so here we are everything was packed nice and tight in box checked list done and everything there.
so next was to get started after a coffee or two and a quick read of the maunals ect here's the case antec 300
so next we got the mobo to put in first here we are asus p5q pro
once i sorted out that and added her into the case i started on the cpu added the artic thermal paste pretty straight forward that bit,then straight into her new home,added the artic cooler pro 7 in and here we are
next was the chunky ram called the corsair dominator 4gb of ram with airflow fan(whether this works or just a gimmic i dont know)looks nice feels solid andeasy to clip in mobo here we are
the fan just clips on top fairly tight and snug fit have a look yourself!!
^^^^^^^just fits in next to the artic fan^^^^^
not gonna bother boring you with pitures of hdd,cdrom,dvd units as we all know what they look like here's the fishished pc.
so overall how did i feel doing my very first pc blooming wonderfull

scary at times and when you come to boot her up and see the screen say no boot device ect ya know we are there.the psu gave me some headaches mainly cables what goes where but thanks to the guys here i sorted it,tryed to tidy cables up a bit but i anit gonna see inside anyway but it looks all thay leaves me to learn and do is the overclocking any links plz would be great.
i hope you enjoyed my little blog and please you read this far so you might as well leave feedback!!
ps. graphics card has now been moved to its proper home above