John Fitzsimons wrote in
Let's see. You make an anti-FAQ, which is a pointless sneering attack
on the existing FAQs. Then complain when someone copies you ?
If you want to reduce the possibility of criticism by others then
consider spending less time criticising others yourself.
The anti-FAQ was born because I got mightily pissed off about newbies
being gang-banged by the more "established" members of ACF. People can
either use their knowledge to help others or to give themselves a fasle
sense of superiority by slapping others down and I was seeing too much of
the latter.
It was written in the form of a FAQ; both to add a humourous element of
parody to the basic message of "Why don't you lay off newbies and start
helping people you ignorant tosspots", and also because I wrongly
identified John Corliss as being one of the newbie bashers. This has not
been true since I've been on the newsgroup and I have apologised to John
privately and will now repeat the apology publicly.
For the record, I don't spend time criticising others. Both the anti-FAQ
and any other times I've been militant in this NG have been *reactions*
to abuse by others. In this thread, for example, I was nice as pie until
you addressed me as "dopey" and "childish". And then I was less polite.
You see how it works?
Sure. Check previous posts for your URL.
Yeah. I was going to delete it when I got back from holiday because I
was sure it would be dead by now; the point having been made. It seems
to be surprisingly popular however, so I suppose I ought to leave it
there as a public service.
Yep. When you want to promote it do it yourself. Don't wait for JC to
hold your hand.
I don't want to promote it. I really couldn't give a rat's arse if it's
there or not. I wrote it -like I say- to make a point. The fact that
people keep referring to it long after I thought they would, seems to me
to indicate that it strikes a nerve and contains some element of truth
that is relevant to this NG and that people identify with. So is that my
fault for writing it or the denizens of the NG for abusing newbies?
I'm not here to promote stuff. I'm here to fill up people's hard disks
for free.
Anyway, I've seen through your cunning plan Mr. Fitzsimons: you're just
laying down bad karma to pump up sales for your "Psychic Protection