You probably don't want to completely invert the curves, as that will
remove all of the tone reproduction properties of Kodachrome. What I
would do is tilt the curves to make them parallel. Varying the
exponent of a power curve will do this, which is a gamma adjustment.
At the same time you can adjust the overall gamma to reduce the extra
contrast in the film that is intended to compensate for a dark viewing
surround. Then scale the channels (levels adjustment) to make them
Yes, of course, to invert the curves literally would be equivalent to
turning the Kodachrome mode off. That's why I put "invert" in quotes
to indicate an attempt to make them linear.
However, the problem with this approach in general is that it relies
on post-processing, while my goal has been to scan raw and have this
raw scan either reflect what's on the film faithfully without
introducing artifacts (preferred option, but virtually impossible), or
failing that, at the very least extract maximum dynamic range (without
any further corruption of data) so when I do get down to proper
post-processing I have enough elbow room.
To put things in context, I've been at this, literally, for years...
Maybe they're using a lookup table. Depending on the shape of LUT, if
you change the exposure you end up indexing into the wrong part of
As I wrote recently in another thread, I have, indeed, extracted the
However, as can be seen there, it's a complex curve incorporating
apparently both the characteristic Kodachrome curve as well as some
processing which, sort of, gets me back to square one. Unraveling this
curve (in order to amplify it as a function of exposure) is just as
excruciating as applying a correction from scratch.
Not to mention, it gets me ever further from the raw scan (digital
negative) goal...
I don't really understand what you mean by "self-corrective, adaptive
An empirical method which (semi) automatically takes into account
*all* aspects of scanning and does so flexibly rather than, for
example, just dogmatically focusing on one and ignoring the rest.
Nikon's Kodachrome mode is a perfect example of this because it only
"corrects" for Kodachrome *if* and *when* the (absolute!) exposure is
0, blissfully ignoring the fact that for any non-0 exposure the
"correction" is totally inadequate. The further away the exposure is
from 0 the more useless IMHO the Nikon's Kodachrome "correction" is.
A "self-corrective, adaptive method" would not only correct for
Kodachrome but take into account different exposures (and everything
else...) by making the Kodachrome correction a *function* of exposure,
thereby maintaining the color balance and be immune to exposure.
Right now, each "Kodachrome mode" exposure has a different color
balance so, for example, combining multiple scans is impossible
without adjusting the color balance first. A "proper" Kodachrome
correction would *not* be dependent/predicated on any one single
exposure but automatically adapt to whatever the exposure may be.
Sure, all that can be corrected in post-processing, but that's not the
point if one tries to scan raw for archival purposes.
Another example would be setting the black point. A BP equivalent of
Nikon's Kodachrome mode would arbitrarily declare a place on the
histogram as the "black point", say 10, and then just apply this "BP"
blindly regardless of what the histogram really looks like. So, any
scan where the true black point is below would be clipped while any
scan where the true black point is above would be insufficient.
A self-corrective, adaptive method looks for the first non-zero value
and uses that as the black point instead of a fixed "dogmatic" point.
Again, you need to tilt the curves. All you're doing with the analog
gain is moving the curves up and down, changing the one point on the
grayscale at which the RGB densities are equal, while causing
divergence at other densities.
Which is precisely the problem! Using a linear setting (analog gain)
to correct a non-linear problem (Kodachrome bias) and at the same time
extract maximum (!) amount of raw data without "corrupting" it with
post-processing at such an early stage (the raw scan is intended to be
archived as a digital negative).
It's an impossible task which is why I've been agonizing trying to, at
the same time, minimize corruption and extract the most raw data. And
do that using objective criteria rather than subjective guesswork.
In general terms, the solution is to apply analog gain to emulate
Kodachrome compensation i.e. get the closest match to the
characteristic curve, and do so as a function of exposure to maintain
color balance as much as possible. The catch is finding an *objective*
method to achieve this *without* requiring the operator to make
subjective decision.
The end result will still require "fine tuning" in post-processing but
such adjustments are far less radical than the adjustments needed when
the blunt Nikon Kodachrome setting is used, not to mention "correcting
the Nikon's Kodachrome correction" is cumulative!