I apologize for not snipping even a little but I don't want to give
»Q« the slightest additional pretext for accusing me of quoting out of
context. I leave that to him.
»Q« said:
(e-mail address removed) (BillR) wrote in
You have misrepresented what happened here. Anyone who likes can
look up the thread.
I SINCERELY HOPE THAT THEY DO "look up the thread" to see what I
originally wrote versus how you portrayed it with your choice of how
to snip and how I characterized that.
I wish that I had been more explicit and included the original
statement yesterday. I included a long page of quotes here but then
deleted it. I wanted to quote and comment on three long passages but
that was too confusing without some additional formatting capabilities
since the messages themselves contain overlapping quotes.
It's a phrase you have used many times. And it's quite in context.
Once again I refer all readers to the _full_ text in my prior reply in
the current thread. Much more importantly, I REFER ALL TO THE
MID-AUGUST THREAD where I used that phrase.
The google ng archive search I used follows. I include it so that
others can confirm its validity and the result. I can't prove I did
_not_ set the no archive flag on some post except negatively: can
anyone point to another post?
alt.comp.freeware billr "get it"
»Q«, I challenge you to defend "many times" with proof. There is only
_one_ (1)thread where I say that. On August 14th, I apply it directly
to two people. In a reply to your reply to that post, I extend its
applicability to include you explicitly.
A third reference on August 15th merely notes that someone quoted that
paragraph slightly out of context. Oh wait, who was that? Why it was
you, »Q«. How (_non_)coincidental.
So let's see. I make that two uses, but I can see someone arriving at
three uses -- all in the same thread. Perhaps I should have posted
again for a potential additional use, but I decided to let the thread
die despite more provocation.
Furthermore, I believe that most who read that mid-August thread and
have seen your other posts will come to the conclusion that I did --
it applies to you.
The above partially addresses the context claim as does my earlier
reply that you improperly elided.
Again, not out of context.
Sigh. No? The FAQ is too long to quote fully here. I found it to be
a gently satirical piece that used parody to make a few points.
Sounds like you were pricked by it. I'm glad you realized that it was
applicable to you.
"Fitting the literary style" has not previously been the cause you
claim to support, civility has. Calling people rude ****sticks seems
uncivil to me, but ymv obviously.
Is there some reason you incorrectly suppose I'm taking it
Ohhhh. And here I was struggling to have a meaningful conversation.
Just now realized you're trolling. You got me; you win: I am
"personally" offended when someone impugns my honesty and merely
offended when someone quotes out of context. (OK, I'm being a little
sarcastic -- I hope.) Maybe it is time for a moderated group -- as
long as someone _unlike_ you gets to be moderator of course.