Minolta 5400 or Coolscan V

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert Gee
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Not if you understand the curves. The K-II curves are significantly
separated in density, but they are all pretty much parallel. The KC
curves have similar average densities, but different slopes. The
difference between the K-II curves is just an exposure difference as far
as the scanner is concerned, to shift them up and down on the chart. The
difference between the KC curves is a gamma variation, which can only be
matched at one particular density using exposure adjustment only. So,
as far as the scanner is concerned, the K-II curves are much *more*
matched than the KC curves.

I did notice that K-II curves were essentially parallel but I though
the scanner would be more susceptible to the wider gap because I
scanned as *positive*!

Of course, it's a question of exposure to reconcile parallel curves
but since I scanned K-II as positive I thought this difference would
be more pronounced because no exposure adjustment took place as it
would during a negative scan.

Maybe I'm just being more "touchy" about the KC cast? After all I've
been through I must have developed a KC allergy... ;o)
I don't think you can make a meaningful comparison like that by eye,
Don, because the K-II film has a very deep orange base (and hence
overall cast) whilst the KC has a neutral base with almost no
significant cast. You simply cannot judge small colour casts, of the
level that you are seeing in the KC scan, by eye in the presence of a
major colour cast such as the orange on K-II.

That's very true and why I said it was a preliminary first impression.

I just scanned this negative (as positive) and it struck me how
similar the scan looks to the film compared to the wide difference I
see with KC.
I don't know if you ever worked with colour photographic printing
equipment, but if you did then you would know that judging the colour
cast and the corrective filtration necessary by eye is impossible at the
gross scale. It requires a step by step process, eliminating the major
casts first, before then being able to determine the level of filtration
necessary to correct any residual minor cast. That is one reason why
aided methods, such as integrating or spot colour analysers, became a
standard requirement for colour darkroom printing. Even then, getting a
perfect print first time was really only something that happened in the
advertising literature - but the analyser would get you in the right
region and usually an acceptable print first time.

No, no, I understand that. It was just this apparent wide difference.
But eyes do play tricks which is why they don't make good measuring

Thanks as always, Kennedy!

Don said:
I did notice that K-II curves were essentially parallel but I though
the scanner would be more susceptible to the wider gap because I
scanned as *positive*!

Of course, it's a question of exposure to reconcile parallel curves
but since I scanned K-II as positive I thought this difference would
be more pronounced because no exposure adjustment took place as it
would during a negative scan.
The scanner is more susceptible to the wider gapped parallel curves of
the K-II film when you scan it as a positive, just as your eyes are.
That is why both film and scan look orange. ;-)
No, no, I understand that. It was just this apparent wide difference.
But eyes do play tricks which is why they don't make good measuring
If you stick a K-II frame in a slide mount and mix that in with your KC
slides in a projection sequence then the slide that comes after the K-II
will have a much stronger blue cast.

Another trick is to take a white light and a coloured light, say red,
and place them a foot or so apart so that they both illuminate a white
screen. Now place an object between the lights and the screen so that
it casts two shadows on the screen, one from the white light and one
from the red light. Fairly obviously, the shadow from the white light
is lit only by the red light, so it appears red. Not so obviously, the
shadow from the red light appears greenish blue - even though it is lit
only by the white light. Colour is funny stuff, its all in the mind.
The scanner is more susceptible to the wider gapped parallel curves of
the K-II film when you scan it as a positive, just as your eyes are.
That is why both film and scan look orange. ;-)

What puzzles me is that I can't really see any difference between

But a KC slide (under same scanning conditions) is just plain blue!?
Even when viewed in isolation! It's this apparent disproportionate
sensitivity to KC that confuses me.

In this case I mean the scanner's hypersensitivity, not mine... ;o)

Anyway, next I'll try scanning B&W negatives as *color positive* and
see how different the scans are with KC mode on and off. That should
minimize the effect of colors and should enable me to better extract
the KC curve. Of course, B&W film is not really black and white but
has a tint, but (I'm hoping) this will be much more linear and so
won't affect my tests since I'm only interested in the difference.
Another trick is to take a white light and a coloured light, say red,
and place them a foot or so apart so that they both illuminate a white
screen. Now place an object between the lights and the screen so that
it casts two shadows on the screen, one from the white light and one
from the red light. Fairly obviously, the shadow from the white light
is lit only by the red light, so it appears red. Not so obviously, the
shadow from the red light appears greenish blue - even though it is lit
only by the white light. Colour is funny stuff, its all in the mind.

Ah, yes! Wasn't it Newton who observed this? I saw a documentary about
that very optical illusion a while ago. It was actually a British
production and I probably saw it on BBC World but might have been one
of the documentary channels.

It was incredibly interesting going through the whole history of
discoveries related to light. There was one scientist who actually put
stuff in his eyes and did other dangerous things in order to try and
get to grips with light.

After all my travails and the slippery nature of light I know how he
felt... ;o)

If you stick a K-II frame in a slide mount and mix that in with your KC
slides in a projection sequence then the slide that comes after the K-II
will have a much stronger blue cast.


Just to clarify, I'm not comparing KC to negative directly.

I'm comparing a negative scan (as positive) to the negative. They look
almost identical.

And then, in a separate test, I'm comparing a KC scan (as positive) to
the slide. They look completely different.

Nominally, according to characteristic curves, it should be the other
way around: The negative scan (due to bigger characteristic curve
gaps) should be considerably more different from the original film
than the KC scan is to the original slide. That's what confuses me!?

Don said:
What puzzles me is that I can't really see any difference between
What puzzles me is why you would expect to! ;-)
But a KC slide (under same scanning conditions) is just plain blue!?

The curves on K-II are almost parallel, so whatever exposure is used
there is unlikely to be a variation in the overall cast with density. So
when the exposure of each channel is such that colour between slide and
original on a raw scan matches at one density, it matches at all
densities and, crucially, at any intensity which you reproduce the
resulting scan on the display.

That is impossible for a raw scan of KC. When it matches at the peak
white, then every higher density must be more blue. The only way to fix
this is by application of a unique gamma correction to each channel -
and that means post scan processing, whether in the driver (as in
Nikonscan's KC setting) or in your favourite image corruption software.

Compare your KC characteristic curves with those of Ektachrome, for
Apart from the dmax limits of each of the primaries, what else do you
notice about these, compared to KC at
Even when viewed in isolation! It's this apparent disproportionate
sensitivity to KC that confuses me.
It isn't disproportionate. It merely reproduces exactly what it sees -
and that includes the metameric difference from what your eye sees.
In this case I mean the scanner's hypersensitivity, not mine... ;o)
The scanner isn't hypersensitive - it is just responding to the spectral
dye densities as they exist in the emulsions.
Anyway, next I'll try scanning B&W negatives as *color positive* and
see how different the scans are with KC mode on and off. That should
minimize the effect of colors and should enable me to better extract
the KC curve. Of course, B&W film is not really black and white but
has a tint, but (I'm hoping) this will be much more linear and so
won't affect my tests since I'm only interested in the difference.
Assuming that it is traditional B&W film (ie. silver oxide image and not
chromogenic dyes) which has not been dyed or reduced in any way, then
the tint should only apply to the base. As such, it should be a
constant offset, similar to the orange mask, and simply be accommodated
by the exposure at all reproduced intensities.
Ah, yes! Wasn't it Newton who observed this? I saw a documentary about
that very optical illusion a while ago. It was actually a British
production and I probably saw it on BBC World but might have been one
of the documentary channels.

It was incredibly interesting going through the whole history of
discoveries related to light. There was one scientist who actually put
stuff in his eyes and did other dangerous things in order to try and
get to grips with light.
Newton again - if you are squeamish, skip this quote!
"I took a bodkin (a small dagger) and put it between my eye and the bone
as near to the backside of my eye as I could: and pressing my eye with
the end of it, so as to make the curvature in my eye, made several
white, dark and coloured circles. White circles were plainest when I
continued to rub my eye with the point of the bodkin; but if I held my
sye and the bodkin still, though I continued to press my eye with it,
yet the circles would grow faint and often disappear until I resumed
them by moving my eye or the bodkin."

He also managed to temporarily blind himself for 3 days by looking into
the sun through a telescope in an attempt to measure the decay time of
the resulting image.

The things people did for entertainment before photography was invented!

But he was a scientific megalomaniac, arguing that almost every new
discovery was made by himself previously and stolen by others. The
argument with Leibnitz over who invented differential calculus is
infamous. As is, of course, his letter to Hooke declaring that if he
had seen further it was because he was "standing on the shoulders of
giants" - not acknowledging Hooke's work at all, but deriding Hooke as a
short hunchback who would never become a giant.

That quote is inscribed around the rim of a British two pound coin - yet
when that piece of currency was first introduced, some Liverpudlians
complained that the Royal Mint were quoting an Oasis album yet they had
never made a coin with a Beatles quote on it! Almost enough to make you
poke a dagger in your eye. ;-)
What puzzles me is why you would expect to! ;-)

LOL! Very good! ;o)

But seriously, I though that the larger gap of K-II would be more
apparent. See below what I mean...
The curves on K-II are almost parallel, so whatever exposure is used
there is unlikely to be a variation in the overall cast with density. So
when the exposure of each channel is such that colour between slide and
original on a raw scan matches at one density, it matches at all
densities and, crucially, at any intensity which you reproduce the
resulting scan on the display.

Ah, that may be the cause of my misunderstanding. Maybe I didn't use
the word "cast" correctly in this context. This is what I mean:

Even though the curves in K-II are roughly parallel their difference
is larger than the difference between individual KC curves, even at
the "most apart" portion of the KC curves. Now, the fact that KC
curves "weave" and are not parallel explains why different areas of
the image (i.e. the ones with different exposures) should have a
different amount of cast.

However, the absolute difference between KC curves even at their "most
dissimilar" point is still smaller that the difference between the
KC-II curves at their "most similar" point!

For example, the difference between red and blue channels on the KC
graph at log exposure of 2.0 is a density of about 0.5 (an estimate
from looking at the graph). The difference between red and blue
channels on the K-II graph at log exposure of 2.0 is about 0.8 (again,
I'm eye-balling it)! And that's the closest they get!

Elsewhere, the difference is much larger. At log exposure of 0.0, KC
density difference between red and blue is perhaps 0.1 (if that) while
K-II difference is a whopping 1.1 (if not more)!

Now, I may have confused the graphs (i.e. I'm not sure if the K-II
graph should be "reversed" because it's negative) but the differences
are significant. Even more so if the K-II graph should be "reversed".

From that I would expect the blue KC cast (although *uneven* across
different film exposures) to be overall less pronounced even at its
"worst" point than the red K-II cast (although relatively even across
all exposures) at its best point.

And yet the K-II scan doesn't look any "redder" than the negative,
while the KC scan looks so much "bluer" than the slide. Worse still,
actually the blue KC casts (visually, at least) doesn't appear limited
only to some areas (as it should, based on the characteristic curves)
but it appears blue *everywhere*!

But, I hasten to add again, all this is based on subjective
Compare your KC characteristic curves with those of Ektachrome, for
Apart from the dmax limits of each of the primaries, what else do you
notice about these, compared to KC at

I'll check this when I go online to post...
Assuming that it is traditional B&W film (ie. silver oxide image and not
chromogenic dyes) which has not been dyed or reduced in any way, then
the tint should only apply to the base. As such, it should be a
constant offset, similar to the orange mask, and simply be accommodated
by the exposure at all reproduced intensities.

Yes, it is the traditional, silver-based B&W film. I also scanned at
gamma 1.0 this time so the difference between KC and Positive modes
(i.e. the "extracted" KC curve) is much clearer now. Because of gamma
1.0 the "anomalies" at the left edge have disappeared, of course.

However, I noticed something else. To explain the context, my test
comprised scanning from AG 0.0 to 2.0 in 0.1 increments whereby 1.0
was optimal. Each exposure was scanned twice, once as KC and once as
Positive. Using the procedure explained earlier I then generated
Positive to KC (P2K) curves reflecting the differences between the two
scans i.e. a curve needed to turn a Positive mode scan into a KC scan.

At lower exposures (before the histogram reached the right edge i.e.
AG < 1.0) the tests produced partial curves (of course) extending
towards the upper/right corner with each 0.1 AG boost, also as
expected. And nicely overlapping even though exposures changed. Very
semi-circular, "gammaesque" curves, as if the middle point was pulled
diagonally towards the upper/left corner. Of course, red boosted quite
a bit, blue barely, and green around the middle. All, as expected.

However, once the upper/right corner was reached (i.e. the optimal
exposure of 1.0 was arrived at) all subsequent scans (which now caused
clipping in both modes) started showing two "anomalies". At the right
edge the curves stopped being congruent at 255,255 and started going
down at different rates. Presumably that's the manifestation of
channel inconsistency as log exposures increase (I expect the values
there matching the characteristic curve densities at the corresponding
log exposures). Secondly, the curves' middle became "flatter" (more
linear) with each exposure boost so the difference between red and
blue "boost" decreased. Not so sure why that is, but both of these
"anomalies" (presumably a reflection of characteristic curves)
demonstrate why the notorious KC blue cast gets worse as exposures
increase (to fix that the curves should *not* flatten out, I guess).

By then it was 3 AM so I'll have to continue later today... ;o)

Last thought before crashing was to try and apply the curve from the
optimal exposure to all other exposures for a consistent KC
correction. Two problems spring to mind, though. One, there would need
to be some "tweaking" of the upper/right corner... Ugh... Two, since
curves change (flatten) with exposure change a generic KC correction
curve may not be possible i.e. a P2K curve for a slide with optimal
exposure of 2.0 will be "flatter" than the P2K curve for a slide with
optimal exposure of 1.0... Ugh, again... And probably back to square
one or, at the very least, trying to figure out the progression of
this "flattening" and express it in a formula as a function of
exposure... Major "ugh" especially since I'm sure this is bound to be
non-linear (actually, I'll probably just end up "re-inventing" the
characteristic KC curve by doing this)... :-(

Ahhh, the joys of scanning! ;o)
Newton again - if you are squeamish, skip this quote!
"I took a bodkin (a small dagger) and put it between my eye and the bone

Yes, that's it! ;o)
He also managed to temporarily blind himself for 3 days by looking into
the sun through a telescope in an attempt to measure the decay time of
the resulting image.

The things people did for entertainment before photography was invented!

ROTFL! Hey, there was no TV, what's a guy to do...? ;o)
But he was a scientific megalomaniac, arguing that almost every new
discovery was made by himself previously and stolen by others. The
argument with Leibnitz over who invented differential calculus is
infamous. As is, of course, his letter to Hooke declaring that if he
had seen further it was because he was "standing on the shoulders of
giants" - not acknowledging Hooke's work at all, but deriding Hooke as a
short hunchback who would never become a giant.

Yes, I saw another BBC show in the same series this time all about
Newton. He was, indeed, a mighty weird fellow oscillating between
being an incredible out-of-the-box-thinking genius and being very
petty and short-tempered. His "flame war" with the president of the
British Astronomical Society (I believe) was particularly notorious.
He "won", in the end, and after the publishing of he replaced him,
didn't he? (Actually, that was Hooke he replaced, wasn't it?)
That quote is inscribed around the rim of a British two pound coin - yet
when that piece of currency was first introduced, some Liverpudlians
complained that the Royal Mint were quoting an Oasis album yet they had
never made a coin with a Beatles quote on it! Almost enough to make you
poke a dagger in your eye. ;-)

LOL. Or someone else's eye, for that matter! ;o)

Don said:
But seriously, I though that the larger gap of K-II would be more
apparent. See below what I mean...
No, the larger gap just means that there is an even colour cast
throughout the density range. Your positive raw scans of the negative
are as orange as the original negative.
I bet it isn't. The whites are white. And, lo and behold, the
characteristic curves converge at white. However, they diverge from
each other at every other density - producing a blue cast to the image
when the white is balanced.
Even though the curves in K-II are roughly parallel their difference
is larger than the difference between individual KC curves, even at
the "most apart" portion of the KC curves. Now, the fact that KC
curves "weave" and are not parallel explains why different areas of
the image (i.e. the ones with different exposures) should have a
different amount of cast.

However, the absolute difference between KC curves even at their "most
dissimilar" point is still smaller that the difference between the
KC-II curves at their "most similar" point!
It certainly is - and the K-II is much more orange than KC is blue.
For example, the difference between red and blue channels on the KC
graph at log exposure of 2.0 is a density of about 0.5 (an estimate
from looking at the graph). The difference between red and blue
channels on the K-II graph at log exposure of 2.0 is about 0.8 (again,
I'm eye-balling it)! And that's the closest they get!
K-II is much more orange than KC is blue.
Elsewhere, the difference is much larger. At log exposure of 0.0, KC
density difference between red and blue is perhaps 0.1 (if that) while
K-II difference is a whopping 1.1 (if not more)!
K-II is much more orange than KC is blue, and the amount of blue in KC
gets less in the highlights - in fact, it disappears completely at
From that I would expect the blue KC cast (although *uneven* across
different film exposures) to be overall less pronounced even at its
"worst" point than the red K-II cast (although relatively even across
all exposures) at its best point.

It certainly is - and the K-II is much more orange than KC is blue.
And yet the K-II scan doesn't look any "redder" than the negative,
while the KC scan looks so much "bluer" than the slide.

There are a couple of issues here.
Firstly, there is the matter of metamerism - and though we have done
that to death it still matters. The Kodak curves are measured over a
spectral range with a colorimeter. The scanner is measuring in a
specific wavelength - so if you produced characteristic curves with the
scanner they would actually be quite different from Kodak's. You might
want to shoot a grey chart at different exposures in white light and
then scan it to create your own curves as seen by the scanner.

Secondly there is the actual slope difference between the KC curves,
which is not as significant in the K-II curves. This means that the
image is almost *proportionally* more blue in the denser regions. Now
you say it doesn't look that way, but you can check that it is just by
pulling back the exposure in the blue channel to make the whites a
little yellow - the main part of the image will still look blue. Pull
the blue exposure back a little more and the whites look even more
yellow, the image looks OK but the shadows are still blue - though you
need to lighten them up equally to see the difference.

Thirdly there is the toe region - where the density flattens off. As
mentioned, the different slopes in the linear region can be
approximately corrected by a different gamma, but this doesn't fix the
toe regions because the curves flatten out at different densities. This
can cause an offset error in the scan, with erroneous black point and,
as you know, poor black point will result in a significant error once
gamma correction is applied. That is why getting the black point right
is so critical to profiling your monitor.

Fourthly, because we are looking at a colour cast in KC that changes
with density (as the curves show) your visual assessment of how blue the
final scan is compared to the original slide depends critically in the
actual intensity that the images are reproduced at. I assume that you
have measured these and matched them, haven't you. ;-)

Fifthly, despite the fact that the KC scan looks more blue compared to
the original slide than the K-II does more orange compared to the
original negative, in both scan and original the K-II is far more orange
than the KC is in absolute terms. That makes your visual assessment
somewhat less than accurate.
Worse still,
actually the blue KC casts (visually, at least) doesn't appear limited
only to some areas (as it should, based on the characteristic curves)
but it appears blue *everywhere*!
Except the whites - and they are the exposure reference.
But, I hasten to add again, all this is based on subjective
That most acute of measurement instruments. ;-)
The scanner is measuring in a
specific wavelength - so if you produced characteristic curves with the
scanner they would actually be quite different from Kodak's.

Now, why didn't you say so at the beginning? ;o) Seriously though, you
probably have said it in some fashion but I failed to grasp its
significance at the time. In any case, that's the key missing bit:
Scanner produced characteristic curves are different from Kodak's!!
You might
want to shoot a grey chart at different exposures in white light and
then scan it to create your own curves as seen by the scanner.

That's going to be tough because I mothballed my analog equipment,
although you read my mind as I was just about to ask: How can use my
scanner as a poor-man's densitometer?

Is there any place I can get these scanner curves? (Like Kodak
provides theirs.) I can't find anything on the Nikon site.

I know... I know... Now you'll probably tell me that's what the
scanner profile is for, right? ;o)
Thirdly there is the toe region - where the density flattens off. As
mentioned, the different slopes in the linear region can be
approximately corrected by a different gamma, but this doesn't fix the
toe regions because the curves flatten out at different densities. This
can cause an offset error in the scan, with erroneous black point and,
as you know, poor black point will result in a significant error once
gamma correction is applied. That is why getting the black point right
is so critical to profiling your monitor.

Yes, that's exactly the key part of my neverending agony. This
tug-of-war between all of the different regions. Since AG is linear,
using it to fix one part skews another.
Fourthly, because we are looking at a colour cast in KC that changes
with density (as the curves show) your visual assessment of how blue the
final scan is compared to the original slide depends critically in the
actual intensity that the images are reproduced at. I assume that you
have measured these and matched them, haven't you. ;-)

Erm... fx: Looks away uncomfortably and whispers: Noo... ;o)

Seriously though, to get specific, here's one of my main test slides.
The crop should have all the important bits. The black and white keys
for the extremes at both ends, while the midrange is represented by
the wall which is basically white (perhaps with a hint of beige - if
memory serves) but the shadow part should be neutral midrange.

The exposures (reflected in file names) are *absolute*, that is to say
I turned off AE and did everything manually. These are "raw" scans
i.e., no merging or any post-processing took place other than the PS
conversion from 16 to 8 bits and then to JPEG. Gamma = 2.2.

Nominal scan: KC mode on, AG Master=+2, R=0, G=0, B=0

"Adjusted" scan: KC mode on, AG Master=+2, R=+1, G=+0.5, B=0

I omitted remaining points for brevity, but with all of them firmly in
mind, I "measured" various regions in PS by selecting them and then
reading out mean/median values with the histogram.

The wall in the nominal KC scan is clearly too blue (and the most
visible source of my frustration). The second scan at +1R, +0.5G is
roughly (using visual assessment) what the slide really looks like
(and, approximately, my elusive goal). The mean/median read-outs
confirm this.

However, the black keys clearly have a red cast in the second scan,
even though that may be harder to see with a naked eye. In the nominal
scan, the black keys' mean/median values are fine i.e., neutral
(shouldn't they be blue?). Also, the whites (between the keys) are too
blue (?) in the nominal scan, even though they should be OK - if I
understood correctly - because the KC curves converge there.

Anyway, given the above examples, could you please reflect on all

I'm sure there must be others looking over our shoulders who will also
benefit from a specific case study in order to better grasp the
underlying theory.

Don said:
Now, why didn't you say so at the beginning? ;o)

I did, numerous times. As I recall, it came up in our very first
discussion on this newsgroup some years ago, let alone in recent times.
This is exactly what metamerism is!
That's going to be tough because I mothballed my analog equipment,
although you read my mind as I was just about to ask: How can use my
scanner as a poor-man's densitometer?

Is there any place I can get these scanner curves? (Like Kodak
provides theirs.) I can't find anything on the Nikon site.

I know... I know... Now you'll probably tell me that's what the
scanner profile is for, right? ;o)

That's the one. ;-)
Yes, that's exactly the key part of my neverending agony. This
tug-of-war between all of the different regions. Since AG is linear,
using it to fix one part skews another.
Yes, but the toe region isn't the only thing that causes that. The
different slopes in the characteristic curves, whilst linear on a
log-log plot, are not linear when plotted linearly.

What you have on the characteristic curve for each colour is:
log(D) = m * log(E) + c
where log(D) is density (intrinsically measured as a log parameter),
E is exposure and m & c are unique parameters for the r/g/b curves
determining the slope and intercept respectively of the linear portion
of the curve.

Converting that to a linear scale, (where D becomes the inverse of what
is seen by the scanner) gives:
D = c*E^m
So what actually gets to the scanner after illumination is proportional
to 1/(c*E^m).

Remember c & m are the curve coefficients that you are trying to match.
However, if all you have at your disposal is exposure at the scanner
then all you can possibly correct for is that proportionality term, c.
This is the difference in offset on the original characteristic curves -
which is why exposure can correct for the huge difference in offset
between the curves in K-II, but not the difference in slope of KC.

That slope difference is a power term in the resulting signal, and
requires a gamma adjustment to fix it. Of course, you need something a
lot more complex than a simple gamma curve though, since this only
accounts for the linear portion of the curve and you need to correct for
the entire curve really, not just the linear part (although that would
be a big improvement to start with). It is called a profile. ;-)

If you try - as you are suggesting - to fix this power term using only
the exposure control then you can only achieve correct balance at one
density level on the film. Above that, there will be a colour cast
towards one colour, below it, towards its complement.

One way of considering this is that the scanner is simply transforming
the film curves into data. By adjusting the exposure, all you are doing
is moving the curves *up* and *down* as far as the scanner sees them.
You are *not* changing their slope. Changing slope requires gamma
correction - and, as you can see, KC requires a different slope for each
Erm... fx: Looks away uncomfortably and whispers: Noo... ;o)

Seriously though, to get specific, here's one of my main test slides.
The crop should have all the important bits. The black and white keys
for the extremes at both ends, while the midrange is represented by
the wall which is basically white (perhaps with a hint of beige - if
memory serves) but the shadow part should be neutral midrange.

The exposures (reflected in file names) are *absolute*, that is to say
I turned off AE and did everything manually. These are "raw" scans
i.e., no merging or any post-processing took place other than the PS
conversion from 16 to 8 bits and then to JPEG. Gamma = 2.2.

Nominal scan: KC mode on, AG Master=+2, R=0, G=0, B=0

"Adjusted" scan: KC mode on, AG Master=+2, R=+1, G=+0.5, B=0

I omitted remaining points for brevity, but with all of them firmly in
mind, I "measured" various regions in PS by selecting them and then
reading out mean/median values with the histogram.

The wall in the nominal KC scan is clearly too blue (and the most
visible source of my frustration). The second scan at +1R, +0.5G is
roughly (using visual assessment) what the slide really looks like
(and, approximately, my elusive goal). The mean/median read-outs
confirm this.

However, the black keys clearly have a red cast in the second scan,
even though that may be harder to see with a naked eye. In the nominal
scan, the black keys' mean/median values are fine i.e., neutral
(shouldn't they be blue?). Also, the whites (between the keys) are too
blue (?) in the nominal scan, even though they should be OK - if I
understood correctly - because the KC curves converge there.

Anyway, given the above examples, could you please reflect on all
Well, if you have read what I wrote above, and have previously written
in this thread, you won't be surprised to learn that your results are
just what I would expect. You have made two raw scans based on some
nominal starting point (not an autoexposure reference) and consequently
the initial colour balance could be anywhere in your R=G=B=0 scan. As
it turns out, it is quite blue, but that is primarily irrelevant.

However, by adjusting only the exposure, you can only correct that blue
cast at one density. As it turns out, in your example above, this is
somewhere in the mid greys - the whites themselves are very slightly
biased away from red, to cyan. I would ignore the deep blacks, since
the toe region can make this misleading but, as you note, they do tend
to be biased to red as, more importantly, are some of the less dense
regions. The point is that you cannot correct this bias across even the
linear part of the KC response simply with an exposure adjustment. You
need to adjust the balance at all densities independently. For the
linear region that can be approximated as a gamma curve, but it requires
the black point to be correctly adjusted (which is *NOT* the same thing
as setting the black point to the darkest point in each channel) for
that to have the correct effect.

Quite simply, you cannot achieve matched colour balance across the
entire range with a this emulsion using only exposure control. That is
clear from a mathematical position, viewing the curves, and you have
demonstrated this in practice. This means that, as I pointed out
several posts back, you cannot achieve your aim with a raw scan - you
must apply channel specific post processing, either in the scanner
itself or in your preferred image processing software.

I can understand why you are having a hard time coming to terms with
this. The entire discussion reminds me of one I had about 30 years ago
when I was working as a photographer and first dabbling in my own colour
printing from negatives. My job was mainly B&W and colour slide
material but my boss, who had been in the game for decades at the time,
let me use some of the darkrooms to set up my own colour D&P kit since
he was interested in seeing what sort of results could be achieved from
"modern" kit.

Now *he* was the first person that I ever heard talking about "slope
control" - he wanted to know how you could ever achieve a matched colour
balance across the tonal range without what he termed "slope control". I
hadn't a clue what he was talking about, and tried to explain the
procedure was just down to getting the correct exposure, through colour
correction filters dialled up on the enlarger head, based on colour
analyser measurements and test strips. He kept telling me that you
could only get the colour balance at one point, and you needed some form
of "slope control" to get it at across the range.

It was several years later, long after I had given up working in that
field and lost touch with him, that I actually cottoned on to what he
was talking about. The "slope control" is achieved by Kodak matching
the response curves of the film and the paper at the specific process
temperatures - together with the orange mask on colour negatives. Change
film or paper manufacturer, or process temperature, and you did indeed
get a slightly different colour balance, albeit slight because the main
manufacturers were essentially working to the same baseline. Those that
weren't tended to produce less than ideal results, but at the time I
didn't know why.

Now, as you can see from looking at the KC curves, they have different
slopes. And just as my old boss said all those years ago, you need
"slope control" to match the colour balance across the tonal range.
These days, "slope control" is called gamma - because that is exactly
what gamma does, it adjusts the slope of the denisty-log(exposure)

So, for a nicely behaved film which only has second order curves (no
wiggly bits) you need black point adjustment to correct for the film toe
or density limit, gain adjustment to correct for the offset in the
curves and gamma adjustment to correct for the slope. Exposure
adjustment just controls the gain, which is only one of the minimum set
of controls required and that is why you cannot achieve what you are
attempting with exposure control alone.
Yes, but the toe region isn't the only thing that causes that. The
different slopes in the characteristic curves, whilst linear on a
log-log plot, are not linear when plotted linearly.

What you have on the characteristic curve for each colour is:
log(D) = m * log(E) + c
where log(D) is density (intrinsically measured as a log parameter),
E is exposure and m & c are unique parameters for the r/g/b curves
determining the slope and intercept respectively of the linear portion
of the curve.

Converting that to a linear scale, (where D becomes the inverse of what
is seen by the scanner) gives:
D = c*E^m
So what actually gets to the scanner after illumination is proportional
to 1/(c*E^m).

Excellent!!! Thanks a lot for that, Kennedy!
Remember c & m are the curve coefficients that you are trying to match.
However, if all you have at your disposal is exposure at the scanner
then all you can possibly correct for is that proportionality term, c.
This is the difference in offset on the original characteristic curves -
which is why exposure can correct for the huge difference in offset
between the curves in K-II, but not the difference in slope of KC.

I did read (on the Kodak site) about how those characteristic curves
were created so I can follow all of the above including the formulas
(which, BTW, were "missing" on the site!).

To summarize, my problem is that I focused on the characteristic
curves but omitted the scanner's response. Nikon is in part to blame
for this because on the LS-30 the so-called Nikon "support" told me to
disable NCM which did improve things (removed pixelization, reduced

So, even though I did start out with the scanner response (indeed
that's why I joined the group!) over time I somehow got the (wrong)
impression that it was KC characteristic curves alone that caused the
cast. That's probably because even though you answered my questions I
didn't really realize what I was asking, if you know what I mean...

It's the Hitchhiker's Guide syndrome: The answer was correct but the
question was wrong... ;o)
That slope difference is a power term in the resulting signal, and
requires a gamma adjustment to fix it. Of course, you need something a
lot more complex than a simple gamma curve though, since this only
accounts for the linear portion of the curve and you need to correct for
the entire curve really, not just the linear part (although that would
be a big improvement to start with). It is called a profile. ;-)

Why did I know you were going to say that? ;o)

But seriously, that's fine. Whether I go back to using Nikon Scan and
turn on profiling or, more likely, add profiling to my program
(whether implicitly or, more likely, explicitly), I still want to
understand why I'm doing whatever it is I am doing...


You mentioned once before that you actually looked into Nikon Scan
profiles in some detail. What are Nikon Scan scanner profiles? Just
another LUT? If so, do you know the file layout?
If you try - as you are suggesting - to fix this power term using only
the exposure control then you can only achieve correct balance at one
density level on the film. Above that, there will be a colour cast
towards one colour, below it, towards its complement.

Yes, that's exactly what I observed! If, after modifying AG, I get a
green cast at one end it's a red cast at the other.
One way of considering this is that the scanner is simply transforming
the film curves into data. By adjusting the exposure, all you are doing
is moving the curves *up* and *down* as far as the scanner sees them.
You are *not* changing their slope. Changing slope requires gamma
correction - and, as you can see, KC requires a different slope for each

Yes, that's clear too. Using my "image comparison" tool I have
extracted these curves empirically. They do indeed look "gamaesque"
(in linear gamma) except for the upper/right histogram corner where
they diverge.

It's now also clear why they "flatten out" as I increase exposure
i.e., that changes the density range being scanned (and therefore
"plotted") as more and more of the density range gets clipped. This,
in turn, moves the clipping point across the characteristic curves and
the diverging curve points at the right histogram edge are merely the
"slice" of the characteristic curves at the cut-off i.e. clipping
Well, if you have read what I wrote above, and have previously written
in this thread, you won't be surprised to learn that your results are
just what I would expect. You have made two raw scans based on some
nominal starting point (not an autoexposure reference) and consequently
the initial colour balance could be anywhere in your R=G=B=0 scan. As
it turns out, it is quite blue, but that is primarily irrelevant.

However, by adjusting only the exposure, you can only correct that blue
cast at one density. As it turns out, in your example above, this is
somewhere in the mid greys - the whites themselves are very slightly
biased away from red, to cyan. I would ignore the deep blacks, since
the toe region can make this misleading but, as you note, they do tend
to be biased to red as, more importantly, are some of the less dense
regions. The point is that you cannot correct this bias across even the
linear part of the KC response simply with an exposure adjustment. You
need to adjust the balance at all densities independently. For the
linear region that can be approximated as a gamma curve, but it requires
the black point to be correctly adjusted (which is *NOT* the same thing
as setting the black point to the darkest point in each channel) for
that to have the correct effect.

Yes, I get that too, now! It means adjusting the black point in such a
way that the *linear portion* of the characteristic curves has no
bias. Of course, that would introduce bias in the dynamic range
*below* this "linearity" i.e. the start of the dynamic range segment
above which point the characteristic curves are linear for a while.
However, below this "linearity start" is where the true blacks "live".

In other words, I pull the short AG blanket up to cover my middle but
my "shoulder" and my "toes"... erm... are exposed (sic)... ;o)

Seriously though, this may not be all that bad because the linear
portion is relatively wide. The catch is how much of this linear
portion is actually relevant to the slide? If most of the slide's
dynamic range falls within this region, exposure can be used to
correct that area. But if most of the slide's dynamic range is outside
of this linear region (as is the case in my particular test slide)
then exposure can correct only a relatively small part of the slide.

Either way, it gets me into things which I was trying to avoid i.e.
considering each slide on individual basis. At this point, I wanted a
"global" solution I could apply without agonizing about each slide,
but that's, of course, impossible.
Quite simply, you cannot achieve matched colour balance across the
entire range with this emulsion using only exposure control. That is
clear from a mathematical position, viewing the curves, and you have
demonstrated this in practice. This means that, as I pointed out
several posts back, you cannot achieve your aim with a raw scan - you
must apply channel specific post processing, either in the scanner
itself or in your preferred image processing software.

Yes, I understood that, but I was wondering whether I could use
exposure to correct the lion share of the curves.

And the answer is: it depends... If the lion share of the slide's
dynamic range falls within the linear region of the characteristic
curves, then yes (or at least it may be worth while), but if it falls
outside then no... So it's on a case-by-case i.e. slide-by-slide
basis. And even then it may be a case of diminishing returns.
I can understand why you are having a hard time coming to terms with
this. The entire discussion reminds me of one I had about 30 years ago
when I was working as a photographer and first dabbling in my own colour
printing from negatives. ....
Now *he* was the first person that I ever heard talking about "slope
control" ....
It was several years later, long after I had given up working in that
field and lost touch with him, that I actually cottoned on to what he
was talking about. The "slope control" is achieved by Kodak matching
the response curves of the film and the paper at the specific process
temperatures - together with the orange mask on colour negatives. Change
film or paper manufacturer, or process temperature, and you did indeed
get a slightly different colour balance, albeit slight because the main
manufacturers were essentially working to the same baseline. Those that
weren't tended to produce less than ideal results, but at the time I
didn't know why.

That's exactly it. It's very hard to juggle all these different things
especially if there are things I didn't even know I had to juggle...
So, for a nicely behaved film which only has second order curves (no
wiggly bits) you need black point adjustment to correct for the film toe
or density limit, gain adjustment to correct for the offset in the
curves and gamma adjustment to correct for the slope. Exposure
adjustment just controls the gain, which is only one of the minimum set
of controls required and that is why you cannot achieve what you are
attempting with exposure control alone.

Thanks again, for everything Kennedy. I really appreciate you (once
again) taking time to (repeatedly) explain things.

As I mentioned before, the main problem is I'm doing this exactly the
*opposite* of how I like to learn. I prefer a slow but methodical
approach starting with the basics. For example, whenever I used to
learn a new processor, I would read the Programmer's Reference Manual
like a novel! Starting with registers and the flags then voraciously
reading explanations of each instruction. My co-workers thought I was
nuts! I, on the other hand, used to cringe at how they casually
skimmed the manuals. Sure, they were "up and running" in a matter of
days, while I took weeks to get going. However, after that they spent
most of their time "fixing" things and coming back to me to ask why
their programs didn't work. The tortoise and hare! As my grandma from
the "old country" used to say: "The shortcut is shorter, but the long
way is closer!"

But since right now I just don't have the time I opted for the
quick-and-dirty "method" which only results in wasting time and, in
the end, having to grasp the nettle anyway. So now, 3 years later, I'm
still at it... Some "shortcut", eh? Should've listened to grandma! ;o)

I really wish I were "rich and famous" so I could devote the time this
subject deserves. It's a fascinating discipline and I can certainly
understand why you chose it!

Don said:
Yes, I understood that, but I was wondering whether I could use
exposure to correct the lion share of the curves.

And the answer is: it depends... If the lion share of the slide's
dynamic range falls within the linear region of the characteristic
curves, then yes (or at least it may be worth while),

No. Even if the majority of the slide's dynamic range falls within the
linear region of the KC emulsion (and I suspect that in your example
even the black keys do) then all you have achieved is a response for
each colour which is of the form:
D = c*E^m
where c and m are different for each colour.

Because of the differences in the way that Kodak measure the curve and
the scanner spectral response, those c(r), c(g) and c(b) will be
different for the Nikon scanner, but the m(r), m(g) and m(b) will be the
same. All you can correct for using exposure is the difference in 'c'
terms - so you can correct for the scanner illumination effect. However
you cannot correct for the difference in 'm' using rgb exposures.

In terms of the characteristic curves, c is the difference in offset
between the curves, which is negligible in KC. The main difference,
even in the linear region, is the slope of the characteristic curve,
which is m. This cannot be corrected by exposure variation between the
channels, since in linear terms it is a power function, it thus requires
a change in gamma.
but if it falls
outside then no...

If it falls outside that linear range then the chance of correcting it
with exposure changes is indeed even less.
It's a fascinating discipline and I can certainly
understand why you chose it!
Hehe - I didn't. It just sort of happened through a long series of
coincidences, but that's another story. Suffice it to say that at no
time did I ever consider becoming an electro-optic imaging specialist
until I discovered that I was. ;-)
Before I forget, looking at the *B&W* scans I noticed something
potentially very disturbing:

Flipping between individual RGB channels, they appear misaligned!?
Very slightly (sub-pixel) but noticeably. How can that be?

Isn't the sequence of events as follows:
- move assembly to next scan line using the stepper motor
- pulse RGB LEDs *in succession*; duration based on AG settings
- each pulse falls on *one and the same* CCD array

Therefore, it appears impossible to have misaligned RGB channels. Is
the perceived misalignment only an optical illusion due to some other
(unknown to me) effect, or could this be a real problem?
The main difference,
even in the linear region, is the slope of the characteristic curve,
which is m. This cannot be corrected by exposure variation between the
channels, since in linear terms it is a power function, it thus requires
a change in gamma.

Yes, I understand the slope m can't essentially be corrected with
exposure. The "best" that can be done is to use exposure to place the
result "in the middle" of the slope, but that doesn't really correct
it, it just "pretends" to minimize its effects.

Lots of tests still to do (as always...) but my inclination (for now)
is to go back to linear scans as Positive but with AG adjustments -
assuming I can come up with a "generic" AG setting for KC (a task I
dread, and how all this began). Not a perfect one, nor one which
removes the cast, but an acceptable one, a lesser of all evils...

Since both the KC curve and the scanner curve are "soft" and I can
extract them with my "image comparison" tool, I can leave their
application for later i.e. combine them into a single "generic" curve
to be used as the first step once I start "subjective editing".
Hehe - I didn't. It just sort of happened through a long series of
coincidences, but that's another story. Suffice it to say that at no
time did I ever consider becoming an electro-optic imaging specialist
until I discovered that I was. ;-)

Which is the best way!!!

Don said:
Before I forget, looking at the *B&W* scans I noticed something
potentially very disturbing:

Flipping between individual RGB channels, they appear misaligned!?
Very slightly (sub-pixel) but noticeably. How can that be?

Isn't the sequence of events as follows:
- move assembly to next scan line using the stepper motor
- pulse RGB LEDs *in succession*; duration based on AG settings
- each pulse falls on *one and the same* CCD array

Therefore, it appears impossible to have misaligned RGB channels. Is
the perceived misalignment only an optical illusion due to some other
(unknown to me) effect, or could this be a real problem?
Well it isn't impossible - I can think of at least two mechanisms that
could cause such an effect - but it is unlikely.
Don said:
Can you give me a brief hint?
Well, the most obvious one is the problem that plagued the high speed
scan mode of the LS-8000, making it unusable for the scan speeds
advertised by Nikon: mechanical resonance. This meant that after each
step the scan head motion had not settled when the samples were taken.
On the LS-8000 this was most obvious because it used 3 linear CCDs each
exposed to the rgb LEDs and then stepping 3 line pitches, so the
instability gave rise to a type of banding. This could only be resolved
by activating the "precision scan" mode, which disabled two of the CCDs
and single stepped the scanner. A similar problem could result in the
rgb exposures being in slightly different positions, albeit by only
small fractions of a pixel. In fact, I would think it would be
impossible to achieve perfect alignment, since the scanner head will
always have some residual motion associated with it - even if just at
the atomic scale. The question is how significant the residual motion
is and if that accounts for the amount of misalignment that you see.

The other mechanism I am thinking of is more basic - how well aligned to
the optic axis are the LED sources. We know the Nikon is partially
collimated, but that does not necessarily mean that each colour is
collimated with the others, only that the rays within each colour are
all collimated - appearing to come from a single source at infinite
distance. A slight error in the position of the LEDs would cause the
rays of different colours to have an angular dispersion, which would
cause the image to appear at a different position on the CCD. I doubt
that there is any adjustment of the LED alignment during manufacture, it
simply would be designed to meet a tolerance. That will inevitably be
greater than zero and consequently some finite misalignment will be
present. Again, it is a question of how significant that is and whether
it accounts for the amount of misalignment you see.

One method of measuring how much misalignment is present might be
scanning a high resolution (beyond Nyquist) but optically resolvable bar
pattern and viewing the position of the aliased result (ie. the phase
error) in each colour. Knowing the original spatial frequency and the
sampling resolution would give the alias frequency and hence the shift
between the colours would allow the actual sub-pixel misalignment to be
calculated exactly. Making such a fine line structure to a known size
might be a problem, though I can probably get a chrome mask made at
work, although so I would prefer to find something that is readily
obtainable that could be used as a reference.

I initially thought of cutting out a segment from a blank recordable CD
- the ones that are usually packed at the top and bottom of a stack,
without the recordable layer on them. The track pitch on an 80minute CD
is about 1.5um, which works out at about 17,000 cycles per inch, which
is probably far too high for the optics to resolve. Something a little
coarser might be more easy to resolve, but I can't think of anything
readily available.

PS. Ever the dabbler, I have just tried the CD idea just for fun, daubed
with black ink on the grooved side and wiped to leave ink in the tracks
but not in the top surface. As expected, it was far to fine a pattern,
well beyond the optical resolution of the scanner, so that saves you the
trouble of trying it yourself. Something closer to a few thousand lppi
would be ideal. Any ideas?
A slight error in the position of the LEDs would cause the
rays of different colours to have an angular dispersion, which would
cause the image to appear at a different position on the CCD. I doubt
that there is any adjustment of the LED alignment during manufacture, it
simply would be designed to meet a tolerance. That will inevitably be
greater than zero and consequently some finite misalignment will be
present. Again, it is a question of how significant that is and whether
it accounts for the amount of misalignment you see.

I did briefly consider that the light source may be "off" but I didn't
realize that would cause a misaligned image on the CCD. I thought all
that would do is shine less light (because it's "pointing elsewhere")
or that the light would be more diffuse. In turn, I assumed this would
simply result in less light reaching the CCDs because the (single!)
lens (there is a lens, right?) would simply focus whatever residue
light it did receive. However, reviewing the histograms I couldn't see
any difference in individual channel intensities so that seemed OK.

I just performed a little test with my key-chain LED. Illuminating my
thumb in a darkened room projected its shadow on the wall. Moving the
LED, of course, moves the shadow but there is no lens to "collect" the
light and projected it in a predefined direction. I haven't got a lens
handy, so all this is speculation and probably terribly wrong... ;o)
PS. Ever the dabbler, I have just tried the CD idea just for fun, daubed
with black ink on the grooved side and wiped to leave ink in the tracks
but not in the top surface. As expected, it was far to fine a pattern,
well beyond the optical resolution of the scanner, so that saves you the
trouble of trying it yourself. Something closer to a few thousand lppi
would be ideal. Any ideas?

A commonly available bar structure of a known size in a couple of 1000
lpi range i.e., say, about 100 lines per mm, right?

Off the wall, but let's me try something: Google "100 lines per mm".
No, too many 2540 per inch references. OK, "200 lines per mm". Better,
but nothing really jumps out. Well, it was worth a try... ;o)

BTW, I reviewed some old messages and you did mention "slope" quite a
bit but the significance of that didn't really register until now.

While browsing I also noticed something else I forgot all about. I
think you went on a trip (Florida?) shortly after I asked, but I
wonder if this has anything to do with "misaligned" channels/LEDs?

--- start ---

I did some more analysis with a true 14-bit histogram and discovered
some new "anomalies". Here's a histogram of a linear gamma scan (first
256 bins, only):


It's notable that the green channel is OK, but the other two seem to
have a very tiny amount of gamma applied to them but in the opposite
directions!? Weird...

Here's the full histogram data as a CSV file:


Two questions:

1. Given a histogram (e.g. red and blue channels above) is it possible
to deduce the gamma applied? The idea is to apply the reverse and get
rid of "spikes" and "holes".

2. Could this possibly be caused by hardware? It seems very unlikely
as the artifacts have such a distinct gamma quality to them, but...

--- end ---

One other thing about this. When the channels clip (at any gamma!),
the blue and the green channels do so at bin 65535 (as they should!)
however red *always* clips at ~65520 (?) regardless of how much I
boost exposure, which is very weird.

Don said:
While browsing I also noticed something else I forgot all about. I
think you went on a trip (Florida?) shortly after I asked, but I
wonder if this has anything to do with "misaligned" channels/LEDs?
I don't think so, but it isn't impossible.
--- start ---

I did some more analysis with a true 14-bit histogram and discovered
some new "anomalies". Here's a histogram of a linear gamma scan (first
256 bins, only):


It's notable that the green channel is OK, but the other two seem to
have a very tiny amount of gamma applied to them but in the opposite
directions!? Weird...

Here's the full histogram data as a CSV file:


Two questions:

1. Given a histogram (e.g. red and blue channels above) is it possible
to deduce the gamma applied? The idea is to apply the reverse and get
rid of "spikes" and "holes".

2. Could this possibly be caused by hardware? It seems very unlikely
as the artifacts have such a distinct gamma quality to them, but...

--- end ---

One other thing about this. When the channels clip (at any gamma!),
the blue and the green channels do so at bin 65535 (as they should!)
however red *always* clips at ~65520 (?) regardless of how much I
boost exposure, which is very weird.
Remember, the ADC is 12/14/16 bits or whatever, but the data output by
the scanner isn't - even on a raw output.

The scanner outputs the data *after* calibration coefficients are
applied to correct for response and dark current.

Depending on what those corrections are, you could find the data
histogram to be rather strangely populated, and not at all uniform. The
output of the CCD drifts with temperature, as someone else pointed out.
So it is almost inevitable that the drift between calibration and data
capture will cause the corrected output to saturate at less than the
peak level.
One other thing about this. When the channels clip (at any gamma!),
Remember, the ADC is 12/14/16 bits or whatever, but the data output by
the scanner isn't - even on a raw output.

The scanner outputs the data *after* calibration coefficients are
applied to correct for response and dark current.

Depending on what those corrections are, you could find the data
histogram to be rather strangely populated, and not at all uniform. The
output of the CCD drifts with temperature, as someone else pointed out.
So it is almost inevitable that the drift between calibration and data
capture will cause the corrected output to saturate at less than the
peak level.

What puzzles me is that if it's calibration then it should drift,
right? However, all of the above has been very consistent. The red
clipping is always short of maximum while the other two channels never
are, but even more surprisingly, histograms are also identical. I mean
the gaps and the peaks are *in the same place* each time, and then
only in the red and blue channels, while green is always solid.

Anyway, not really important, but just another curiosity...

Don said:
What puzzles me is that if it's calibration then it should drift,
right? However, all of the above has been very consistent. The red
clipping is always short of maximum while the other two channels never
are, but even more surprisingly, histograms are also identical. I mean
the gaps and the peaks are *in the same place* each time, and then
only in the red and blue channels, while green is always solid.
So obviously the red channel output on your CCD isn't filling the ADC
range. They are independent devices and there is no reason why they
should match, although they will be designed, or adjusted, to be close.
So obviously the red channel output on your CCD isn't filling the ADC
range. They are independent devices and there is no reason why they
should match, although they will be designed, or adjusted, to be close.

As I say, it's no big deal (~15-20 clicks on the 16-bit scale) but it
just caught my eye... Do you notice anything similar on your LS4000
i.e. a channel being "short"?

BTW, did you know there is *no* LS-50 scanner profile!?

NS4 only installs LS2000, LS4000 & NS8000 profiles. I tried them all
but none of them made much difference (i.e. no improvement) to the
notorious KC cast. Back to the drawing board... :-(

I find myself in the same exasperated state I was in some 18 months
ago when I plunged for the LS-50 (after 18 months of equal
exasperation with the LS-30).

I don't know... If I had the money, that Minolta Elite II (white LED)
is starting to look better all the time! I remember Mike Engles (?),
who was also very particular about his KC scanning, writing a few
months ago that after he got Elite I (conventional light source) all
of his KC problems (i.e. the cast) disappeared.

I better go and get that Lotto ticket! ;o)
