I am deciding between two scanners: the nikon coolscan 5000ED vs. the
minolta scan elite 5400. Both have a 4.8 Dynamic range and share
other similarities, but in terms of use, image capture, resolution,
software, reliability and end results which is the right one to pick?
What should be my other considerations when deciding between these two
scanners. At first I was sold on the Minolta 5400, but I have read
several less than inspiring reviews. While the Minolta model has an
edge over the nikon by offering a claimed 5400 ppi, I have recently
read a less than enthusiastic review in PC Magazine regarding the 5400
(rating it worst among dedicated and flat bed scanners) and I have
read several user reports complaining about mechanical malfunctions
from users. In CNET, the review rated the Minolta 5400 7 out of 10
with the following remarks: "While the Dimage 5400 produces very good
scans, with excellent dynamic range and shadow detail, it isn't
capable of the sharpness we saw from the Nikon Coolscan V. As you can
tell, I am a little confused in deciding which model to pick. Any
advice would be greatly appreciated.