Bluuuue said:
Everybody rightly criticizes Micro$tiff for selling a crappy OS, and
Linux is obviuosly better, if you have the time and the expertise to use
in it, but until this week I didn't understand exaclty why Windows is
such a POS.
When I had to uninstall the Google toolbar because Google installed an
update tht I didn't ask for, which overrode IE5's ctrl-f command, the
reason beame clear. Windows' install/uninstall method causes bugs to
accumulate, if programs are not ununstalled in precise the reverse order
of which they were installed.
The problem is that terrible method of saving old copies of system
files, like .ini files, as backups, to be restored when software is
uninstalled. So the more apps you uninstall, out of order, the buggier
your system becomes, until you finally have to reinstall the OS.
Linux apparently doesn't have anything resembling this problem, which
makes me wonder, how did the Linux designers (Torvald?) handle this
problem, and can we learn anything from their solution to help minimize
the problem with Windows?
Well, that's not entirely true.
Wintendo computers have an issue with uninstalling because of a few reasons.
Mostly, the people who write the applications install things in places they
shouldn't be installing - such as application libraries in places
like %system root%/Windows/Win32.
Also, when they hack thorugh the Wise or Installshield installer they forget
things. So the uninstaller doesn't know exactly what is going on.
If app designers would follow the - now ten-year-old - microsoft
recommendations of installing everything to /program files/app_vendor/app
directories and never using HKLM, then there would not be an issue.
Oh, and I can tell you right now about such a ****ed up situation in Linux.
Here's my log of me trying to upgrade VirtualBox from 2.0.6 to 2.1.
Apparently, the RPM manager ****ed up and doesn't even know what version I
have nor what dependencies I need.
Like I say - Linux - it sucks slightly less than the competition.
xwing:/home/kai/downloads #
rpm -U ./VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1.i586.rpm
file /etc/init.d/vboxdrv from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/bin/VBoxManage from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/bin/VBoxSDL from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/bin/VirtualBox from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/ from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/ from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxDD2GC.gc from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxDD2R0.r0 from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxDDGC.gc from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxDDR0.r0 from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/ from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/ from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxManage from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/ from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/ from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxSDL from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxSVC from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/ from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/ from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/ from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/ from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxXPCOMIPCD from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/VMMGC.gc from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/VMMR0.r0 from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/components/ from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/components/ from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/components/VBoxXPCOMBase.xpt from install
of VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/components/ from install of
VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from package
file /usr/lib/virtualbox/components/VirtualBox_XPCOM.xpt from
install of VirtualBox-2.1.0_41146_openSUSE103-1 conflicts with file from
package virtualbox-1.5.2-10.2
xwing:/home/kai/downloads #