Mark said:
Here's what the screen looks like:
and hasn't changed in 2 hrs except
the green bars keep moving as if
You can stop the current run with Task Manager,
if the controls in the program are not working.
Use the "make an ISO" option.
When the ISO9660 is finished and stored on the
hard drive, check the size of the file. It should
be small enough to fit on a 700MB CD or on a DVD.
It should be smaller than 700MB.
Imgburn can burn a small ISO9660 file, to large
media like a DVD. My copy of Nero sometimes
complains when I try that.
If you have Imgburn installed, you can use that to
finish the job.
Imgburn has an erase function, if you want to
test the DVD by attempting to erase it. Your DVD
is currently in an unknown state, so you can erase it.
Tools : Drive : Erase Disc : Quick
Then, when you do the burning operation with the
ISO9660, you'll be starting with an erased disc.
If you don't have a copy, the last clean copy of Imgburn was
version The checksums are so you have
a means to verify it's the same as the original.
I got the checksums off the author's site.
ImgBurn Jul 26, 2009 2.07 MB
CRC32: 39CD6FC6
MD5: F3791CFACDAC03B9E676E44AA2630243
SHA-1: E07BCC23B495D0A966BAE359EA9E0E3A11888454
Versions after that version, the installer offers
a toolbar. Which you can certainly decline. I just
like the idea of you starting with a "clean" file for
Another tip - turn down the sound volume on the computer,
while using Imgburn. That's so the "completion" noise the
program uses, doesn't scare you out of your socks. The author
of that program has a sense of humor.