And you were telling newbies who could hardly trun on the computer to do it
in the FW NG.
Bullshit, Dippy. I only argued with clueless self appointed "experts"
about the firewall issue.
Well you know that they are not so why even bring it up.
Dippy, just because you prefer bullshit to education doesn't mean
everyone does
Yeah but that was not the case as people were listening to you as you
preached the no FW.
I never preached "no firewall" without stating the conditions. I had
long had a web page dedicated to the subject which detailed a
Yeah right not only did I come after you about what you were saying but at
least one TOP FW person and a couple others came after you in that NG. How
in the Hell do you think you and I came to the point we are at Art?
Bull. I recall one guy who basically agreed with me but kept beating
on the "calling out" alert aspect. He's the only one I argued with. A
couple of others there agreed with me 100%
You are an absolute lying POS Art.
Wrong again, Dippy. You can't seem to get anything right

one of the clueless dips who insisted that _I_ and _everyone_ must
have a firewall. And use a NT based OS for security, LOL! You had no
clue at all. And you certainly never came on with the "protect the
clueless newbie" shit .... until you now take that tac in a hopeless
attempt to save face. But it ain't going to fly, Dippy