My First Thread With Linux!!

Sexy Bex said:
Congratulations! :D

I hope the transition is relatively stress free... ;)
Thanks Bex - I'm actually really enjoying it - really!!:D

floppybootstomp said:
Haha, I know that feeling :D

When I'm not actually using Suse (which I am more and more now) and I have to configure stuff in there, I only do that once every few days, cos it actually mentally exhausts me, lol

But, so far, it's been very satisfying.

If it wasn't for the web and people's help though, I'd be lost, tbh

Right, I want to copy a CD (audio CD) in Suse 10, anybody know how I do that?
I agree, it is very satisfying, but hard work at the moment why I try to understand how things work with linux:)

I don't think your expecting to get any advice from me about copying CD's, are you Flops?:D
floppybootstomp said:

Ok, me have to check that out.

Does this proggie install from 5-CD install? Or will I have to download and install it?
err, it should alredy be installed?

Kmenu / Multimedia / KIIIB (CD/DVD Burning) ???
Evening Mucks! - have had a few crunching results on this machine come through and its not looking that great.

It has done 4 Wu's in 25 hours for a total of 212 points:( - I was getting around 450 in that time under Windows.....:confused:

Its early days I suppose, so I will see how it goes, maybe I haven't installed it properly:o
Adywebb said:
Evening Mucks! - have had a few crunching results on this machine come through and its not looking that great.

It has done 4 Wu's in 25 hours for a total of 212 points:( - I was getting around 450 in that time under Windows.....:confused:

Its early days I suppose, so I will see how it goes, maybe I haven't installed it properly:o
Nothing to install "properly" it just is as it is ... told you I hate the bloody Boinc for Linux thing, but I have no other options ... unless I install windows (aaaaggghhh) or go back to F&H ... err, can't do that, I'm banned. :rolleyes:

I would give it till Saturday and see how it gets on ... we have big, small & inbetweenies WU too, so mabe it's just being unlucky ... though you should have had better points. :(

Its not a problem Mucks, the main use for the PC is to learn a bit about Linux - the crunching frankly is a minor thing..:thumb:
Adywebb said:
Its not a problem Mucks, the main use for the PC is to learn a bit about Linux - the crunching frankly is a minor thing..:thumb:
Oh goodie ... another Linux user. :D

Adywebb said:
It didn't start that way - but its becoming addictive!!:eek:

If you want to do anything ... like setup the temp monitor ... just shout.

Should only take 10 mins. ;)
muckshifter said:

If you want to do anything ... like setup the temp monitor ... just shout.

Should only take 10 mins. ;)
Thanks Mucks, but I'm all PC'ed out tonight and I'm off to bed - can we do it tomorrow please:)
Adywebb said:
Thanks Mucks, but I'm all PC'ed out tonight and I'm off to bed - can we do it tomorrow please:)
I was expecting to say you had already done it ... :D

No problems. :thumb:
Evening Mucks - wondering if you can advise me how to completely remove Boinc, do you just delete the Boinc folder in my Home Folder, or is it more complicated than that?:)
Adywebb said:
Evening Mucks - wondering if you can advise me how to completely remove Boinc, do you just delete the Boinc folder in my Home Folder, or is it more complicated than that?:)
Linux ... just delete the folder. :thumb:

Oh, stop it running first ... use the Konsole and type killall boinc ... I love killing things. or use KSysGuard, you have to kill boinc & rossetta in there. :D
Well that was easy Mucks! :cool:

I assume it doesn't leave 'bits' behind like Windows does?
Adywebb said:
Well that was easy Mucks! :cool:

I assume it doesn't leave 'bits' behind like Windows does?
Nope, no bits ... :D

Of course, if you install something via YaST, then un-install via YaST ... and it will ALL be uninstalled. :thumb:
OK, I installed Boinc by executing the download from my Home Folder - was that OK, or should I/could I have installed via YaST?
Adywebb said:
OK, I installed Boinc by executing the download from my Home Folder - was that OK, or should I/could I have installed via YaST?
No, not from YaST ... home folder was fine.

I keep mine in home/Boinc ... same as I do for any programs like that.

YaST installed programs you will find on your Kmenu ... just like Windows. ;)

Have a look in ... Kmenu / Utilities / Desktop ... do you see ... Desktop Widgets ( SuperKaramba) lovely little program for toys on your destop. :thumb:

Use it to look for & install (get new stuff) ... Areo All in One :D
Well, I've installed Areo AIO, but I'm b*ggered if I can find where it is to launch it:mad:
Adywebb said:
Well, I've installed Areo AIO, but I'm b*ggered if I can find where it is to launch it:mad:
You launch it by launching Karamba ... Right-click the "Kicker" (down on the right by the green thing) ... Add Aplication to Panel / Utilities / desktop / karakmba :D
Anything you need at a click, put it in the Kicker ... anything in the Kicker can be closed, but will stay there ... no need to hunt for it then.

I like Kmail ... in Kmail itself it will give you an option to "live" in the Kicker ... when I close Kmail using the red x it just stays in the Kicker ... I can then "see" straight away when I have mail. :cool: