible. MS macros
are disabled when opening in OOo and do not re-enable when saved to MS.

OOo has no "copy format/paste format" function natively (it IS available
as an add-on).

No Access equivalent, no Outlook equivalent (Mozilla ThunderBird and
Sunbird calendar work nicely though).

First part of the learning curve is high, esp. dealing with users who
are ingrained to MS. There are still a few people who "don't like it"
but hey, can't please everyone. OOo makes the user do some things
manually that MS has a wizard for, a trade-off. Manual operation means
more control of output, but I mention it because some users noticed it.

Interface is plain plain plain!

Strengths of OOo.

Better tech support. OOo users group is likely to have the people who
actually designed/built OOo answering your question. When was he last
time you got that with MS. And no per incident support charges.

File sizes are smaller. It's compressed XML and style sheets. You can
open with a zip util.

More logical layout of menus.
Better control of templates and style sheets- easier to create.
Macros are more reliable.
"Auto-pilot" feature works like wizards.
Better mail-merge and datasource interfacing.
More reliable forms support.
HTML export contains no proprietary coding.
Obviously, lower TCO.

It has it's fans. There are people who have started with OOo and will
not go back to MS.

John Hood
Web Site
"The best home and business free software, no ads, no time limits, no
"No kidding."

Relax. I have been using the "Intel" install since 1.1.0 on several AMD
machines and have been quite happy. No problems, no locks.

John Hood
Web Site
"The best home and business free software, no ads, no time limits, no
"No kidding."

Thank you to you, John, and to all the others who replied to me with
reassurances re CPU compatibility. I have now "bit the bullet" and
installed OOo on my AMD Duron 1800 XP-SP2 system ... it's looking good.
Very good.

Only two regrets from me:
1. That I didn't try it sooner;
2. That. it seems, I still need to use MS Publisher because OOo doesn't
seem to have anything approaching it or be able to convert and use .pub


- Opening the mind can open the heart. Opening the heart can open the
No mention of "impress" or "presentation" in the release notes.

I checked Impress after upgrading, and the options insert/object/audio
and insert/object/video are still greyed out.

Funny, no greyed out in my OpenOffice 1.1.1.
I can insert any video or sound to the presentation.
Onno Tasler schreef:
Onno Tasler scribebat:

Sorry, I made a mistake here: The format which will be used by the
coming OOo-versions 1.1.4 and 2.0 will be standardised. The old format
used by 1.1.3 and older is not standardised.

And it's not standardised yet, it's _almost_ standardised. ;-)

About the EU: they didn't really *decide* that yet, but the fact that they
asked Sun to take the new standard office format to ISO is a clear
indication that they want to use it. (A final decisions will have to be
made by politicians.)
WebWalker said:
Funny, no greyed out in my OpenOffice 1.1.1.
I can insert any video or sound to the presentation.
Just checked in my 1.1.3 installation - both options are available and

Gary B-)