You are certainly entitled to that view, if that's what you believe.
But as far as I'm concerned, you're dead wrong.
Actually, both of you are wrong. Having a bloated registry can grind
your whole system to a stand still and from my experience I believe MS
Office to be *THE* worst offender of registry bloat (amongst other
things). Now, don't get me wrong, I like MS Office, I use it all the
time, but then I've systematically gone through its entire
installation and neutered out every last extraneous piece of shit that
wasn't doing anything or that I wasn't ever going to use.
*THAT* is the way to clean the registry...manually, by hand. And to
make use of software that can track and record registry changes so you
know exactly what software is adding what to the registry and, if you
ever remove that software, you can make sure all its crap is actually
taken out. That said you should *ALWAYS* keep backups of your
registry and using some kind of "registry cleaner" isn't advisable
unless you know EXACTLY what it's removing and *WHY* it's removing it.
If you can't specifically look at a registry entry and know *WHY* it
needs to not be should leave it the **** alone. Even if
taking it out doesn't seem to produce some adverse affect in the here
and now doesn't mean that it's not going to cause some torrential
****up a week later.
For most users though you should just leave it the **** alone. Yeah
the shit is bloated and uses a lot of processing power/memory, but for
your average user their system is already light years beyond what
they're ever even going to need as far as file space, processing power
and memory and ultimately it's only going to make a few seconds of
difference here and there which for most people will hardly be
noticeable. I do it because I'm frequently running my system to it's
maximum capabilities via rendering, video encoding and the liak so I
have an actual reason for doing it. Some gamers might also benefit
from such optimization. In general it can actually be good to have
MULTIPLE OS version installed on your system. For example on mine I
have two installs of Windows, one in which all my usual software is
installed on and the other which is *JUST* windows and then
encoding/rendering software that doesn't need or make any registry or
system changes. I switch to that OS (which has also been stripped
down from its base installation) when I need to do encoding or
rendering work and I need it done as fast as possible.
Of course for extreme needs I utilize a system I came up with called
the "Hydra Cluster" which is a collection of CD bootable Linux CDs
running Cluster Knoppix. The CDs are comprised of one base or "body"
CD which is reconfigured with all the software I need and is setup to
act as the primary hub. The rest of the CDs are "heads" which are
reconfigured to automatically search the network they're on for the
"body" and to connect to it. Once they do their processing
power/memory is then directly tied into the "body" setup. And even if
one of the heads is shut off the body will still continue to function
in whatever task it's performing...hence the "hydra" name.
Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹
Hatter Quotes
"When I listen to people I don't really listen to what it is they're
saying, so much as what they're saying it for."
"Don't ever **** with someone who has more creativity than you do."
"You're only one of the best if you're striving to become one of the
"I didn't make reality, Sunshine, I just verbally bitch slapped you
with it."
"I'm not a professional, I'm an artist."
"Usenet Filters - Learn to shut yourself the **** up!"
"Drugs killed Jesus you know...oh wait, no, that was the Jews, my
"The more I learn the more I'm killing my idols."
"Is it wrong to incur and then use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity
of complete strangers in random Usenet froups to further my art?"
"Freedom is only a concept, like race it's merely a social construct
that doesn't really exist outside of your ability to convince others
of its relevancy."
"Next time slow up a lil, then maybe you won't jump the gun and start
creamin yer panties before it's time to pop the champagne proper."
"Reality is directly proportionate to how creative you are."
"People are pretty ****ing high on themselves if they think that
they're just born with a soul. *snicker*...yeah, like they're just
givin em out for free."
"How sad that you're such a poor judge of style that you can't even
properly gauge the artistic worth of your own efforts."
"Those who record history are those who control history."
"I am the living embodiment of hell itself in all its tormentive rage,
endless suffering, unfathomable pain and unending horror...but you
don't get sent to me...I come for you."
"Ideally in a fight I'd want a BGM-109A with a W80 250 kiloton
tactical thermonuclear fusion based war head."
"Tell me, would you describe yourself more as a process or a
"Apparently this group has got the market cornered on stupid.
Intelligence is down 137 points across the board and the forecast
indicates an increase in Webtv users."
"Is my .sig delimiter broken? Really? You're sure? Awww,
gee...that's too bad...for YOU!" `, )