MSH and Longhorn

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It's over Dippy's head. It has 14 different assembly language
instructions :( Dippy never got past 2. :)

Yeah sure you're right like apparently you never came past Win 9'x and NT
is over your head little old *Combat* Programmer you/Internet Daddy. ;-)

Your RAG game is pitiful there Art-ster. You have been *punked* by the RAG
game and in street lingo that means you're weak and you have no spine that
quite obvious with no comeback. ;-)

It's been fun and I'll call it quits as you're the better at this than I
am. ;-)


Duane :)
As one last final shot here Art-ster, man you better not ever get thrown in
prison. Because if you do, you might as well *drop your linen and keep on
grinning*. <g>

Duane :)
Well you should know that I am not going to click on that with *happy*
fingers on unknown things. ;-)

Let's see now.

You mistrust the safety of a *.zip file that has been on a university
ftp site since 1993, right? (You do know how to remove the filename from
an ftp URL to see the directory listing, don't you?)

You mistrust the motives of a poster (me) when you can easily Google for
his previous posts and see his stand on malicious code, right?

Yet you trust absolutely the security of new Microsoft code and
Microsoft's claims of its safety and security and attempt to demean any
who have a healthy scepticism as to its security and who advocate "Combat
Programming"[1] in spite of the regular parade of security alerts and
upgrades from Microsoft in connection with their products, right?

What's wrong with this picture?

For your edification, these are the files in VGACW10.ZIP:

Archive: VGACW10.ZIP
Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name
------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ---- ------ ----
47 Shrunk 40 15% 02-16-93 14:05 94e1eedc ALLFILES
266 Shrunk 122 54% 02-16-93 14:05 01a53cf6 CHANG.COR
19 Stored 19 0% 02-16-93 14:05 319222d6 COREWAR.CFG
25978 Implode 8771 66% 02-16-93 14:05 3907e569 COREWAR.DOC
96518 Implode 55895 42% 02-16-93 14:05 9f456a8b COREWAR.EXE
7 Stored 7 0% 02-16-93 14:05 b1ee2723 DWARF.COR
98 Shrunk 66 33% 02-16-93 14:05 704c2f03 DWARKILL.COR
121 Shrunk 93 23% 02-16-93 14:05 10c58ca1 GNOMDWAR.COR
75 Shrunk 62 17% 02-16-93 14:05 94b2e554 GNOME.COR
688 Implode 364 47% 02-16-93 14:05 5553491f RANDOM.COR
45 Stored 45 0% 02-16-93 14:05 5717d888 RUNME.BAT
------ ------ --- -------
123862 65484 47% 11 files

Rename COREWAR.DOC to COREWAR.TXT. It was written before Microsoft had
completely hijacked that extension. The *.COR files are plain text with
the assembler code for the competing emulated programs.

[1] I would be more inclined to use "defensive programming" similar to
the usage of "defensive driving" by a motorcycle rider[2].
[2] A quote I saw once, (mis-)quoting from memory:
"For an automobile driver, defensive driving means knowing all of the
ways that an accident could possibly happen and being prepared to take
the evasive steps necessary to avoid those accidents that can be
avoided. For a motorcycle driver, assume that one out of every ten
automobile drivers is a homicidal maniac with a hatred of
motorcyclists and out to centerpunch you but you don't know which
ones they are so you have to drive accordingly."
What's wrong with this picture?

What's wrong with this picture is that you feel the need to get involved
with the shoot-out between me and Art-ster. You need to get the Hell out
of the damn picture that is what's wrong with the damn picture - det the
Hell out of picture. ;-)

I don't give a rat's ass as to what you're talking about. <g>

Duane :)
What this has to do with the an anti-virus news group?

P.S. From your statement, one might assume that you are familiar with
dropping your linen and smiling in prison. One wonders what that
implies about you.
What this has to do with the an anti-virus news group?

P.S. From your statement, one might assume that you are familiar with
dropping your linen and smiling in prison. One wonders what that
implies about you.

It's joke out of Alian 2 when the *Combat* solders where headed down to the
planet and one said *drop your linen and keep on grinning* on the drop.


Duane :)
Let me clean that up for you as I am having too much fun and laughing so
hard that I am messing-up.
It's joke out of Alien 2 when the *Combat* solders were headed down
to the planet and one said *drop your linen and keep on grinning* on
the drop.

That's better right?

Duane :)
It's joke out of Alian 2 when the *Combat* solders where headed down to the
planet and one said *drop your linen and keep on grinning* on the drop.

You need to get your facts straight. The movie is "Aliens", Bill
Paxton said something similar (but not that) so don't quote it, and it
was when he had located the cocooned residents not when headed down to
the planet.

I suppose it's about equal to your usual levels of accuracy.

What's wrong with this picture is that you feel the need to get involved
with the shoot-out between me and Art-ster. You need to get the Hell out
of the damn picture that is what's wrong with the damn picture - det the
Hell out of picture. ;-)

What's wrong (as usual) is that Dr D's paranoid tendency means he is
incapable of distinguishing between real threats and those in his
deluded mind.

I don't give a rat's ass as to what you're talking about. <g>

Duane :)

Ah! Your usual response. Keep taking the tablets.

You need to get your facts straight. The movie is "Aliens", Bill
Paxton said something similar (but not that) so don't quote it, and it
was when he had located the cocooned residents not when headed down to
the planet.

I suppose it's about equal to your usual levels of accuracy.

You're such the picky *Clown*.

I don't see you making any posts up in here helping anybody and I do look
for you - you piss ant. ;-)

Duane :)
What's wrong (as usual) is that Dr D's paranoid tendency means he is
incapable of distinguishing between real threats and those in his
deluded mind.

Ah! Your usual response. Keep taking the tablets.

Only when I see your mother since she is such a *HO*. ;-)

Duane :)
What's wrong with this picture is that you feel the need to get involved
with the shoot-out between me and Art-ster.

Shoot out? With a dimbulb that keeps on shooting himself in the foot?
You are funny Dippy :)
You need to get the Hell out
of the damn picture that is what's wrong with the damn picture - det the
Hell out of picture. ;-)

I don't give a rat's ass as to what you're talking about. <g>

Translation: Dippy shoots himself several times over. Norman carefully
points it out, writing very slowly so Dippy might be able to grasp
what he's saying. Dippy doesn't "get it" and keeps on shooting, now
aiming at Norman ... but shoots himself instead, as usual.

You aren't just funny, Dippy. You're a riot! :)

Well Art-ster either you're riding the petticoat OR someone has to hold your
*johnson* so you can piss old spineless one. You cannot do it on your own.

Duane :)
Well Art-ster either you're riding the petticoat OR someone has to hold your
*johnson* so you can piss old spineless one. You cannot do it on your own.

Translation: Dippy starts a infantile "shoot out" in the safe kiddy
playground of newsgroups and deludes himself into believing that
demonstrates "spine". Then people point out that Dippy is just being
a silly childish Dippy and shooting himself all over the place.

Well, Art *Lazerath* King of the AV do you remember how you rolled into
the FW NG with that spill of you using Win 9'x and telling people they
didn't need a FW? I have not seen that post in a long time over there.
You use to post that all the time in the FW NG. What happened? I have not
seen you in sometime over there posting it.

Could it be that you damn near had done below to you and you were ran out of
Dodge? You stood right up on that soapbox as I recall.

What about the time you went a begging about why do you need a FW and you
were ignored. ;-)

I know Art-ster I know with your AV in hand and Win 9'x Art *Lazerath* King
of the AV can preach and conquer the known world.

Duane :)
The man should be able to see that Art-ster and I are at each others thorats
and sized up the situation. The damn post in the first place was a joke and
he is not blind, unlike you -- you worthless piss ant. So I *ragged* him a
little for being stupid like you.

Duane :)

Well, Art *Lazerath* King of the AV do you remember how you rolled into
the FW NG with that spill of you using Win 9'x and telling people they
didn't need a FW? I have not seen that post in a long time over there.
You use to post that all the time in the FW NG. What happened? I have not
seen you in sometime over there posting it.

Well, Dippy, way back in the dim past I started questioning the need
for a firewall/router in the case of a single Win 9X PC that had its
internet settings done properly (adapter bindings to only TCP/IP, no
NETBIOS, etc., and otherwise hardened so the Netstat -an result
is zilch ... all ports closed). Real experts (not clowns like you on
the firewall n.g. who believe all kinds of marketing BS and spread BS)
confirmed my suspicion that a firewall/router is unnecessary in that
case. I also discovered that it's important to install the MS OS
security patches to harden against DOS attacks such as those
on the PC FLANK web site.

I ran single Win 98 and Win ME PCs without any firewall or router
for several years that way (with DSL service). No problems whatsoever.
In fact, if users in that situation were educated rather than
bullshitted, we wouldn't see posts here complaining that "I just
disabled my firewall for a short time and I took hits."

Now, it's far more difficult to harden a NT based OS in this way, so
most (non expert) users of these OS are advised to use a firewall. And
Win 9X users of multiple PCs who want file sharing on a LAN probably
are best off using a firewall. I've never bothered to look into that
since I'm not interested in file/printer sharing. Now, recently, I
purchased a wireless router just for connection sharing the two PCs we
now have.

It's only in your little deluded and hallucinating brain that I was
"run off" the firewall n.g. Why would I have any interest
in it fer gawd's sake? Besides, it's boring watching you shoot
yourself in the foot there all the time :)

I see I am pushing that *button* on you real good.

I am through with you Art-ster you're *killing* me ;-)

See you later Lazerath ;-)

It's been fun -- don't take it so serious. You are the *King*. ;-)

Duane :)
Win 9X users of multiple PCs who want file sharing on a LAN probably
are best off using a firewall. I've never bothered to look into that
since I'm not interested in file/printer sharing.

No. You still don't need a firewall. You can simply bind file and
printer sharing to the tcp/ip stack of the LAN connection and still
have it unbound from the tcp/ip stack of the dialup/dsl connection.

Dr D (aka buckwheat) is talking through his behind again.
