Kennedy said:
Just to be clear, did you measure depth of field on both scanners and,
if so, how? Or does the 5000 just hold the film flatter and, if so, how?
I'm not 'pixel peeper'

, I prefer to see at prints.
Every second frame on CS4000 was _very_ soft on edges (I use Vuescan and
autofocus on 2/3 of frame), so if I need large print (10x15 in. or
larger) I need to rescan this frame in framed holder (MF-20? forget
exact part number).
After I bought SE5400, I used it to rescan these 'to-large-print'
frames. Again, I've had problems with grain sharpness at edges
for first and last frame in 6-frame strips.
On CS5000 I've virtually no problems with edge-to-edge sharpnes
(sometimes with first strip of 36-frames roll, but I use this frame
to set color balance, so it not need to be razor sharp).
So I've virtually never used SE5400 after I bought CS5000. Only for
resolution test, color tests and so on.
On CS4000 and CS5000 I've used the same film holder (SA-30 roll
film adapter). Has bought it for use with CS4000 and use
now with CS5000 now.
In the short time I have played with an LS-5000 it seemed to have
identical DOF limitations as the LS-4000.
May be you have very heavy curled film ?
I develop my E6s and C41s myself, keep them for one day in roll,
emulsion side outside so my films are relative flat. 120-films are
another story